Results for: is the us at war with iran

Gee, I Guess Now I’m Going To Have To Be Happy With Only 90% Of The Stuff I Wanted Trump To Do…appy-with-only-90-of-the-stuff-i-wanted-trump-to-do-n2540292
– for the wall is way over the top and typically overdramatic. … Name the Republican you want to replace him with. Who’s the guy who is going to stand up to the cultural fascists like Trump? … He’s pulling us out of useless wars, useless agreements with Iran, and useless climate change scams.…
Journalism Isn't Dead; It's Undead
– A popular theme in the Twitterverse this week is “Journalism is dead.” … But the BuzzFeed bust is nothing compared with the Covington Catholic conflagration. … Nor was the public made aware of how desperately ill FDR was when he met with Stalin at Yalta and conceded China to the communists.…
Trump vs. the Spy Chiefs: Who's Right?
the dangers of Iran. … What of the contention that Iran is seeking hegemony in the Middle East? Really? How? … How is Iran a threat to us over here, compared to the threat we pose to Iran over there?…
On to Caracas and Tehran!
– -- that propelled us into the forever war of the Middle East, retain its hold on the American mind? … of war with Iran." … The "war-with-Iran" tweet was swiftly deleted, replaced with a new tweet that spoke of "the common interest of combating Iran."…
Back to Munich
– And why didn't the Senate ratify the Iran deal? … The only question that stands between us on this issue is, do we help our common cause, our common aim of containing the damaging or … permitted German annexation of the Sudetenland, which led to World War II -- is that Westerners too often impose our morality on those…
Pence's Chilly Reception in Europe Should Have Come as no Surprise…reception-in-europe-should-have-come-as-no-surprise-n2541875
– "The time has come for our European partners to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal and join with us as we bring the economic and diplomatic … walked back) what it was really all about: meeting openly with Arab-state allies "to advance the common interest of war with Iran." … Trump is already grappling with the migration problem on America's southern border.…
The Collapsing Pillars of the Iranian Regime
– of the Nazi war crimes and for the holocaust. … The growing detestation of the IRGC by the Iranian people is a clear signal that a second pillar of the regime is beginning to collapse … The hatred of the mullahs, combined with the crumbling of the IRGC will sound the final death-knell for the perverted system of velayat-e-faqih…
What Arms Shipments to Ukraine Imply for US Security
At the same time, the U.S. risks being perceived by Russia as a participant in the war. … With the announcement of rocket systems, the risk of escalation is only increased. … The US is sending rockets with an approximate reach of 50 miles, while the systems themselves have an even longer range.…
For Middle East Peace: U.S. Must Ally With The Iranian People…dle-east-peace-us-must-ally-with-the-iranian-people-n2609353
With hopes for reviving the 2015 nuclear deal fading, one of the main objectives of the trip is to alleviate the growing concerns of … The time for a strategic approach toward the Iranian regime is before us. … The future of Iran is intertwined with the drive for freedom, democracy and a pluralistic system, a clear distinction from both the
The Case Against Donald Trump 2024
– If he's not the best (and the only way to prove it is through a rigorous primary with real conservative opponents, not bloated buffoons … It hates him with the burning heat of a million chafing thighs of Brian Stelter, who is a potato. … Next were the January 6, 2021, pardons… There is more, much more, to be done (a battle plan for the next president's war on woke is
Biden's Middle East Follies
the Yemen civil war. … There is a clear pattern —the more we overlook and the more we give, the more intransigent Iran becomes. … July is now upon us and the President’s Middle East hosts may also be wondering “with friends like these…?” Donald L.…
Biden's Middle East Follies
the Yemen civil war. … There is a clear pattern —the more we overlook and the more we give, the more intransigent Iran becomes. … July is now upon us and the President’s Middle East hosts may also be wondering “with friends like these…?”…
Biden's Fist Bump Was Bad, But the Real Slap in the Face Came Later
– We need them to pump oil for us because Joe has gone to war with our domestic energy industry. … There's more at stake with our relations with Beijing, and we can't afford a disruption fueled by the world's humanitarian interventionists … how bad he is at being president.…
What Makes Biden So Pugnacious?
