Results for: they are all going to jail

Four More Days
All personal markers. Some dates are historical markers. December 7, 1941. November 22, 1963. September 11, 2001. … He would never make it to wherever he was going. He wouldn't even make it to Christmas. … They said he wasn't sick enough for the hospital to take him in.…
A Movable Voter Fraud Feast?
– “I’m not going to jail!” Adding, “Well . . . at least I’m not going to jail for voting.” … Best of all, voters would be encouraged to understand that these are their elections. … They don’t belong to the politicians or the political parties. There is no perfect system, of course.…
When All Else Fails, Nail Yourself To The Cross
– Apologies are no longer unequivocal, they are qualified. People aren’t “sorry,” they’re “sorry if anyone was offended.” … He continued, “We've got to work hard to make sure that they know we hear them and we are going to do everything we can to deal with … He’s the martyr here, going to “work hard” to help the people who believed his lie.…
Burglarizing Our Borders
– My wife and I are like most Americans. We are sure to check our doors before leaving the house and turn the burglar alarm on. … Suppose I wanted to open a soup kitchen to feed the homeless, but the food I was going to serve was incredibly unhealthy. … Before we race to naturalize 11 million people, we need to make sure we are enforcing the most basic measures of the laws we already…
WRAP-UP: SBC spotlights ethnicity, unity, unengaged,_unity,_unengaged
– We are going to do better." … Pastor, we're not going to make it harder for you. Associations and states, we're not . We're going to make it easier. … In summary, they are: -- "We pledge to maintain a relationship of mutual trust ... -- "We pledge to attribute the highest motives to
The Invisible Palestinians
They have to be also freed.” … As far as they are concerned, it is acceptable to stand in breach of international law and basic standards of humanity in order to … Why are they helping Hamas?…
The Idle Mind
– , they are also guided to use that capacity to do the right things. … One would think that going to jail for a long time would be a deterrent to crime. … But the problem is that criminals go into prison, where they are merely warehoused with other criminals, and actually have to become…
From a jail cell to Haiti, church spreads faith,_church_spreads_faith
– other SBC churches "Many of our church members are new to Southern Baptist life," Stillie said. … "They don't have a clue who Southern Baptists are when they join the church, so we participate in Cooperative Program activities and … Several boxes of food are given each month to needy families.…
Closing in on Tripoli
– Helped by NATO air strikes, they have captured villages near Zintan and are planning to attack Gharyan, a well-fortified gateway to … “They don’t want to fight any more,” says Salim al-Zofri, a rebel commander. “Their hearts are not in this.” … As they slowly begin to build an independent economy, the revolutionaries are curtailing the colonel’s access to supplies.…
Update: Is New Australian Face Veil Traffic Law a Sign of Anti-Muslim Bias?…_australian_face_veil_traffic_law_a_sign_of_anti-muslim_bias
– Matthews was sentenced in November to six months in jail for making a deliberately false statement to police. … There are many examples to suggest they are not entirely welcome. … Proposals to build Islamic schools are resisted by local protest groups.…
NEWS BRIEFS: Circumcision ban struck down
– and up to a year in jail. … Muslims have a right to have places of worship, maybe not places of worship exactly where they want to have them, because that's why … These ministries are "feeling the pressure to distance themselves from their Christian friends and are afraid to stand in the public…
BP Ledger, Feb. 14 edition,_feb_14_edition
– Her heart goes out to them. Not only are they squeezed together in one concrete box but they share one open toilet. … Zhou, however, doesn't care why they landed in jail — she only wants to share God's love. … They slowly take the song from one voice to a rising chorus, filling the jail to the ceilings with sound.…
Chicago Boasts Most Extensive Network of Police Surveillance Cameras…boasts_most_extensive_network_of_police_surveillance_cameras
– His obvious error is to assume that if some cameras are good, more are better. … going to spend millions buying, installing and monitoring this technology, you had better be able to show it yields some positive … Her preliminary findings, due to be finalized and published this year, are that they can indeed curb crime -- and at a bargain price.Her…
Prisoner sees harvest of souls
– "He is enduring all things, and all the time more people are coming to faith," his friend said. … "I didn't know what we were going to do, how we were going to tell her or how we would be received," Ashti said. … "His wife and kids are encouraged by the reports from the former inmates, but they are also dearly missing their dad and spouse."…
The Starsky and Hutch President
They are political, and I don’t think that someone outside of retail politics is going to have the solutions or the experience necessary … Right now companies are so unsure of what’s going to happen down the road, however, that they are banking profits or distributing them … They are going through the banking problems now that we went through in 2008.…
Mocking America’s Feckless Politicians
– Zuckerberg has lost so much money in the market that President Obama is going to have him replace Ben Bernanke. … You know what’s going to happen? The government’s going to teach them how to lose $2 billion a DAY! … I think I’m going to wait and hear what Angela Lansbury has to say.…
Barney Frank Just Ripped You Off
they are in actually solving problems. … Now ask yourself: What company isn’t going to lobby the government to guarantee them against failure?   … When companies partner with USA Cares, they know that they are making a positive difference.…
Thieving and Reprehensible Government
– It does not say the Caswells knew or even that they were supposed to know what was going on in all their rooms all the time. … Civil forfeiture law treats citizens worse than criminals, requiring them to prove their innocence — to prove they did everything possible … In fact, most people who lose property to civil asset forfeiture are never charged.…
Messianic family: Justice lacking in bomb case
– "They are doing it without any kind of consultation with us," Ortiz said. "The victims are either supposed to OK it or reject it. … They can't just make a plea bargain without consulting the victims. They are trying to ignore us." … I'm not going to fight it."…
We Don't Need Evidence
They failed to predict the stable and declining temperatures of the past 15 years. … Within hours, he stepped up his arm-twisting for cap-tax-and-trade in the Senate, announced that he was going to Copenhagen to lobby … If they are implemented, millions of Americans will freeze jobless in the dark.…
Unrest in Iran: The Vindication of George W. Bush
– Newsweek called him a global leader "to watch in 2005." His criticism of the Iranian regime landed him in jail. … "The Shi'as in Iraq have accepted the notion of having a secular government, and they are slowly moving toward the democratization … Indeed, many Iranians seem convinced that the U.S. military ventures in Afghanistan and Iraq are going great, and they say this with…