Results for: is the us at war with iran

The Calendar, Body Count and Brinksmanship: The Syrian Death Match Accelerates
The Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) has been at war with Turkey since the early 1980s. … Early on, the Assad regime concluded it is locked in a kill or be killed war with Syria's fragmented but numerous rebel groups. … To an Alawite, the war is about preventing a genocide -- his clan's own genocide.…
Lessons of the Battle of Benghazi
– Now that the election is behind us, perhaps we can put politics aside and acknowledge a hard fact: On September 11, 2012, America was … “The terrorists were at war with us,” she said, “but we were not yet at war with them.” … , al-Qaeda is playing an increasingly significant role in the civil war; in Yemen, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is far from beaten…
Groundhog Day in America
– There is still a Democratic president, and an almost identically Democratic Senate at war with an identically Republican House, in … And the 47 percent were at the mercy of the grasping 1 percent. … Nearly three years after the bill's passage, the public is still not happy with even the idea of it.…
Time To Unleash the American Spirit
– It's a nation of people who share powerful ideas and a place where each of us is blessed with the opportunity to succeed on our merits … Our hardships have been etched into our national soul -- the American Revolution, the Civil War, the Great Depression, Pearl Harbor … who have the honesty and moral character to make decisions with full consideration for the greater good of the people and the future…
Is Middle East Peace a Mirage?
With the truce in the week-long Gaza war, Barack Obama is being prompted by right and left to re-engage and renew U.S. efforts to solve … Israel is as isolated as she has been in a region that is more hostile to her presence than perhaps at any time since the war of '48 … Which is their call. But what of us? What do we have to show for decades of involvement in the Middle East?…
Burma Makes Nuclear Announcement
– Comment:  This is not the durable peace that US officials say is the objective.   … As for the US, the Israeli tail wagged the US dog and the US responded with political backing and promises of more military aid. … Egypt is at a crossroads between cooperating with the US to receive essential US military and economic assistance and following the
– As a result, it is not just the Islamists of Gaza who think they can act with impunity against America's only enduring ally in theThe prospects for, at a minimum, a terrible regional war are further increased by the last element of the Obama Doctrine: the diminishing … Such an effect is particularly evident with respect to the wrecking operation the administration is pursuing with respect to the U.S…
North Korea to Test Multi-Stage Rocket
The North acts as if it is pursuing a scientific research program, rather than a provocation that risks war. … in successive battles that ended the Eight Years War against Iran. … The US, Saddam's ally at the time, said nothing. That was then; this is now, as Winston Churchill famously said.…
Benghazi Denial Syndrome: Clinical or Cynical
– Yet, with a few proud exceptions, there is no press among Old Media to get to the truth. … In the remake, Egypt, Libya, and Syria played the role of Iran. … *Bush and Rice got the intelligence wrong, and/or lied us into war? What a corrupt, trite phrase “lied into waris.…
Gaza, Catalonia and Romantic Nationalism
– That is not a trivial evolution because in such matters the trajectory, rather than the credibility at any one moment, is most important … The issue in Europe is who is going to bear the burden of austerity that the European political and economic system is imposing. … It is all inconceivable now. But European history is the history of the inconceivable.…
Syria Rebels Cut Off Airport
– A key question is who is providing the training. That is almost certainly US special forces. … The US is involved in the fight, probably with special forces inside advising selected rebel groups. … The US diplomats failed to persuade US allies to vote with the US. It is a setback for Israel's negotiating position.…
The Emotions of People
– "- Stanley Kubrick I had a chance to see the Stanley Kubrick and Caravaggio exhibits at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art over the … Of course, removing these freedoms isn't easy and has to be done with combination of finesse and muscle.Case and point is the action … Cooler Heads Ultimately PrevailThere is no straight line to a path of glory and maybe this is the fork in the road where America gets…
Holy Land Conflict: No Peace Among Wolves
– Indeed, how does one peacefully co-exist with those whose singular obsession is that one should not exist at all? … A nuclear-armed Iran is perhaps months away. … Yet it is the Arab authorities who bathe in the blood of innocents.…
The Winter of Conservative Discontent
– When the Liberal Establishment collapsed during the 1960s, unable to end the war in Vietnam or the war in the streets, national leadership … The GOP trump card -- we are the party of Reagan, who led us to victory in the Cold War -- ceased to work 20 years ago. … But the faith of our fathers is dying, the family is crumbling, and work is less desirable when the social welfare state offers a cushioned…
True Drone Lies
The Pentagon played down the capture and President Obama asked Iran to return the drone. … Iran also said it was building a duplicate drone since the Sentinel was almost entirely intact at the time of capture. … If we seriously want to negotiate with Iran and avoid an unnecessary war, we must reevaluate our constant snooping with bug-prone drones…
Islamology 101
– And those at the highest levels of the U.S. government refuse to do so. Why? … war against the West are doing so in the name of a “holy cause.” … We ignore what they are doing — and what Tibi is telling usat great peril.…
Defending the World, Bankrupting Ourselves
The Kabul government is fragile; our gains might be reversed; the Afghan military is not ready to stand on its own. … be justified as a counterweight to the Soviet Union, but the Cold War is ancient history. … In Germany, the figure is 1.3 percent.…
Once There Were Giants
– And he towered above us all with his incredible gallantry and heroism in the Second World War. … and then the terrible pact with the Devil in 1854 that prefaced and presaged The War), once a geographical line had been drawn across … most decorated outfit in the war that was now suddenly upon us in all its fury?…
North Korea's Wakeup Call
– not only vital to save lives, but it's the best deterrent to war and attack. … We now know that Ronald Reagan won the Cold War at Reykjavik without firing a shot (as Margaret Thatcher famously said) when Reagan … The Nixon-Ford-Kissinger strategy for holding the giant Soviet missile threat at bay was MAD (Mutual Assured Destruction), i.e., our…
Liberal Says 2nd Amendment Meant to Give State Right to Bear Arms…nd-amendment-meant-to-give-state-right-to-bear-arms-n1472764
is the only way to preserve the social order. … No, not Al Qaeda, but Iran: From NightWatch: The real concern of the US, Allied powers and the UN should be that this rocket … The customer in this instance is Iran.…
Call to 'harvest fields' among top IMB stories
– Pray Luke 10:2, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. … "Some are comparing it to times near the end of civil war in the late 1980s. … With that, He is well pleased."…
Wishing You Capitalism on Earth
– Economically, wars cost money; in a free economy, where wealth is privately owned, the costs of war come out of the income of private … In other words, capitalism allows men to see the true cost of war because there is no central bank and the federal government does … Capitalism is the political system that promotes peace because capitalists know that war is inherently opposed to their financial interest…
Kerry's 'Realism' Slips Into Callousness
– This is the "idealist" approach to US foreign policy. Kerry sees America's role differently. … Both realism and idealism have a role to play in US statecraft, but the problem with the "realist" approach is that it too easily slips … when it is rooted in the ideals that have made America such a beacon.…
Happy New Year 2013
– Robert Burns is credited with "collecting" the lyrics for the old Scottish drinking and dancing ballad that's become a traditional … But looking forward with hope for a better year in 2013 is a real challenge.Peering into a chasm from the edge of the "fiscal cliff … is the host of "War Stories" on Fox News Channel and the author of the New York Times best-seller "Heroes Proved."…
Why the War Party Fears Hagel
– If Hagel's view that a war with Iran is not a "responsible option" is a disqualification for defense secretary, what are we to make … And Bibi's highest priority, shared by his neocon allies, is a U.S. war on Iran in 2013. … If Obama does not want that war, he is going to have to defeat the war party.…
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