Results for: sign up to vote

McCarthy's Biggest Test As Speaker Heats Up
to the table. … he's ready to talk and see where common ground can be found to avert a default while keeping the United States from ending up right … , compared to Biden's refusal to negotiate or even talk with lawmakers about what he would be willing to sign as part of a debt limit…
Here's What the NYT Found Scandalous About What the MT GOP Did to a Transgender State Rep…bout-what-the-mt-gop-did-to-a-transgender-state-rep-n2622262
to ban gender-affirming medical care for transgender minors, but he suggested changes to make it clear that public funds could not … tantamount to torture.”  … It was unclear if they planned to take up the matter on Friday.  […]  On the State House floor on Tuesday, Ms.…
Manchin Whines Over a 'Scam' He Sent to Biden's Desk
to 43% below 2005 levels by 2030. … As a reminder, Manchin was the final vote needed for the Inflation Reduction Act to pass and make it to President Joe Biden's desk … Joe Manchin (D-WV) the sole pen he used to sign the Inflation Reduction Act. — The Recount (@therecount)…
The Only Way to Make America Pro-Life
To quote again from the Daily Wire, “Studies suggest single women vote Democrat more often than married women because they depend on … As stated in a quote attributed to Francis Schaeffer, “Every abortion clinic should have a sign in front of it saying, ‘Open by the … I expect and hope that just as many Americans are waking up to the insanity of extreme transgender activism, in particular the chemical…
Prediction Time: What's Going to Happen Tomorrow?
– For the GOP to be ahead this time around is a positive sign for them, obviously --  but a lead in the low single digits isn't reflective … I'll leave you with this, plus a good benchmark for how the evening might start to shape up: This remains the key chart for how big … GOP House gains will be: Biden vote share by the number of districts with that vote share.…
WATCH: Lee Zeldin Supporter Choked by Kathy Hochul Supporter Outside Dem Rally
– shore up LGBTQ support in the days before the gubernatorial election." … Hudson did not immediately respond to The Post’s request for comment. … also undermine Democrats' empty virtue-signaling calls to unite against those who turn to violence over political disagreements. …
A Call to Action to All Patriots
– Here is what you can and must do: VOTE! If you have to walk to your polling place, walk. … But do not squander your hard-earned right to vote for who you want to send to represent you. … enough to warrant your vote.…
Trump Was Always the Result of the Conservative Populist Coalition, Not the Cause…f-the-conservative-populist-coalition-not-the-cause-n2616242
– At that point, no one else had stepped up to fill the void. And so, the flag bore the Trump name. … He was never the cause; they were already there, just waiting for the right person to speak up for them. He was the result. … to the ideals he had run on.…
So, Biden Botched the Railroad Union Deal
– Engineers and Trainmen voted to ratify the deal.  … As Vespa explained in September, the issue centered around twelve unions, two of which refused to sign onto a new labor agreement unless … power to intervene in rail strikes to force a contract or block a strike from taking effect. …
Censorship and History
– Elon Musk did a “democratic” thing and let the people on Twitter have a vote. It was 51.8% for Mr. Trump to 48.2% against him. … Almost half voted to deny a right to an American that they themselves enjoy and would probably explode if it were forbidden to them … When Democrats in America die, they don’t go to heaven; they go to China. That’s their dream.…
A House Popular Vote Majority Produced Few Seats but Is a Good Sign for Republicans in 2024…ew-seats-but-is-a-good-sign-for-republicans-in-2024-n2616087
– That 51% to 47% margin is identical to Joe Biden's and Barack Obama's popular vote margins in 2020 and 2012, respectively. … The big contrast is with 2012, when Democrats carried the House popular vote 49% to 48% but won only 201 seats to the Republicans' … In 2012, Democrats' popular vote edge owed much to heavy Black voter turnout to reelect the first Black president.…
House Republicans Must Implement Key Changes to Show They are Serious About Changing the DC Status Quo…w-they-are-serious-about-changing-the-dc-status-quo-n2616779
– Are voters really supposed to trust a Republican majority that refuses to take the even simplest, common sense actions to reign in … To further advance transparency, it’s affirmative that legislation that is called to a vote must be made available to members well … read, debate, and consider bills before moving them to the House floor for a final vote.…
The Case Against Everyone Else 2024 – Part 2
– – refused to divide up his tiny state such that a Republican might have a chance of winning one of its House seats. … Gee, sign me up. This guy should just stay out in maple syrup land and leave the conserving to the conservatives. … don't hate her sufficiently to get her past, say, 2% of the vote.…
