Results for: center left libertarian

Election Lessons From Michael Crichton
– Michael Crichton was a noted libertarian. … solely on his inspiring rhetoric and infomercial promises, buried its roots deep into the socio-political soil of the country’s center-left
Immigration Reform? It's a Trick
– We can guess why.Other than a superb distraction for average Americans, the debate doubtlessly ignites passion on the left. … Immigration reform is also a useful cluster bomb to drop within a shaky right-center alliance cracking with libertarian-traditional-business … According to a Pew Research Center for the People and the Press poll, immigration policy is only a midlevel concern of voters.…
Conservatives Insuperable If Inseparable
– strategists hope that is how the two main components of modern conservatism see each other.And because America has been a right-of-center … And unbridled pure materialism -- whether of the left or right --ends up in reigns of terror, gulags and holocausts. … In his book "Conscience of a Conservative" and in the 1964 campaign, he was anything but libertarian on social issues.…
Corrupt Elections are Undermining Governance
– All citizens left, right, center, Republican, Green, Democrat, and Libertarian should be able to have confidence in the integrity of … Just the left felt betrayed by the election of George W Bush after Florida in 2000, conservatives in Alaska are embittered against…
The Complete Conservative
– Big media types and the larger left have their demagogic spin: Tea Partyers are racist, backwoods, anti-government dunderheads with … Harry Reid and the backbiting hate merchants over at the Southern Poverty Law Center busily paint self-serving swastikas across Tea … He is a socio-liberal libertarian.…
Ayn Rand's Adult-Onset Adolescence
– Rand is something of a cultural phenomenon -- the author of potboilers who became an ethical and political philosopher, a libertarian … The emotional center of the movie is the success of high-speed rail -- oddly similar to a proposal in Barack Obama's last State of … In "Atlas Shrugged," she refers to her libertarian valley of the blessed as Atlantis.…
A Battleground Leader for 2012?
– “But as time allows, I’ve learned some things as a conservative governing in a pretty left-of-center place. … The Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank, gives him only a “B” for fiscal policy, citing that he backed a $200 million cigarette…
The Tea Party and the Value of Craziness
– Budget hawks were left wondering what happened to Republican tightwads, who thought every dollar spent by the government was a dollar … Paladino vowed to kill the Islamic center near Ground Zero by using the state's eminent domain power to seize the property -- not exactly … budget and generally stop acting as though there was no tomorrow.It would be a great thing if sensible, temperate, consistently libertarian
Australian Muslim Cleric Calls for Beheading -- Who Cares?
– Fla., threatened to burn the Koran as a protest against the proposed construction of a mosque near the site of the World Trade Center … Civil libertarian groups vigorously defend vile but protected speech. … The left finds the very notion objectionable.Gottheil put it this way: "If leftist 'progressives' really cared about women, gays and…
Live from Orlando: GOP Presidential Hopefuls to Square Off in Fox News Debate…o_gop_presidential_hopefuls_to_square_off_in_fox_news_debate
– Ron Paul - "Why would you consider putting Left-wing martian Dennis Kucinich in your cabinet?"  … His campaign's limited appeal is mostly geared primarily toward the libertarian wing of the party.  … Here's a peek at the absolutely fantastic media filing center here in Orlando. …
Chik-Fil-A: More than a "Conservatism of Attitude"
– They are libertarian conservatives -- or perhaps just the lovers of liberty of all political stripes.As he obviously knows no conservatives … there was no way to channel and organize the sense of outrage and opposition -- as MSM neither lavishes loving coverage on right-of-center … reaction to injustice nor respectfully publicize mass protest plans as it does when those on the left carry on about some perceived…
Pro-Life Justice Fighting Off Liberal Attacks to Regain Seat on Washington Supreme Court…f_liberal_attacks_to_regain_seat_on_washington_supreme_court
– Once in the crosshairs of the left and the complicit liberal media, the attacks on Sanders continued. … A libertarian, Sanders is also known for his pro-criminal defense decisions. … The Supreme Court has shifted to the left since Sanders lost reelection, with only one conservative left, Jim Johnson.…
Liberals on the Lying Frequency
