Results for: cardin

Politics of Fear: The Media Campaign to Terrify Americans Over the Next SCOTUS Justice…n-to-terrify-americans-over-the-next-scotus-justice-n2498552
– Ben Cardin (D-Md.) predicted presidential abuses of authority will become greater: "What’s at stake are [Americans'] constitutional…
Feinstein And Friends Quietly Introduce a Major Gun Control Bill During the Shutdown…introduce-a-major-gun-control-bill-during-the-shutd-n2538811
– co-sponsors include Chuck Schumer (NY), Dick Durbin (IL), Patty Murray (WA.), Jack Reed (RI), Tom Carper (DE), Bob Menendez (NJ.), Ben Cardin
Senate Democrats Have Quite the 'Solution' For Fighting the Shutdown…s-have-quite-the-solution-for-fighting-the-shutdown-n2538724
– #Shutdown — Senator Ben Cardin (@SenatorCardin) January 6, 2019 In fact, Democratic Sens. … Chris Van Hollen (MD), Benjamin Cardin (MD), Mark Warner (VA) and Tim Kaine (VA) sent a letter to their colleagues urging them to to…
ICYMI: Bernie Sanders Refused To Call Venezuela's Nicolas Maduro A Dictator…efused-to-call-venezuelas-nicolas-maduro-a-dictator-n2542209
– Ben Cardin (D., Md.), and other Democrats have come out against Sanders for refraining from calling for Maduro to step down or saying…
Dems Opposing ‘Born-Alive Act’ Got Half a Million from Planned Parenthood…live-act-got-half-a-million-from-planned-parenthood-n2542356
– (D-WI) Michael Bennet (D-CO) Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) Cory Booker (D-NJ) Sherrod Brown (D-OH) Maria Cantwell (D-WA) Ben Cardin
Here's the Absurd Things Congress Wasted Your Tax Dollars On…18-9-billion-taxpayer-dollars-in-earmarks-this-year-n2610528
– Ben Cardin (D-Md.) for $150,000 for an oyster aquaculture and restoration initiative at the Nature Conservancy, a nonprofit group with…
IRS on Steroids: Dems to Double Agency's Size, Refuse to Protect Non-Rich Taxpayers from New Audits…bill-means-many-more-audits-for-american-taxpayers-n2611389
– Ben Cardin: "If there's no reason to be fearful, and if you paid your taxes and if you complied with our laws, you should want to make…
An IRS That's Armed and Dangerous
– Ben Cardin (D-MD) patronizingly dismisses any concerns about taxpayer abuses by saying, "If you're not cheating on your taxes, you…
Don't Complain About The Bathroom
Cardin told Sotomayor that she was "a hero to the Baltimore baseball fans."…
Senators Gearing Up for Cap and Trade Debate
– Ben] Cardin added.  "Not just one senator, but several."I'll try and keep you posted as this monstrosity draws closer...…
The Opposite of Message Control on the Cardin Campaign
– A Cardin staffer dishes about the race card, Oreos, and her candidate's skeezy friends, on her blog. Oops. … Cardin is the Dem candidate for Senate who is facing Michael Steele in Maryland. … Here's the Cardin staffer on the naughty fun of eating Oreos in the office: The subterfuge would be unnecessary, and snack time would…
Chafee Wins, Tucker Loses,_tucker_loses
– Update: Cardin takes the Maryland Dem Senate primary over Mfume, and immigration tough-guy Graf is just barely leading Party-backed…
The Nitty-Gritty of Primary Day: Jump In! You Know You Want To.!_you_know_you_want_to
Cardin and former Rep. Kweisi Mfume - are battling each other and a host of other challengers to take on Republican Lt. Gov.…
'06 Uplifting Ad Watch: Michael Steele Hearts Puppies
– Michael Steele is down 11 points to Ben Cardin in the Maryland senate race, but anecdotally, two Maryland swing-voter friends of mine … Enjoy: There's apparently a Cardin response ad featuring a similar dog, which sounds kinda humorless, but I can't find it on Cardin's…
'06: Where We Stand
– The Maryland race, at 49-43 for Cardin, is listed as a toss-up on RCP. But what about the House landslide?…
Momentum Much? Steele Jumps Into the Toss-Up Column
– He also uses the ads to speak directly to Cardin, something I don't often see in ads these days. … Steele has worked to portray Cardin as part of the problem in Washington, citing his 20-year tenure in Congress. … Cardin took 44 percent of the vote to 41 percent for former NAACP president Kweisi Mfume.…
Momentum Much? Steele Scores Big in Debate, Even With the Post!,_even_with_the_post!
Cardin] was going to be here," Mr. Braxton said. … Cardin "never confirmed his attendance." … I can't imagine it would read so dully had Cardin landed all the punches.…
Uplifting Ad Watch '06: 'Steele's Really Cute Momma'
– Steele remains down by about 8 in the poll average, but has polled in a dead heat with Cardin in the past. Tony Snow and J.C.…
Alex P. Keaton He is Not (Update: Patricia Heaton, Kurt Warner Video Response to Fox)…ot_update_patricia_heaton,_kurt_warner_video_response_to_fox
– Fox showed up in another Dem's stem-cell commercial today-- for Ben Cardin in Maryland. … Only problem is, Cardin has a vote on his record against stem-cell research. Oops! … "It's why I support Ben Cardin," he says, lifting his hand to his heart.…
The Dems' 'Slavish' Devotion to Double Standards
– So, Steny Hoyer is on apology No. 1 for this comment, made at a Maryland rally for Democratic Senate candidate, Ben Cardin: As…
Momentum Much? Evans-Novak Marks Steele Race 'Leaning Republican Takeover'…ch_evans-novak_marks_steele_race_leaning_republican_takeover
– Ben Cardin (D) -- particularly one debate performance that can be described only as disastrous for Cardin.Near the end, the two are … The Braynard Group did a late poll for us showing Cardin leading, 48-38, and Steele attracting just 12 percent of the black vote.…
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