Results for: is the us at war with iran

Rand Paul vs Marco Rubio
– There is a cold war brewing in the Republican Party over the utility of our security measures and how conservatives should approach … to say that Obama’s bungling has left us with “a divided Syria, with a pro-Iran dictator in control of part of the country, and radical … At a foreign policy speech at the Heritage Foundation, he rejected isolationism and said that military intervention is a legitimate…
MOVIES: A look at this year's Oscar nominations
– I'm at peace knowing where my dad is and that he was excited about getting to Heaven. … Assessing the state of the world as reported on the nightly news, one character responds in disgust: "John Wayne is in the ground six … A long, sometimes nonlinear film, Zero Dark Thirty is a magnificent production that realizes the darkness that surrounds us.…
Hagel and Defense
– There is nothing wrong with criticizing the policies of any Israeli government. Israelis likely do this more than foreigners. … the United States' direct discussions with Iran." … Bush also urged the pursuit of "direct, unconditional and comprehensive talks" with Iran.…
Obama Sending Wrong Signal to Our Enemies
– WASHINGTON - President Obama's is putting together a new national security team at the Pentagon and the CIA that is said to be designed … "The declaration from Hagel that he is not 'the senator from Israel' is again a direct attack on Jews' fidelity to the United States … But with al Qaeda affiliates and cells sprouting across North Africa, the Middle East and elsewhere, is that the signal we want to…
The Internet is Eating our Brains.
Is it time to start the party yet? … me of Kissinger's view of the Iran-Iraq War: It's a shame they both can't lose. … , and then intolerable.Who is it that pushes so hard, stands to gain so much from, making us just like the rest of the socialist modern…
Chuck Hagel: A Man to Watch -- Carefully
– Hagel's qualifications to head the Defense Department begin with his war record, for he served bravely and honorably in Vietnam, being … with the 101st Airborne Division. … The question at this point isn't whether Mr.…
The Hagel Pick Telegraphs Weakness
– It is Iran that backs Hezbollah in Lebanon. We haven’t heard much about the Cedar Revolution in that war-torn country. … The Germans, then at war with Britain, complained that their enemies had cut their Atlantic cable and were intercepting their radio … (California was reserved for the deal Zimmermann planned to offer Japan to enter the war against us.)…
Rubbing Our Noses in His Victory and Radicalism
– He got away with that, so why not try the same thing with guns? … Environmental Protection Agency is at war with conventional energy producers and is using its unchecked regulatory power as a weapon … He calls Jerusalem "Al-Quds," its Arabic name.Obama may not believe we're at war with terrorists, but he's firmly at war with Republicans…
Is Hagel out of the Mainstream?
– Those were the days of bipartisan votes for war, of "either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists," of our goal being "to … If the amigos believe that intervening in Syria and war with Iran are essential to the national security, they should continue to say … with Anwar Sadat and Hafez Assad, who had launched the war?…
Ferocious, Weak and Crazy: The North Korean Strategy
– go to war at the slightest provocation. … Iran is the best pupil. … It is a sound strategy, and for North Korea and Iran, for the time being at least, it has worked.    …
A Call to Conscience
– In the world of Barack Obama, George Clooney, Bob Schieffer and those like them, it is the folks at Planned Parenthood and the Human … There is a war on for the soul of America, and the growing perception is that it's the Christian remnants who are wearing the black … So the question to Christians across the country is, are we willing to speak up?…
Clouds Over Obama's Second Term
The hopeful news is that, after four years, the U.S. economy appears to be recovering. … With its massive creation of money, the Federal Reserve is taking an immense risk that as recovery takes root, inflation may explode … But it is abroad where the problems and perils seem imminent. Iraq is drifting toward sectarian-civil-ethnic war.…
Iran Rejects Biden's Offer for Direct Talks
– In a meeting with air force commanders, Khamenei said, "You (i.e., the US) take up arms against the nation of Iran and say: 'negotiate … During a press conference in Egypt, Iranian President Ahmadi-Nejad also said that Iran cannot hold meaningful talks with the US about … the nuclear program if Washington is threatening his country Comment: Khamenei is the top decision maker in Iran and is the person…