– (A disclaimer: Lucas works during the day as the White House correspondent for, a division of the Media Research Center … He lectured a libertarian caller: "What if you have a plague? Floods? You'd just let everybody drown?" He bombed. … The left regularly augment the puny power of liberal radio hosts by promoting them on TV, from Sharpton and Ed Schultz and Rachel Maddow…
Why This Ex-Libertarian is Voting Mitt Romney
– to the Libertarian National Committee. … Libertarian” in my 4000 media appearances since 2008. … This election is NOT about Libertarian versus non-Libertarian.…
Clint Bolick and the Goldwater Institute Quietly Transforming the Country…and_the_goldwater_institute_quietly_transforming_the_country
– The Goldwater Institute was already a leading state-based think tank when libertarian lawyer Clint Bolick came on board five years … Bolick's litigation against government dates back to his days at The Institute for Justice, the libertarian public interest litigation … Congressman Jeff Flake (R-AZ) was the Executive Director, and left a few years later to run for Congress.…
CA-07: The Democrats' Definition of Insanity
– This Sacramento-centric district lost some Republicans in redistricting, but remains right-of-center and is close enough to the old … These views did not help him win the fiscally conservative and libertarian-minded voters of this district then and they won't now. … The California-based company went bankrupt and employees were left without jobs.…
The Truth about Paul Ryan's Tax Plan
– Most of the members were center-left in their politics, so my libertarian views were in the minority on the committee.…
Good Money: Why Rep. Kevin Brady's Sound Dollar Act Worries Barney Frank…y_why_rep_kevin_bradys_sound_dollar_act_worries_barney_frank
– The hard left reacts to monetary reform and the gold standard as a vampire does to a crucifix. … Yet so bad has discretionary activism proved that even the center-left New York Times could headline, last August, a column A Gold … Outside the cozy precincts of the hard left the gold standard has been rehabilitated.…
The Truth About France's 'Far-Right' Electoral Surge
– but the two candidates long expected to square off in the May 6 final: Socialist Francois Hollande (28.6 percent) and incumbent center-right … Last summer, Breivik killed dozens of people at a youth camp linked to Norway's left-leaning Labor Party, which he holds responsible … Rather, it refers to the kind of classical liberalism prevalent in 19th century America and incarnated by the likes of right-libertarian
No, The Heritage Foundation Is Not Shifting On Immigration
– Heritage Foundation announced it was hiring Stephen Moore to be the think tank's chief economist, there have been rumblings on the left … Alex Nowrasteh, immigration policy analyst at the Cato Institute, the libertarian think tank, who has called the Senate-passed immigration … He compared the move to House Speaker John Boehner hiring the top immigration analyst at the Bipartisan Policy Center to his staff…
Dark Money Rising
– This was the same McAuliffe who once left his wife in a hospital delivery room to attend a fundraiser. … The Left, though, saw the Supreme Court’s decision in the 2010 case Citizens United vs. … Many on the Left are careful to preserve their image as reluctant campaign financiers.…
A Humorous Look at a Socialist President
– And I confess that I’m merely assuming a left-wing perspective. … Yesterday I shared some libertarian valentines. … So in the interest of fairness, here’s are some left-wing valentines.…
Focus by November Will Be More than Georgia-Florida Football…november-will-be-more-than-georgiaflorida-football-n1818657
– equally unpopular in Georgia, Nunn will be a sitting duck for guilt by association with a national Democratic Party that is still far left … of Georgia's political center. … A Libertarian could kick up enough dust to deprive the Republican nominee of a straight-up win the November election.…
Big Government Really Is Over
– A lament that “the center cannot hold” was redolent of a nostalgia for … empire. … People all over the world are rejecting being held by a “center.” … Clinton softened his declaration with “but we cannot go back to the time when our citizens were left to fend for themselves.…
Social Conservatives: GOP Can't Live Without Them
– There has been increasing hostility toward Christian involvement in politics, and the animus hasn't been solely from the left. … rights," but there is plenty of antipathy from certain elements within the Republican Party, as well.Many establishment and some libertarian … If you'll recall, Rick Santorum was the object of much scorn for his insistence on placing social issues front and center in his campaign…
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