Woke Tales II: SF Fires its Popular, Competent Elections Administrator. Can You Guess Why?…competent-elections-administrator-can-you-guess-why-n2616406
– By a vote of 4-2 after a lengthy Wednesday closed-session meeting, the commission opted to not re-up Arntz for the position he has … I suppose this is what you sign up for when you live in certain parts of the country. … -- across all races -- by chalking it up to the successful "propaganda" of "white supremacy."  …
Woke Tales: DC Council Grants Illegal Immigrants Voting Rights, Reduces Penalties for Violent Crimes…voting-rights-reduces-penalties-for-violent-crimes-n2616403
– Let's flash forward to today's DC city council and see what they've been up to lately: The Washington, D.C., city council on Tuesday … the mayor, despite being a lefty Democrat, has indicated she's not inclined to sign it.   … From illegal immigrants to foreign diplomatic personnel from hostile countries, everyone can vote in DC.…
Senate Passage of Short-Term Funding Bill Has Republican Objectors Too…hort-term-funding-bill-has-republican-objectors-too-n2617228
– The continuing resolution (CR) is meant to give lawmakers more time to argue over the details before they have to pass a spending bill … We can’t afford to continue to spend the way the Democrats have. The future generation cannot afford it as well.” … The CR now heads to President Joe Biden's desk to sign. …
Conceived in Liberty: Economic Greatness in the Founding of America…berty-economic-greatness-in-the-founding-of-america-n2617018
– Even though Washington did not sign the Declaration of Independence, it was up to him to implement it, provide the opportunity for … Amendments eliminating slavery and giving women the right to vote are examples of the “living” nature and often “self-correcting mechanism … According to the U.S.…
Hey Antifa, Who Are the Real Fascists?
– It is quite interesting to look up the several sources of the definition of fascism. … know, like flooding a country with illegals and allowing them to vote), political and cultural liberalism (post-modern, not classical … Recently, I spoke at the University of Iowa for the Young America's Foundation (YAF) and a young protester held up a sign that said…
How to Make Republicans and Others Ditch Ukraine
– them to shut up and reach for their wallets. … The desired end state we are seeking seems pretty important, and We The People would like a chance to sign off on it. … Look, you need to keep up the fight by joining Townhall VIP right now.…
GOP Senator: Why I'm Getting the Hell Outta Here
– Politico had a thorough write-up of Braun’s mindset, which led him to say ‘sayonara’ to the Beltway, though he has vowed to remain … The Indiana Republican on Monday became the first sitting senator in seven years to seek a governorship, giving up a safely red seat … The legal fight the Trump team put up in challenging these results ranged from embarrassing to outright incompetent.…
The Mandate for 2023 and the 118th Congress
– The pre-Christmas vote by the U.S. … Perhaps the easiest to understand operation to influence election outcomes was revealed by FBI actions in October 2020, nine months … The DHS was deeply involved in censorship leading up to the 2020 election in creating a public-private consortium known as the Election…
The Republicans’ Mitch McConnell Problem
– Who the hell voted for a Republican to go to Washington and sign onto a Democrat gun control law? … Why bother to vote for Republicans when they feel free to vote with Democrats because McConnell won’t (or worse, can’t) stop them? … It’s time for him to step back and find someone not named Cornyn to step up.…
What Matt Gaetz Reportedly Said After the 14th Ballot Was Music to McCarthy’s Ears…gh-on-the-15th-ballot-because-on-one-man-matt-gaetz-n2618012
– Matt Gaetz (R-FL) was among the last to cast his vote. He also was a 'present' vote, which wasn’t enough for McCarthy to win. … Mike Rogers (R-AL) walked up to the Florida Republican, having to be physically dragged away. … The California Republican needed Gaetz's support or one more person to vote 'present.'…
Part 4: What's Jail Like for Two Accused Child Rapists?
– "All I can say is, umm, I don't want to say it, but brace yourself for the truth," a choked-up William weeped. "Okay? … "Just try to keep him sane." "Doing my best to keep my hope[s] up," William messaged. … Foster, the judge presiding over the Zulock case, sign off on orders granting limited immunity to William and Zachary to testify against…
Republicans: There Is Too Much at Stake to Go Back to Square One…there-is-too-much-at-stake-to-go-back-to-square-one-n2618342
– As a suburban mom in Michigan, I got involved with my local party because I wanted to stand up for conservative values in my community … And when it’s time to hit the ground ahead of Election Day, I roll up my sleeves, travel to as many states as possible, and dive in … That’s why I’ve established an advisory committee to continue to find innovative ways to harness the youth vote, grow our small dollar…
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