Results for: sign up to vote

Why did Barack Obama wait?
– Yesterday, I wrote about the question of Why Barack Obama waited three days to sign a bill he told the American people MUST get passed … And did President Obama sign it rather quickly? Not at all. He also chose not to sign it on Saturday. … And not to sign it on Sunday. And he chose not to sign it on Monday.…
Root of nation's economic crisis is moral crisis
– "Harassing" means holding up a sign, passing out literature or offering counseling. … The stated purpose of the Oakland ordinance, which may send Walter Hoye to jail, is to protect 'right of privacy." … "Right of privacy" of teenage girls not old enough to vote, but who can get a state paid for abortion without informing a parent.…
Government emergency
– Drink Tax, to a referendum vote. … bill requiring all people who gather petitions to be registered to vote. … A number of states have set up regulations, putting up higher and higher hurdles to the petitioning process.…
B.T. Collins, RIP,_rip
– I have to vote my conscience whether you agree with me or not. I will not tell you what you want to hear. I'm nobody's boy." … You need to sign up for the other guy." Collins died of a heart attack at age 52 on March 19, 1993. … He held himself to the same standards to which he held others.…
Where's the Beef?
– He is trying to maneuver that 95 percent into supporting taxing the top two percent to pay for everything they'll get. … This gigantic voting bloc can be depended upon to march obediently to the polls and vote to place the full financial burden on the … Yet President Obama, who claims to be a dedicated foe of earmarks, says he'll sign that pork-laden bill because he wants the support…
The Last Optimist
– And there are more to come. … One day he's going to spend $787 billion to stimulate the economy, or at least political patronage, and the next he's going to balance … All these bad moves have their equivalents today: the labor unions' card-check program to deny American workers the right to vote on…
Card Check: Good for Unions, Bad for America,_bad_for_america
– Union leaders would like to see that go up. … only to vote for it but to co-sponsor it, as well. … It would set up tollgates to channel the money of consumers as well as taxpayers to the Democratic Party.…
The New Order Cometh
Vote, shmote. This ain't about democracy. It's about power. And how to seize it. Ah, yes, the right to vote. … Those who declined to sign up would have to take a lonely stand in public, risking harassment. … Once the right to vote has been lost, the union installed, and a contract is to be negotiated, both labor and management would lose…
Congress And Excess
– pledging to crack down on them, President Obama today will sign a $410-billion spending bill loaded with congressional pet projects … The president says he's only signing the bill to finish up last year's business. … They didn't have to vote for a pay raise. They have rigged it now so the raise is automatic. Freshman Rep.…
Silencing the Opposition
– Sixty votes were needed to force a substantive vote on Coleman’s amendment. It got 49. … Up until then, American broadcasting was governed by the Radio Act of 1912, which was designed to ensure good communications with ships … Click here to sign up and receive Townhall Magazine every month in your mailbox!…
The Big Scamulus Con
– The rush was such that not only did Democrats and Obama break their pledge to allow for a 48 hour review period prior to the vote, … And unless tax-paying American citizens speak up it will continue to be effective, with some tweaks. … An unpopular, earmark-laden bill that the President himself was embarrassed to sign? A new national energy tax?…
Obama: Just Say No
to be president. … In 2008, however, Hinchey-Rohrabacher never even made it to a House vote. Too toxic for a presidential election year. … Maybe anyone can grow up to be president -- whether he inhaled or not -- just as long as he campaigns on the promise to just say no…
Not Yet Ready for a Welfare State
– But roadblocks have started to appear. One has been set up by the Senate Budget Committee. … Arlen Specter when he announced this week that he would not vote, as he did in the last Congress, to advance the unions' card check … But then at this stage in Bill Clinton's first term, the healthcare lobbies were sidling up to the table, too -- or as close to it…
“Social justice” Catholicism hits bottom“social_justice”_catholicism_hits_bottom
– When running for President, Obama promised Planned Parenthood that his first act as President would be to sign the Freedom of Choice … When did "seeking peace" mean sucking up to those who want to destroy not only the Chosen People, but the rest of us infidels? … , and in so doing provide exactly the kind of cover and sanction that he desperately needs to prop him up while he undermines our political…
Congress, Overtax Thyself,_overtax_thyself
– Witness the House bill that passed Thursday by a 328-93 vote to levy a 90 percent tax on bonuses for executives at corporations that … What about: By about a 328-93 ratio, House members would vote to throw their mothers out of the lifeboat to save themselves. … If Liddy can step up to the plate, why not Congress and Obama?…
Why I Dissed Republicans at the Tea Party
– I am going to talk about me, I am going to talk about us, and I am going to talk about them. … I believe in myself and my ability to get up every morning and make good things happen – good things that will outnumber the bad things … We have to be willing to say to the representative who proudly brags about the projects she brought home, that we don’t need Washington…
Unions Can't Move the World
– You may end up not moving the world where you wanted it to go and finding yourself in a position you didn't want to be in. … Arlen Specter voted to bring it to a vote, too. … In other words, if I'm going to ask some of my members to cast a tough vote, one that will be hard to explain in their districts, I…
Obama, Your Slips Are Showing!,_your_slips_are_showing!
– Judging by my e-mail, a great many conservatives are counting down the days until they next get to vote in 2010. … nuclear disarmament with Russia at the same time that Iran, Pakistan and North Korea are gearing up, talking tough to Israel while … decided to sign on as defenders of the faith.…
Obama: The Grand Strategy
– If he knows his social agenda is going to drown us in debt, what's he up to? He has an idea. … The proposal is brought to Congress for a no-amendment up-or-down vote. Done. The hard part is Medicare and Medicaid. … Is that really why the middle class will sign on to a revolutionary multitrillion-dollar shift in spending -- so the government can…
Obama Lets Congress -- and Lobbyists -- Do the Work
– For those who remember Obama's promise to be a transformative leader, it comes as a surprise to see such deference to Congress. … were held up to ridicule by Republicans and bipartisan critics of pork-barrel spending. … a clear sign that members from states and districts that depend on coal-fired electric plants don't want to impose high utility rates…
The EPA Is Choking Democracy
– Perhaps an EPA mandarin will pick up a copy of "The Greenpeace Guide to Environmentally Friendly Sex" and go after the root causes … moderate Democratic and Republican members of Congress to sign on to the president's cap-and-trade scheme (itself an enormous energy … actually having to vote for it.…
Free Speech Is Uniquely America
– Getting to shake hands, pose for pictures, sign books, and interact with people who listen to our radio shows is a blast. … We Republicans are in the mess we’re in because the other side convinced enough people to vote for Democrats. … to.…
Republicans Support Card Check? Huh?
– legislation that would make it easier for labor organizations to sign up new members. … Does this make you more likely to vote for Arlen Specter for United States Senator, less likely, or doesn't it make a difference? … glaze over the question and think "Anything that Specter does makes me LESS LIKELY to vote for him" ?…
"Empathy" Versus Law
to the High Court. … The biggest danger in appointing the wrong people to the Supreme Court is not just in how they might vote on some particular issues … But, if no one sounds the alarm now, we can end up with a series of appointees with "empathy"-- which is to say, with justices who…
A Change In The Wind?
– So I have made appeals at each stop for audience members to subscribe to the magazine and sign up for if only as a $5 member … (though of course we would prefer donations up to the max of $5,000). … Center-right votes and a large swath of the independent vote is shaking its collective head at the furious rush to the far left, and…
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