Results for: Barack Obama Website

Why Gingrich Can't Win
– It's almost enough to make you forget his central handicap, which is that he is Newt Gingrich.Succeed Barack Obama in the White House … He says Obama "doesn't even have the courage to tell truth about who wants to kill us" and accuses him of "pandering to radical Islam … The Obama of 2008 succeeded because he inspired without inflaming. Bush was elected in 2000 as a "compassionate conservative."…
As If FDA's Move Last Week on Abortion Wasn't Bad Enough, Advocates Are Promoting Falsifying Medical Records…ortion-wasnt-bad-enough-activists-are-promoting-fal-n2600754
– One can watch a scene from "Unplanned" which shows this method, via the This is Chemical Abortion website.  … The Senate has yet to confirm an FDA commissioner, though Robert Califf, who previously served in the role under Barack Obama, is currently…
Amazon Supports Democracy Dying in Darkness
– Reuters began by revealing that Amazon knuckled under and banned reader reviews on its Chinese website so no one could critique a collection … The key operative on this project is Jay Carney, the former press secretary for Barack Obama and Joe Biden who is now the global head…
Trump-Hating Leftists Usher in New Year of Trump Hatred
– That was Obama. They don't hate him because they believe he is extremely partisan. … And if they were to believe it, they would have no credibility, for few presidents have been more partisan than Barack Obama, despite … Follow him on Twitter @davidlimbaugh and his website at…
Great Moments in Government Waste: Stimulus Spending on…um…Stimulus…t_moments_in_government_waste_stimulus_spending_onumstimulus
– Instead, I want to share this Obama-Clooney parody sent to me by a softball buddy. … And can you think of two people more out of touch with the real world than Barack Obama and George Clooney? … Whoever created this presumably is mocking Obama for sucking up (no pun intended) Hollywood money.…
President Diva
– Bush on the White House website. … And, of course, nobody was prouder of Obama than Obama himself. … His campaign website now features baby clothing emblazoned with the slogan "My Two Dads Support Barack Obama."…
The Feds' Intrusions Into American Farms and Families
– To be clear, this regulation will not be pursued for the duration of the Obama administration." … "Will not be pursued for the duration of the Obama administration"? So, until Jan. 20, 2013, right? … One major Occupy website even embraces Agenda 21 as the agenda for its movement!…
Moderates Only Look Dead
– Voters in North Carolina, which went for Barack Obama in 2008, approved a ban on same-sex marriage and civil unions.With 40 percent … He had a point: Obama is not that far from Romney. … Scott Brown of Massachusetts, now has an ad publicizing his work with Obama.…
White House Website Gone Wild
– But I know my father wouldn't be abusing it the way Barack Obama is. … Today, President Obama is calling for the same with the Buffet Rule." Is Obama kidding? … Obama, if you would like to debate this I am available 24/7.…
For Some Democrats, Bush Is To Blame-Forever And Ever
– After all, Barack Obama did inherit a mess from George W. Bush. … But no -- Obama kept at it, all the way through the three-year mark. … Barack Obama has been president nearly four years and is asking for four more. The election is about him.…
Surprise: MSM Increasingly Interested in Mormonism
– Here's why David Axelrod can piously assure journalists that Mitt Romney's Mormonism is "off the table" for the Obama campaign … Ed Morrissey illustrated this double standard last week:   Go to the New York Times website and do a 12-month search for … In case you were curious, Romney leads Obama by 24 points in Arkansas.  "Problematic!"…
ABC Fired Stossel?
– On one website, someone wrote: "You'd think it was a joke, when the global economy was collapsing because of greed, that anyone might … On second thought, with Barack Obama heading to Copenhagen promising America will cut its greenhouse gasses by 83 percent (not 82,…
A Boortz Shun?
– the article some pro-lifers wrote saying that Neal had stopped linking to my columns in the “reading assignments” section of his website … If you didn’t understand that crucial distinction you are probably a socialist who voted for Barack Obama. … It is his website. He is not obligated to post anyone’s columns there.…
Obama and the Vampire Congress
– Where’s Barack Obama? … A year ago this month, Obama broke his vaunted open government pledge with the very first bill he signed into law. … on the White House website five days before he sealed any deal.…