Results for: sign up to vote

Where's the Budget to Stop Dems' Runaway Spending?
– WASHINGTON - Senate Democrats were expected to bring up the House Republicans’ 2012 budget plan for a vote this week, but not their … Or, at least, one they want to reveal to the public. … break the bank when tens of millions baby boomers sign up for Social Security and Medicare.…
Was NY-26 A Referendum on Paul Ryan's Budget?
– Democrats should be very grateful that Ryan put his plan together, and that House Speaker John Boehner forced Republicans to vote on … to unite the center-right.  … Hochul was obviously able to move the needle, and given all the other oddities of this particular race, Corwin didn't wake up to this…
“Card Check” Used To Unionize Unsuspecting Mass. Teachers“card_check”_used_to_unionize_unsuspecting_mass_teachers
– them to sign a union membership card. … Those who refuse to sign are exposed to all the pressure and intimidation that the union can muster. … We have to wonder if this would have happened if the school staff had been allowed to privately vote on certification, without union…
Winning the FY 2012 In The Fall Budget Means Winning the FY 2011 Showdown Now…12_in_the_fall_budget_means_winning_the_fy_2011_showdown_now
– every forum available to it. … The temptation will be to trim and to distance, to save room for maneuver, but that temptation should be resisted. … It may take many days or even weeks to get to the sort of genuine compromise that reflects the country's vote in November, and the…
Will Any of These Jokes Cheer You Up?
– Speaking of capitals, four friends in Washington, D.C., assembled on a sunny day on the Mall to discuss big questions and then vote … He appealed to God: "Lord, please give a sign that You exist." Suddenly a bolt of lightning hit the Washington Monument. "See!" … We like to think we're in control, somewhat like the Minnesotan who taught his son how to swirl one of the Homer Hankies that Twins…
NEWS BRIEFS: Arizona becomes first state to ban sex- & race-based abortions…rizona_becomes_first_state_to_ban_sex-__race-based_abortions
– Chris Gregoire is expected to sign the bill, which passed the House in March. … Supreme Court to come to their rescue in their seven-year fight against the regulations but the court refused. … "The City Council stood strong, and now they're starting to clean up their city.…
Wisconsin Judicial Tyranny
– They fled to Illinois and blocked the legislative process, because the voters did not elect enough of them to defeat Gov. … As one key Democrat told the media, his party will use a "tsunami of litigation" to hold up the process. … on Madison in droves, demanding that the people they elected to govern be allowed to govern.…
Boehner Wins Vital Concessions
– He was practically sending love letters to the bipartisan "Gang of Six" senators who were working behind the scenes to come up with … "It's pretty hard for (Obama) to hitch himself to something that doesn't exist yet," said Oklahoma Sen. … But not before further spending restrictions are added to the bill that Obama will have to sign.…
New Tea Party and Boehner Alliance Triumphs in Government Shutdown Showdown…nd_boehner_alliance_triumphs_in_government_shutdown_showdown
– Mike Pence (R-Ind.) kept up the pressure on House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) to cut more than the $32 million he had proposed in … They insisted on the full $61 billion in cuts the House had originally agreed to, which the Senate refused to sign off on. … The pressure had some effect; Boehner got the Democrats to come up to $38.5 billion in cuts.…
How the Unions Wage War
vote for Ms. … AFSCME Council 24 issued letters to businesses in southeast Wisconsin warning them to put a pro-union sign up in their windows or else … Instead of caving, she put up her own sign, saying, "We Support Union Grove, Not Bully Tactics."…
Tea Party Brokers Budget While Obama Retreats
To make the point clearer, the budget deal made it certain that the Senate will have to vote before the 2012 elections on the repeal … To put it another way: Obama stood up for Planned Parnethood in negotiations, but not for his biggest legislative accomplishment. … and Virginia, the vote on Obamacare will move from the merely hypothetical and symbolic to the substance of hope and change.…
Enough Drama Already -- the Country's Getting Sick of It
– It's not easy to say, and it is this lack of definition that has come to define him. … We may love to gossip, but most of us aren't about to vote the way we talk in the barber shop or beauty salon, where it's understood … see which one can sound more like Ronald Reagan as they try to stir up their party's base.…
Planned Parenthood on the Ropes