North Korea Promises More than A Nuclear Test
– Other South Korean experts judge that 12 February is the most probable date because that is the date the US President will deliver … The timing of the past two tests had nothing to do with the US observances. … The range of provocative actions is too large and the North's interpretation of what might impress the US is too distorted for an educated…
North Korean Nuclear Test is Imminent
the UN and the US. … Indoctrination is part of the North Korean way of life, which involves daily formal and informal instruction of the party leaders at … It is now in the hands of the regime."…
The Wrong Man for Defense Secretary
– "reciprocal presidential directives" (Obama is a specialist at issuing unilateral directives).Here are a couple of the really silly … It is a big backer of the Connect U.S. … a time when North Korea is threatening our allies with nuclear capabilities, and Iran continues to pursue a nuclear weapon and the
A Popular Secretary of State, Not a Great One
– "I think that when we look at the outstanding secretaries of state in our history of our country you will be right up there at the … of state who is now a vice president at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, "she hasn't really left a mark." … Ditto US policy toward Iran, which continues its pursuit of the bomb.…
Mr. President: Chuck Hagel!
– He did not—as he had just testified under oath—support the president’s containment policy toward an Iran with nuclear weapons. … The Pentagon is a huge bureaucracy. … The first duty of the President of the United States is to safeguard the American people and our Constitution.…
The Consequences of Intervening in Syria
– It is not unusual for Syrian fighters to say something akin to, "What has the West done for us? We now have only God." … The Saudi Gambit Despite the jihadist blowback the Saudis experienced after the end of the war against the Soviets in Afghanistan … The Consequences of Intervening in Syria is republished with permission of Stratfor.…
Arms Race in Korea
the peninsula, in other words, to hold the populations of South Korea, Japan and lately Guam or possibly part of the western US at … "The main purpose of the nuclear test this time is to show our army and people's surging indignation at the United States' brigandish … The Foreign Ministry said in the statement that it is the firm stand of the Chinese side to bring about denuclearization of the Korean…
5 Things Americans Shouldn't Take for Granted
– Imagine a couple of very plausible scenarios occurring at the same time — perhaps a war between Israel and Iran along with a civil … Flintstones. 2) We shouldn't take our republic for granted: At a venerable 237 years old age, the United States is the world's … Today, that number is at $27,554.…
Where is the Left's Uproar Over Obama's Secret Warmongering Drone Policy?…uproar-over-obamas-secret-warmongering-drone-policy-n1509463
– Yet Obama no longer uses the phrase “war on terror.” Is there an indefinite war that began with 9/11 or not? … Congress is granted the power by the U.S. Constitution to declare war. … The threat is real. We need to be firm — and I’m fine with the use of drones.…
Congressional Hearings Show Obama Treading Dangerous Global Path…hearings-show-obama-treading-dangerous-global-path-n1508660
– This is a vivid contrast with those photos we've seen of the president and his leading advisers watching the video of the attack on … Most incoming secretaries of defense in the last 40 years have had extensive experience in the Pentagon, at the White House or on the … Michael Barone, senior political analyst for The Washington Examiner (, is a resident fellow at the American…
The Sanctions Paradox
– Two points are vital to understanding the sanctions being imposed on Iran: They are unlikely to succeed — if success is defined as … Let us count the ways. 1. … The ongoing debate over sanctions usefully focuses public attention on the fact that Iran is ruled by a uniquely dangerous and oppressive…
Cut Commitments, Not Muscle
The Cold War is over. The Soviet Union is gone. … Before we decide what our defense forces should be, let us determine what is in the U.S. vital interest to defend at risk of war. … crowd that plunged us into Iraq and is bawling for intervention in Syria and war on Iran.…
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