Results for: cardin

I Just Officially Got Out the Vote
– Ran into someone from Cardin campaign - they're getting paid $10/ hour.…
Senate Races: Let's Do the Tighten Up
Cardin at 47-47 and it sounds so sweet. … Cardin goofed in a debate today, claiming the Patriot Act vote predated his election to Congress.…
HamNation: Meeting Steele in Maryland
Cardin for excluding him and other local delegates from speaking or being mentioned. … Cardin after the rally, which was held in Mr. Exum's district. Mr. Cardin shrugged off the incident.…
Uplifting Ad Watch '06: Mikayla's Back in Michigan
– Michael Steele is running on change against Democrat Ben Cardin, a 10-termer in the U.S. House.…
Steele: Meeting the 'Unique Threat' of Maryland
– The Baltimore Sun poll put Cardin up just 6 this week, which is saying something coming from the Baltimore Sun. … That's why MJF came to town for Cardin this week. That's why Schumer staffers stole Steele's credit report.…
Momentum Much? Steele Surging? (Update: Steele Grabs Endorsements of Key, Black, PG County Democrats)…steele_grabs_endorsements_of_key,_black,_pg_county_democrats
– Steele ate Cardin alive! Ate him for lunch! And as a result, Cardin didn’t show up for a debate the next day. … However, when leaners are included, it's Cardin by just five points, 50% to 45%. Two weeks ago, it Cardin by nine. … Cardin, who is white and from Baltimore.…
Steele Won't Concede (Update: WaPo Retracts Its Call For Cardin)
– Update: The Washington Post has retracted its call for Cardin in the MD race, and Steele's up with 45 percent reporting. 310,000-290,000…
Catching Up
– And, now, Maryland's beeen called for Cardin, according to Fox. Liebs picks up Connecticut.…
Obama, Hillary, Dems Take FISA Trial Lawyer Cash,_hillary,_dems_take_fisa_trial_lawyer_cash
– opposed the amendment and have taken similar donations are: Joe Biden (Del.), Barbara Boxer (Calif.), Maria Cantwell (Wash.), Ben Cardin
Senate Kills DeMint-McCain Earmark Ban
– D-DE) Bingaman (D-NM) Bond (R-MO) Boxer (D-CA) Brown (D-OH) Brownback (R-KS) Bunning (R-KY) Byrd (D-WV) Cantwell (D-WA) Cardin
Reid Gets Victory on Stimulus II
– Ben Cardin. “I think the leader would have had problems on any bill.”…
Senator Harry M. Reid Wants to Change the Rules
– It's very time-consuming, and you can't do that on most issues," Maryland Senator Ben Cardin told THE POLITICO newspaper.…
The Votes
– YES Biden - YES Bingaman  - YES Bond- YESBoxer - YES Brown- YES Brownback - NO Bunning - NO Burr  - YES Byrd - YES Cantwell - NO Cardin
Flashback: Democrats Praise Obama's 2012 Budget
– BEN CARDIN (D-MD):“President Obama has given us a credible blueprint…” (Sen. Cardin, Press Release, 2/14/11) SEN.…
Day 768: Democratic Senators Continue Historic Budget Evasion
– Claire McCaskill, of Missouri, Jon Tester, of Montana, Sherrod Brown, of Ohio, Ben Cardin of Maryland and Bill Nelson of Florida express…
AIPAC's Devastating Decision
– What message are Democratic Senators Chuck Schumer, Ben Cardin, Joe Manchin and Robert Menendez, who endangered their standing in their…
Oops: Schumer Accidentally Reveals Democratic Spin on Conference Call
– After thanking his colleagues — Barbara Boxer of California, Ben Cardin of Maryland, Tom Carper of Delaware and Richard Blumenthal … Cardin decried Mr. Boehner giving into “extremes of his party.” Mr.…
A Malfunctioning "Reset"
– Benjamin Cardin, D-Md. “It offers hope to those who suffer in silence, whose cases may be less known or not known at all.”…
Photo: Senate Democrats Not Even Showing Up for Budget Meetings At This Point
– Ben Cardin (D- MD) (6) Socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) (7) "Moderate" Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) (8) Sen.…
Church ladies provide clean water in Asia
– Bruce Cardin, East Winnfield's pastor, agreed. … "After the class raised that first $800, things slowed down, because they were on a fixed income," Cardin said.…
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