– Second, while their defenders were quick to assert that abortion only makes up 3% of Planned Parenthood’s services, the truth is that … He then went on to pledge that the “first thing” he would do as President is sign the Freedom of Choice Act, guaranteeing a right to … The fact that Planned Parenthood had to resort to obfuscation to win this fight does not bode well for them in future debates.…
As Democrats Chirp More About Gun Control, Firearm Sales Continue To Shoot Through The Roof…ol-firearm-sales-continue-to-shoot-through-the-roof-n2076356
– In other words, it’s time to vote out pro-civil rights lawmakers, and get more anti-gun legislators elected into office. … That isn’t going to happen here. … The irony is that liberals seem to get that the more they talk about gun control, the more people stock up on guns and ammo.…
On Second Thought, That Rand Filibuster Isn't Going To Happen
– President Obama was poised to sign it into law. … let him have their hours – to would allow him to delay the vote on final passage further into the morning. … “If you are a conservative, you will say, 'There is no way I’m going to vote to give an unlimited power to the president to borrow…
AIPAC's Devastating Decision
– veto of a Congressional vote to oppose his Iran deal to securing enough senate votes to prevent a vote from even taking place. … As it works out, Soros won’t be needing to ante up. … see what the dynamics are going to be since the Iran deal vote and where AIPAC, congressional Republicans and the Israeli foreign…
GOP Congressional Candidate Boycotts PA Republican Women Event After Anti-Semitic, Pro-Segregationist Invited to Speak…idate-boycotts-pa-republican-women-event-after-anti-n2432300
– But, Lewis remained confident that he had “strong grassroots support" and was “excited to carry this message and sign up as many voters … roll up your sleeves and work hard you can become whoever you want to be and nobody can hold you back. … According to local media outlets, several GOP candidates still plan to attend.…
More Than We Paid For
– That’s up from an average of 12.5 percent from 1980 to 2000. … That means they grow year after year, even though members of Congress never actually vote to spend more on them. … Force lawmakers to actually vote how much they’re willing to spend on Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid each year.…
Beautiful losers
– Everyone knows what great fun it is to win an election, but what good can come from losing a vote? … Voters continued to think about the food tax. And they didn’t like it. They might even prefer to abolish it. … participate and a chance to win.…
Walker Wins!
– The White House has, reportedly, only agreed to sign one fundraising letter for each of the two Democratic campaign committees. … walk the plank and attempt to rewrite the law to correct any Constitutional flaws. … No one believes that the union vote will suddenly swing toward Romney, but the Wisconsin result does point to a potential problem in…
It's Time for Beltway Barnacle Orrin Hatch To Go
– Desperate to hold on to power as he faces an unprecedented primary, Hatch has pounded Liljenquist with an out-of-context sound bite … to oppose his bid for a seventh term. … Fact: Hatch "to this day defends his vote for Medicare Part D, which former comptroller general David Walker called 'the most fiscally…
Does Anyone Still Like Obama?
– -  that’s been propping him up for three years. Because it’s not just consumers who are looking to duck and cover. … When the number goes up, it means that companies are confident enough in the future to part with cash today in order to boost their … If you look at the totality of Bain Capital's record, they've done a lot to support businesses, to grow businesses, and this to me,…
Nutting and Nonsense
– This included a $410 billion spending bill that Bush refused to sign before he left office. Obama signed it on March 10, 2009." … But that was just a warm-up to the biggest single spending bill in world history, Obamacare, enacted in March, 2010. … That is why when the Obama budget was put to a vote in the House, it got exactly zero votes.…
Mixed Doubles: Our New Civil Rights Struggle
– So my friend Gary Faulkner and I decided to sign up to play doubles for the local tennis club. … Gary, being somewhat effeminate, decided we should sign up for mixed doubles. … ” prior to its passage, and 2) He was already married before the amendment came up for a vote.…
Judgment Day in Wisconsin
– And in an appalling final spasm of desperation, the Left even tried to dredge up (or outright fabricate) a two-decade-old rumor about … It's up to the people of Wisconsin now.  … Then, the camera panned to a guy holding up a “Vote Barrett” sign. The crowd erupted…in boos!…
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