Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

A "Magnificent Catastrophe"
– Unfortunately, the presidential election of 1800 happened. … This made a hash of the Framers' plan for electing presidents without having vice presidential candidates. … presidential candidates have lost in every election since 1964 -- white males.…
Michigan And Florida Deserve Do-Overs
– Despite their apostasy in holding early primaries in defiance of the powers that be in the Democratic National Committee (DNC), Michigan … has the Democratic primary drawing substantially more votes. … They did so on the urging of the presidential candidates who were outdoing one another in currying favor with the voters of these states…
Mr. Smiley
– Clinton's trying to weasel her way into the White House by demanding that the Democratic Party drop its own rules and allow primary … Other cubicle conversations concur how wimpy Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean is to kowtow to the New York senator's … Democratic Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton are pro-choice, and Republican Sen. John McCain is pro-life.…
The Al Gore caucus?
– Probably not as a peace-maker between the two candidates beforehand, despite his Nobel Peace Prize. … His former campaign manager, Donna Brazile, says not now, too "premature for him to inject himself into the presidential fray." … This exercise in democracy just might make the Democratic Party a more perfect union, when all was said and done.…
Term limits and presidential politics
– Or, I should say, America has been long blessed with limited presidential terms. … This rigs the whole presidential campaign, from the get-go. … That’s why we get stuck with sitting or very recent House members, senators, and state governors as presidential candidates.…
Dems Attack McCain's '100 Years'
– But this favorite talking point of the two Democrats presidential candidates is bogus. … Whomever the Democratic nominee, the party pins their hopes on "100 years." They think it will resonate.…
The 2008 Campaign Mess
– But very few take it to this extreme, and none of those few would we remotely consider to be presidential material. … Doesn't America have a right to know whether the leading Democratic presidential contender buys into the reputed theology of the church … These disqualifying attributes of both Democratic candidates would ordinarily be enough to motivate and energize conservatives to new…
Political 'Favoritism' in the Race for Prez
– WASHINGTON -- How much voters really like or dislike a presidential candidate, a quantity known in the polling business as … Among all of the major candidates in her party, she has consistently been the least likeable -- usually by a wide margin. … Remarkably, he gets a 52 percent favorable response from Democratic voters and leaners.…
A Gore/Obama Dream, or Nightmare?,_or_nightmare
– Obama ticket -- speculating about what might happen if desperate superdelegates decided they should "draft" Al Gore for another presidentialcandidates, so what do they do?  … Yet Klein seems to think it would be just fine for a bunch of Democratic grandees (the superdelegates) to snatch the prize away from…
McCain's Payroll Prize
– Bush abandoned his reform under withering Democratic fire. … The late Democratic Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan was a voice in the wilderness calling for reductions. … When economic advisers of the presidential candidates gave their formulas for "turning the economy" around on the Washington Post op-ed…
Educational Needs and the Presidential Campaign
– Throughout this prolonged presidential campaign the three main candidates - Senators John S. … One of the issues the candidates have not discussed is education. … All three candidates fail to address properly the problems in American education.…
McCain: 'I Hate War'
– and criticized his Democratic opponents in a major foreign policy address Wednesday. … “Those who argue for it [withdrawal], as both Democratic candidates do, are arguing for a course that would eventually draw us into … McCain’s Democratic opponents have used these remarks to paint him as a war monger.…
Divided Dems, Steady McCain Give GOP Hope,_steady_mccain_give_gop_hope
– Democrats' House and Senate campaign committees are outraising the GOP, and generic election polls find that Americans will vote Democratic … Worse, both candidates have seen their credibility tarnished on several fronts: -- Obama's admission that he had attended Rev. … Swing voters, especially independents, are closely examining the two bickering Democratic candidates and don't like what they see.…
Resolving the Contradictions in the National Mood
– “Change” is the most important single word in the presidential campaign at the same time that most people like their lives just as … Though presidential elections theoretically inspire “hope” (another big word along the campaign trail) with the possibility of fresh … Bush is controversial: he actually draws a much higher approval rating than the Democratic leaders of Congress.…
Bipartisan Primary Blues
– Leaders of the Democratic Party and much of the media are wringing their hands over what to do about Democratic voters in Florida … It is questionable whether any of the three candidates still viable in the Republican or Democratic Parties would have been chosen … Back in 1944, the Democratic Party's leaders, knowing that President Franklin D.…
Republicans should focus on the right, not Wright,_not_wright
– And what have Republicans gained by so enthusiastically jumping into the Democratic-primary fray? … for the Democratic presidential nomination. … Last summer, the Democratic presidential candidates debated at Howard University.…
Presidential 'Race' Begins to Matter
– But in an unexpected turn of events, the Democratic candidates are on the defensive, and McCain is leading them in the latest Reuters … Meanwhile, the bickering between the two Democratic candidates over Florida and Michigan, which have been stripped of their convention … presidential campaign continues.…
Government by Cliche
– This year’s Democratic presidential candidates seem poised to repeat the mistakes of the past.…
The Republican Party and the "Christian Right:" Let's Be Honest, Folks…ublican_party_and_the_christian_right__lets_be_honest,_folks
– But just as the struggle between Obama and the Clintons is re-shaping the Democratic Party (and exposing some of its “dirty laundry … that, while he cannot vote for Obama or Clinton, he can’t vote for McCain either - - so this year, he just won’t vote in the presidential … social conservative leaders, theology and church affiliation are more important in the selection of a President tham are the candidates
2008 GOP down ballots - The year of limited opportunities
candidates … to unify as soon as possible,” says American University’s Brian Schaffner. … American politics is in uncharted territory; coattails of presidential candidates used to matter -- a lot. … Just ask former Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chair Rahm Emanuel.…
Obama Exposed As Mere Mortal As Hillary Fights On
– Mostly though, I was just really afraid of presidential candidate Barack Obama. … I am no longer convinced that Hillary is necessarily the weaker of the two Democratic candidates. … But for today, the sun is brightly shining in GOP Presidential campaign world.…
LOL! (Laugh-Out-Loud)!_laugh-out-loud
– All three presidential candidates will make taped appearances on this evening's American Idol "Idol Gives Back" spectacular on Fox, … presidential primary, which is just short of getting bloody? … We've got three candidates, one of whom will be our next president, beating each other up on an almost daily basis."…
The Dead Speak
– Cambodia not only got a new name (Democratic Kampuchea) but a new calendar, beginning with the Year Zero. … The leading Democratic presidential candidates speak glibly of pulling out of that country as if there would be no ill effects.…
On Charlton Heston, Kirk Douglas and Aging Well,_kirk_douglas_and_aging_well
– I might not agree with Kirk about his Democratic preferences and positions, but I highly respect the man for his stamina, career and … As one news report conveyed, "With age, he grew more conservative and campaigned for conservative candidates. ... … In 2003, he was suitably awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest civilian honor.…
Civil Tongues
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama has said similar things about jettisoning the polarization of the past and talking … When the going gets tough, will one or both candidates be forced to launch verbal missiles? … It is critically important that the public engage the candidates - and the candidates each other - in a debate about how to fight…
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