Results for: agenda 47

Video Games and Bullying
– Fifty percent of the students surveyed admitted that they had bullied others, and 47 percent said they had been the victims of bullying … rallied around the issue of bullying as a means to promote gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender youths and, more so, the gay-rights agenda
Senate defeats attempt to defund Planned Parenthood
– Following the same pattern, the Senate defeated in a 53-47 roll call an effort to eliminate funds for last year's health-care reform … The 53-47 vote against the proposal to rescind funds for the health-care law was along party lines. … maneuvering accomplished was to show that the House leadership is willing to sacrifice women's health to advance a narrow ideological agenda
Obama's Speech Solves Nothing
– The Gallup Poll reports that 55 percent of Americans say "he is doing a poor job of making America prosperous," and, by 47 percent … There is rebellion in his party's left-wing electoral base, which feels that he has betrayed the liberal agenda he ran on in 2008.…
Obama’s Halloween Trick
– The regulation seeks to reduce carbon emissions from power plants by forcing states to embrace the President’s radical energy agenda … But in the final version, the mandate shot up to 47 percent. … After this crushing defeat for Obama’s radical energy agenda, the EPA mysteriously and suddenly found new authority to issue a regulation…
President Obama Apologizes to President Bush
– By contrast, 47 percent support my actions in Libya, less support than for any military action taken in the last 40 years. … Now I understand why, in 2008, you signed National Security Presidential Directive-58, Advancing the Freedom Agenda: "To protect America … Your Freedom Agenda ignited the promising, historic "hope and change" we are now witnessing all throughout the Arab and Muslim world…
America Now a “Pro-Life” Nation
– Also of political interest is that Independents are now on the “pro-life” side of the ledger, 47 percent identifying as “pro-life” … Those who insist that social, moral issues constitute an agenda separate and apart from economic issues should consider why socialist…
All Us "Citizens of the World"
– Human Rights Council, whose 47 members include such tyrannies as Saudi Arabia, Libya, Cuba and China." … As a UN official once put it in connection with the need to regulate small arms - another transie agenda item now endorsed by Team … assorted transnationalists will be even more aggressively working to subject our human rights to the caprice and dictates of their agenda
2010 Race of the Day UPDATE: Loretta Sanchez' Vulnerability
– error of Sanchez and non-partisan political handicapper Charlie Cook moving the race from “Likely D” to “Lean D” over the summer, CA-47 … Vulnerability This November, frustrated California voters will have an opportunity to put an end to the Loretta Sanchez-Nancy Pelosi agenda
Race to 2010: Entering the Home Stretch
– .” - Rothenberg Political Report ·          “Republicans have a good chance to win the House by picking up as many as 47 seats, net … Sabato Now, Democrats are on the defensive and running away from their records, their Speaker, their party and the reckless agenda … you have been reading about on a daily basis, who are now being vilified by the radical left for standing up against the reckless agenda
Big Pickups Predicted For GOP in Midterms
– McMahon, attacking Blumenthal's blind support for Obama's entire agenda, has turned the race into a squeaker and the Cook Political … Paul Hodes, 47 percent to 43 percent. A Rasmussen poll showed her with a seven-point lead.…
2010 Race of the Day UPDATE: Dina Titus Out of Touch in Nevada
– Dina Titus rode the Democrat wave to victory in 2008, narrowly defeating Republican Jon Porter with just 47 percent of the vote. … Despite having an unemployment rate of 13.7, Titus has continued to cast ‘Yes’ votes for her party’s job-killing agenda.…
Babylon on the Potomac
– seeks to rationalize the health care system with a profusion of new boards, offices, agencies and commissions -- estimates vary from 47 … Having not achieved their entire State of the Union agenda in a two-year rush, progressives blame structural forces or Senate procedures…
Obama's Re-Election
– is no such thing as an Obama Republican in the House or Senate for him to co-opt if he continues to pursue his Liberal, elitist agenda … Nevertheless, with 46 or 47 Republicans in the Senate, he might well be able to make the case that between the overwhelming Republican…
'Just Say No!' Pays Off!_pays_off
– In 1966, Republicans picked up 47 House seats to set up the comeback of Nixon, who had led the party out of the wilderness of Goldwater's … Republicans are, almost everywhere, the only alternative on the ballot, and because they are seen correctly as having opposed the Obama agenda
Palin Loyalty Tough to Beat in a GOP Primary Race
– Yet when Republicans were asked the same question, fewer than half (47%) said she was indeed qualified, while 46% said she was not. … Palin conducts herself in the months to come, challenging the President’s agenda while holding Republicans’ feet to the fire of her…
Even With Tax Compromise, Obama Won't Change,_obama_wont_change
– Republicans had pushed both tax proposals this year in their Pledge To America election agenda. … A Gallup Poll released Monday gave Bush a slightly higher approval rating (47 percent) that was one point higher than Obama's job approval…
Should Michael Steele Stay as RNC Chairman?
– In a match up against Mitt Romney, 47% picked Obama versus 40% for Romney. … black and Hispanic voters, the issue isn’t the ethnicity of the party chairman, but the clarity of the relevance of the party’s agenda
Senate to hold critical DADT vote Sat.
– the Armed Forces who are engaged in fighting two wars should not be distracted by Congress using them to advance a liberal social agenda … Members of the Senate should refuse to become accomplices in helping Harry Reid advance his agenda over the American people's agenda … Among those in the Marine combat arms and Army combat arms, 57 percent and 47 percent, respectively, said having an openly homosexual…
Obamacare Stands in the Way of Growth
– "Will firms with, say, 47 workers eagerly expand beyond 50 if that imposes all the extra costs? … House Republicans, who made repeal and reform of the health care law a major plank in their campaign agenda, will bring Obama's plan…
'Washington Is Broken' Will Be Democrats' Tagline
– Democrats and their partisans in the press complained about Washington being broken only at those times when their agenda was imperiled … On the other side, Republicans, with 47 votes, will no longer have to achieve perfect unity to sustain a filibuster and stop objectionable…
Schooling Matt Damon
– This is why the Save Our Schools agenda championed by Damon calls for less curricular emphasis on math and reading -- and more focus … In 10 years, only about 47 out of 100,000 teachers were actually terminated from New Jersey's schools."…
Obama Smuggling Guns and Registering Yours
– guise of stopping illegal contraband and fighting drug cartels, the White House in reality is further imposing its gun control agenda … Two AK-47 semiautomatic rifles found at the scene were traced directly to the Fast and Furious sting.As far as the Obama administration's…
10 Reasons Mitt Will Win
– Romney's message and agenda appeal to all Americans, not just certain groups, and tell them they are not imprisoned in their current … believing that Obama's terrible jobs numbers and foreign policy week from hell were positive or that Romney's relatively innocuous 47
Romney May Be the End of the Line for the Republican Establishment…_may_be_the_end_of_the_line_for_the_republican_establishment
– Mitt Romney's comments about 47 percent of Americans being dependent on government and locked in to vote for President Obama highlight … That's a handy rationalization for those who want to ignore the voters and impose their own agenda.…
Distractions and Diversions
– He was also right when he suggested that "...47 percent of the people ... will vote for the president no matter what" and that they … What they refused to do was give in to big government and his tax-and-spend agenda.…
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