– think this country would be wary of committing itself to a new war with one of the largest powers in the region. … The U.S. war guarantees in our treaty with Japan extend to the Senkaku Islands, also claimed by China, according to the Biden White … Yet, the border most critical to us, the U.S.…
How NATO Expansion Led to Putin’s Invasion – and Why It Matters…expansion-led-to-putins-invasion-and-why-it-matters-n2610525
– “This is more the prescription for how to deal with the world as we go forward.” … But the Russia-Ukraine war is not leading to a free Ukraine; it is leading to Ukraine’s physical destruction – and possibly to a wider … The best strategy would acknowledge that achieving American security at the expense of other nations’ is, in the long run, no security…
Biden Promises, Policies and Pesky Political Problems
– But because allowing more drilling would anger climate cultists obsessed with the catechism of climate cataclysm, Mr. … The administration claims this will “help lower energy costs,” “reduce the pain Americans are feeling at the pump,” and combat theThe cobalt ore is processed in China, under equally abominable safety and pollution conditions.…
Bashing Iran’s Democratic Alternative Prolongs Iran Regime’s Grip on Power…tic-alternative-prolongs-iran-regimes-grip-on-power-n2611785
– to his erroneous opinions about the principal opposition movement in Iran, the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK), particularly at a time when … The religious dictatorship in Iran is paranoid about the MEK and publicly shows, in rhetoric and action, that it views the organization … The MEK is not only popular in Iran, it is rightfully celebrated as defender of democratic freedoms and ideals around the world based…
Tehran's President Raisi Wants the Bomb and Terror
At the time, the world was watching a new regional war unfold at Iran’s Western borders, while Tehran had something evil in mind. … shown the world that Iran is crying for regime change. … Although appeasement with the terrorist regime in Iran has failed, the military option is not the only remaining one.…
Mainstream Media Needs to Cease Being Part of Iran’s Propaganda Machine…eds-to-cease-being-part-of-irans-propaganda-machine-n2611489
The Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK – translated as People's Mujahedin Organization of Iran) is the most lied to and lied about group of people … Even though Iran is the No. 1 state exporter of international terrorism, it remains amazing that if Tehran creates propaganda against … Key point: the MEK is a global organization, far bigger than the former NLA.…
Biden Should Not Consider Delisting Iran's Terrorist Revolutionary Guards…ider-delisting-irans-terrorist-revolutionary-guards-n2612232
– It is time the West backed the people of Iran in their effort to remove this pariah regime from power. … By Struan Stevenson is the Coordinator of the Campaign for Iran Change (CiC). … Struan is also Chair of the ‘In Search of Justice’ (ISJ) committee on the protection of political freedoms in Iran.…
Is 'Autocracy' America's Mortal Enemy?
– But is this truly the world struggle America is in today? Is this the great challenge and threat to the United States? … During that Cold War, India was the world's largest democracy and sided most often with Communist Russia rather than the United States … The crucial question, and rightly so, is usually this: Is this autocrat enlisted in the same cause as we, and fighting alongside us
The Biggest Lies About the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
– Israel is so caring and humane that even in the midst of war, they paused their military efforts to provide civilians with aid. … with Iran!” … She gives us information, military supplies and financial support.” 4) George Bush just wants war with Iran.…
Eyeless in Gaza, Heartless at Home,_heartless_at_home
– West even as it is embraced enthusiastically in the Middle East and the Arab world. … I think we need to do so, whatever the nationality of the children involved; it keeps us aware of the human costs of war. … That is, after all, a roadmap with some record of positive results -- very unlike the same old creepy pattern of hatred, resentment…
Will They Be Awake To The Dangers? Or Will It Be Carter 2.0?
the US engaged with the PLO in the 1970s. … At least overtures to Iran could proceed with the hope of communicating with the pro-American population suffering under the rule of … Weigel's crucial warning is that the secular absolutists of the American MSM and the American left are wholly unprepared to deal with
Why Israel Will Lose -- Again
The real mystery is the utterly suicidal nature of the Israeli government. Israel always concedes. … First, Israel is filled with tired Israelis. After 60 years of unceasing war, Israels population is exhausted. … It is the Islamist ethic that underlies the murderous, terrorist-sponsoring regimes in the Palestinian territories, Lebanon, Iran,…
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