Results for: dissent from supreme power

Terrorized by the Supreme Court
From the reaction to last week's Supreme Court decision on Guantanamo, you would think the detainees were all going to be trained, … All this outrage builds on the dissent registered by Justice Antonin Scalia. … Critics of this decision are terrified that the courts will have the power to free innocent men.…
Same Sex "Marriage": Illegal in All Fifty States
– About a month ago, the California Supreme Court, in a 4-3 decision, issued a declaratory opinion that Proposition 22, which states … The California Supreme Court issued a declaratory opinion that, in the view of the bare majority, banning same sex couples from marrying … In other words, the California Supreme Court cannot give to the Legislature, what neither it, nor the legislature, has: the power to…
Making the world safe for . . . politicians
– Guetzloe has now appealed to the Florida Supreme Court. … Supreme Court seemed clear enough in McIntyre v. … Anonymity is a shield from the tyranny of the majority.…
Plant Prejudice vs. the Constitution
– excruciating phantom limb pain, brought him to Charlie Lynch's medical marijuana dispensary in Morro Bay, Calif., carrying a recommendation from … But the response he says he got from the agency is the response he should have gotten, because under the U.S. … marijuana, as the Supreme Court did in 2005.…
Time to Use the "C" Word
– Even without the power of the Presidency, a filibuster-proof Senate, and U.S. … Supreme Court appointments under his belt, Obama has already: *  called for a national citizen military force; * sent government … We are subject to same whims, caprices, fears and lusts for power as every other human beings.…
This is One Bill You Can't Afford to Ignore
– Henry's concerns have been proved valid, as the growth of federal power since the adoption of the Constitution in 1787 has often been … Each of these rights protects the power of the people to resist or criticize their government should it overstep its bounds.  … The silencing of dissent is a sure sign of governmental tyranny. …
Leftist Lies and the Media That Enable Them
– It’s from folks who just the other day were chanting the mantra of “civility.” … Twice, the Pulitzer board has refused to rescind the award despite pleas from Ukrainian groups and a recommendation to do that from … termed “raw judicial power.”…
Now Let’s Repeal ObamaCare
– Congratulations to the Supreme Court’s supreme effort to protect their reputation at the expense of the Constitution and the idea … The Supreme Court interprets, yet they are not the final word. … No Supreme Court Justice will do it. No member of Congress will do it, without pressure from We the People.…
The Amazing Elastic Commerce Clause
– In 2005, the Supreme Court said the federal government's power to "regulate commerce ... among the several states" extends to the tiniest … "If Congress can regulate this under the Commerce Clause," Justice Clarence Thomas warned in his dissent, "then it can regulate virtually … But despite seven decades of stretching by a Supreme Court eager to accommodate every congressional whim, the Amazing Elastic Commerce…
Appeals Court Strikes Down Health Insurance Mandate
– Clause is mandate that individuals enter into contracts with private insurance companies for the purchase of an expensive product from … Circuit Judge Stanley Marcus disagreed in a dissent. ... … only struck down a requirement that nearly all Americans carry health insurance, but he also threw out other provisions ranging from
Liberty's Resilience, Even After 9/11,_even_after_911
– Nearly every change in domestic national-security policy over the past decade, from airline no-fly lists to the data-mining of telephone … From the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 to the illegal harassment of political opponents during the Nixon administration, wartime … governments have certainly been known to repress dissent and abuse individual rights.…
On the Chick-fil-A Front of the Culture War
– Boycotts of Chick-fil-A, its expulsion from campuses and "Same-Sex Kiss Day" at local outlets are planned. … It was not 10 years ago that the Supreme Court declared that states could no longer outlaw private sexual behavior between consenting … Cathy is not some fascist about to seize power, but a socially conservative businessman.…
America: Olbermann's Worst County in the World?
– For part of their project, students from an affluent Denver suburb shared an “updated” Pledge of Allegiance: "I pledge allegiance … which it stands—an imperial power that swept the native inhabitants off their land—one nation under God—because the Supreme Court … The students and I eyed each other, as my mind raced for a way to dissent without being a stiff, Republican scold.…
The Candidates vs. the Bill of Rights
– Another difference between the two candidates involves the Supreme Court, where neither would be ideal. … His Supreme Court appointee Sonia Sotomayor signed a dissent concluding that despite the Second Amendment, "the use of arms for private … self-defense does not warrant federal constitutional protection from state regulation."…
Cutting the Army Corps of Engineers
– In 1824 the Supreme Court decision in Gibbons v. … The Corps has usually taken orders directly from Congress, and particularly from those members who have their hands on the agency's … economics, many Corps' projects don't make sense from an environmental perspective.…
A Blow for Liberty
– , is the power to limit our speech. … Because power corrupts, too. … But note how narrow was the decision in this case, and how easily overturned when the appetite for power recovers from this blow for…
Justice Sotomayor: Saying it's so, Makes it so
Supreme Court colleagues for upholding, 6-2, Michigan's right to amend the state Constitution with a prohibition against "preferential … Look, said Sotomayor's dissent: "As members of the judiciary tasked with intervening to carry out the guarantee of equal protection … From the high court, outrageous assertions take on another character.…
Liberals Understand The Constitution Like Justin Bieber Understands Particle Physics…ion-like-justin-bieber-understands-particle-physics-n1829342
– That a Supreme Court justice has such a fundamental misunderstanding of the Constitution’s purpose is alarming. … Our rights existed in us from the moment of our creation, and they are inalienable. … Let’s not throw that away just to check off a few items from the progressive bucket list.…
Romney For President
– "Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people -- a people descended from the same … No longer are we "descended from the same ancestors." … Dissent from the intolerant new orthodoxy and you are a bigot, a hater, a homophobe, an enemy of women's rights.…
BP Ledger, Nov. 12 edition
– of interest from other sources. … Yet he is actually not far from each one of us." … to exorcize a demon from "S."…
Another Drug War Nightmare
– The government has the power to seize your assets for a crime you did not commit. … Police Department work to take Motel Caswell away from its owner, Russ Caswell.The libertarian-leaning legal team Institute for Justice … Supreme Court infamously ruled 5-4 for New London.In a righteous dissent, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor wrote that if governments can…
Year in Review: The Political Highs and Lows of 2012
– Incensed and undeterred by facts, liberals attempted to remove a conservative state supreme court justice from the bench.   … Rest in Peace, Andrew:   (2) The US Supreme Court Upholds Obamacare.   … UPDATE - Feel free to concur with, or dissent from, these two lists.  Are they ordered properly?  …
Getting Back To Religious Freedom
– The US Supreme Court affirmed the right recently of townships to say a public prayer before a local meeting, which seems rather like … This confusion extends from prayer at local meetings – which a dissenting minority of the US Supreme Court still seems to be confused … And that constitutes our best dissent to the Supreme Court’s recently vocal minority, who would prefer to update Madison and Jefferson…
Ruth Bader Ginsburg Was Right … Sort of
– Though I’m mildly pleased that the Supreme Court is not quite ready to take gasoline to both the First Amendment and the Religious … Supreme Court justices are still willing to give the U.S. … And that’s the prism through which we must interpret the parade of hyperbolic horribles in her scathing Hobby Lobby dissent.…
– governmental behavior that does not directly interfere with constitutionally protected freedoms, but rather tends to deter folks from … The government's goal, and its limited success, was to deter dissent without actually interfering with it. … Eventually, when this was exposed as part of a huge government plot to stifle dissent, known as COINTELPRO, the government stopped…
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