Results for: they are all going to jail

Chicago Code
– With apprehension, citizens watch over their shoulders when on the street to see if they are next. … why business job creators are fleeing to first Texas and then oversees. … These young people watch the same TV as all of us. They are grabbing for a symbol of the American dream.…
Watch the Watchmen
– But they're going to take your camera, going to arrest you, you're going to be handcuffed, put in the back of a squad car. … "The prosecutor who charged him, the cops who raided him and arrested him -- they were all wrong about the law and did real harm to … him, and none of them are going to suffer any consequences."…
5 Common Political Beliefs That Simply Aren't True
– Here are just a few of those diseased assertions that have continued to circulate in the body politic long after they should have … It is true that percentage wise, black Americans are arrested and go to jail at a higher rate than other ethnic groups. … In other words, nobody benefits more from a black criminal going to jail than other black Americans.…
Why Hillary Won’t Be Indicted
– Because There Are Fall Guys. Like the movie National Treasure pointed out, someone has to go to jail, and will. … If they don’t want to get you, anyone could walk. Happens all the time. The facts of a case hardly matter. … Five years later, all agents are acquitted. Just happened. The Justice Dept. did not want to convict. Done deal.…
Kermit Alexander's Life Sentence
They had to borrow a car to get to West 59th Street. They had to borrow $2 for gas. … They went to the wrong address. They had no plans for their lives. … "They need to think again."…
Why Sacramento Can't Get Cellphones Out of Prison
– This year, Padilla introduced SB26 to make smuggling a cellphone a misdemeanor punishable by up to six months in jail and a $5,000 … Why not search all the guards before they go to work? Here the prison guards' union is of little help. … Officers are paid "walk time" while they suit up in steel-toed boots, utility belts and other gear.…
Brown Wants To Cut Prison Population by a Fifth
– There are always two Jerry Browns. There's the talk-show Brown who likened American incarceration rates to "absolute oppression." … On the short-timers, he is right, but he should have stopped there and not attempted to throw all "low level" felons to the counties … He predicts that the state's next crime report "is going to be a little higher," and next year, "a lot higher."…
Blood-boiling Video: Nannystaters Tear Down 'Illegal' Basketball Hoop In Delaware…o_nannystaters_tear_down_illegal_basketball_hoop_in_delaware
– First, some context: Transportation workers and state police came to her neighborhood in Wilmington Friday morning to remove several … All I was seeing was my 10-year-old's face," said McCafferty, who also has two teenagers who like to shoot hoops.  … "They threatened to arrest me, and I told them that would be fine. I don't mind going to jail for my kids," she added.…
Who's Bringing the Heat?
– Liberals are trying to bring the heat, but it’s hard to do because they do not see the light. … They understood big-government policies have brought our country to the edge. … According to a Rasmussen poll, just 31% of likely voters believe America’s best days are still to come.…
20 Notable Quotes By And About Osama Bin Laden
– And we'd been hearing that the Sudanese wanted America to start meeting with them again. They released him. … Strike in U.S.) does not say the United States is going to be attacked. … But what would happen to his cool armor if he could be reminded of all the good, nonviolent things he has done?…
His choice: Denounce Jesus or face torture
– So, they tried torturing me into submission. They chained me to a pole. … They chained me outside the jail to a tree. During the day, the hot sun scorched me. At night, mosquitoes feasted on me. … No amount of persecution is going to change him. It is useless." They unlocked the chains and let me go home.…
Troubling Associations for NJ Democrat
– According to the New York Times, El Filali was the emcee at the rally when he led the chant of “Sharon, Hitler are the same. … or taking any pictures, as none are allowed…because I’m going to speak the truth to you. … with The Bergen County Record, “They are trying to get the occupiers out of their home.”…
BP Ledger, July 9 edition
– "I had a bottle of pills there and when you're hurting, what are you going to do?" … The church has to address all of these needs." … "But I'm so grateful that they loved me enough to hold the line.…
Life threatened, Iranian believer finds refuge in U.S.,_iranian_believer_finds_refuge_in_us
They began going to church as a couple, along with their 3-year-old daughter. … "They took us to a jail and I was there for two or three weeks. I was interrogated. They beat me, punched me, insulted me. … Because of this, they sent me to jail for one year.…
Pro-Life Women on the Rise
– I like candidates who know who they are and appear completely comfortable in their own political skin. … to jail. … that are well-tended to by the Democratic party and feckless Republicans.…
Holy Moly
– Here's all I'm going to say about Terry Jones and the Dove World Outreach Centre church in Gainesville, Florida: I'm glad he's backed … So, anyone who thinks they know who the GOP nominee is going to be in 2012 is probably wrong. … They won't be back to trying to figure out how to save their jobs until next week.…
Dorky Digital and 'the New Cool'
– Still, it's difficult to understand why so many people choose to reveal so much information about themselves to so many people they … hardly know, if they know them at all. … to college or going to jail."…
Disaster relief unit serves hungry inmates
– OKLAHOMA CITY (BP)--For most people, the prospect of going to jail would be terrifying. … The county has been great to work with. They contract the food to Arrow Mark and they have been great to work with, too. … "It's my understanding that they serve the meals up into clam shells and then send them up to the different floors of the jail," Boone…
The "Gridlock" Bogeyman
– One man was sent to jail for charging less than the government-specified price for pressing a suit of clothes. … "stimulus" program.Those who fear gridlock in Washington today implicitly assume that government actions are needed to "solve" the … But there is no way that Barack Obama is going to stop intervening in the economy unless he gets stopped.…
In 2010 Sweep, Even the Finns Voted GOP,_even_the_finns_voted_gop
to vote on others issues on which they did not agree with Democrats. … You might want to add the five they captured in Upstate New York. That's 23 of the 39 seats they needed for a House majority. … They did manage to send unrequested ballots to inmates of the Cook County Jail, though.…
Sarah Palin's America By Heart
– Palin’s first New York Times Bestseller, Going Rogue, gave us an idea as to who Sarah Palin is, where she comes from, where she grew … Going Rogue allowed us to get to know Palin on a personal level without the political hoopla. … She describes putting family first is most important because they are the most “loyal friends and blessing we have in life.”…
Greear encouraged by Indonesia believers
– "Today, my friend, you are going home, and we will probably never see each other again," he told Greear. … He listened as audience members shared how they are boldly professing their Christian faith. … An Indonesian man told how he had gone to jail for proclaiming the Gospel.…
'Little ol' country church' has big CP role
– Once, they knocked out the back wall of the church to add 70 seats in the worship center. … "Out of the 12 we're sending to Guatemala in February, 10 are under 30.... I've seen my young couples grow up. … I've said from the pulpit, 'If you just kind of sit, you're going to sour.'"…
A Time to Shout
They tend to serve their sentences in minimum or medium security prisons and are routinely released after four years. … Public campaigns are helpful when one government wishes to persuade another to do something it doesn't want to do. … But if Israel is going to do anything at all, its actions should be concentrated in the public realm.…
Four More Days
– They're called Street People, the Unfortunates, whatever impersonal abstraction you prefer; they are no more real than references to … He would never make it to wherever he was going. He wouldn't even make it to Christmas. … They said he wasn't sick enough for the hospital to take him in.…
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