Results for: house subcommittee on health members

Nigeria's persecuted Christians need help from U.S., ERLC says
– entity urged members of Congress to support legislation requiring the State Department to report on whether Boko Haram qualifies for … House of Representatives to ask them to cosponsor the Boko Haram Terrorist Designation Act, H.R. 5822. … Smith -- chairman of the Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health and Human Rights -- refuted that reasoning.…
'Mortal Combat' and the First Amendment
– It's fine for the majority to say parents have ultimate control over what their children see, but how many members of the Supreme Court … But he told a House Appropriations general government subcommittee he was testifying in front of that he had been unsure how to erase … Justices should step out of their safety zones and experience life on urban streets where mortal combat is for real and shootings are…
Rolling Back the Obamacare Banana Republic
members on both sides of the aisle. … But it's the growing opposition from members of the administration's own party that may yet doom these health care czars on steroids … Frank Pallone, of the Energy and Commerce health subcommittee, has zero interest in defending the board.…
Abstinence supporters urged to call reps
– -Pa., chairs the health subcommittee of the Energy and Commerce Committee, which is the authorizing committee for this funding. … Also, if readers have members of Congress who serve on the House Committee on Appropriations, they should make their opinions known … "In terms of the 2011 budget ... there's nothing really that can be done on the House side.…
Sebelius Gets Her Comeuppance As House Begins Its Obamacare Challenge…gets_her_comeuppance_as_house_begins_its_obamacare_challenge
– She is the CEO of American Health Care--but without any shareholders--and without having to answer to Congress. … Finally, this unelected Boss of Health Care was compelled to explain Obamacare to members of Congress who had not heard from her in … Here is Sebelius testifying before the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health.…
Bachmann Exposes $105 Billion Secret$105_billion_secret
– At a hearing last week before the House Health Subcommittee, former Rep. … They bypassed the customary appropriations process and prefunded ObamaCare on passage, knowing that House Rules would restrict a future … in postdated checks drawn on the U.S.…
Republicans See Congressional Office Break Ins....After Hours
– More from the National Journal: Puzzling break-ins over the last month at the offices of at least three House members and … Jerry Lewis, R-Calif., and Jon Runyan, R-N.J.; the Appropriations Subcommittee on Homeland Security; and the Oversight and Government … Also, staffers on the House Oversight Subcommittee on Health Care, District of Columbia, Census, and the National Archives, which Gowdy…
Critics: partners bill undermines marriage
– The Committee on Oversight and Government Reform sent the legislation to the full House by approving it in a party-line vote, with … Lee Badgett told a House subcommittee in a July hearing. … Former SBC President Frank Page testified against the legislation before the House subcommittee in July.…