Results for: chief world failing us

Help Wanted: A national security president
– The associated damage is likely to be compounded by further reductions at the hands of the congressional supercommittee or, failing … The answer obviously must be a resounding "Yes" - especially in a world as dangerous as ours. … The American people deserve, and need, a competent Commander-in-Chief. And they had better insist on getting one.…
Email, Hate Mail and Comments from Readers,_hate_mail_and_comments_from_readers
– secret from the whole world. … Look, there is a reason why Bill Daley has already preannounced he won’t be back as chief of staff. … You, Obama and your Occupy Wall Street friends can’t have it both ways, calling us greedy on the one hand and then us lazy on the other…
Is the Chinese Economic Model The Way of the Future
– This should motivate leaders to rethink, rather than double down on an empirically failing free-market extremism. … He believes that, in a world where war is a possibility, an international monetary system based on a fiat world currency wouldn’t work … Stern tells us to “study the ingredients of our competitor’s success.” Andy? Yes indeed, please do!…
Defining Down the Enemy
– Indisputably, the Taliban considers itself to be an element of the umma, the Dar al-Islam, the Muslim world. … It also shares them with other unsavory elements around the world such as: the Muslim Brotherhood, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Hizb ut Tahrir, … It would have us believe that the only threat we face comes from al Qaeda.…
Asking and Answering Hard Questions
– Tim Russert, moderator of NBC’s “Meet the Press,” and Washington bureau chief, had died.  My heart ached for his family.  … He was a good man, with more to offer the world, especially in this presidential race.   … This focus on waistline is being taken seriously in other parts of the world. …
America is Not Post-Anything
– The Japanese would supply us with quality high-end goods like cars and cameras. … Therefore, the rest of the world should naturally loan us money to sustain our envied lifestyle. … There is as much sun and wind in the western United States as anywhere in the world.…
John McCain's Acceptance Speech
– Roberta McCain gave us her love of life, her deep interest in the world, her strength, and her belief we are all meant to use our opportunities … Despite our differences, much more unites us than divides us. … It’s time for us to show the world again how Americans lead.…
Restoring Conservatism
– They believe that Government's chief role is to protect the rights that God has endowed to humankind. … Conservatives believe that through education children should gain a better understanding of themselves and the world. … This is nonsensical—no one should care more for our world than conservatives.…
The Bible in School: A Retort to Modern Contempt
– Now it's a Facebook world, always in communication but with not much to communicate. … In an internetted world, speed is of the essence, not depth. And that, too, shows. … We find ourselves led by a commander-in-chief -- the title used to be Leader of the Free World -- who at best sounds an uncertain trumpet…
Obama: A Legend in His Own Mind
– Roosevelt crafted the New Deal in the Great Depression and led the nation in World War II. … Among them: While Calvin Coolidge was the first chief executive to give a public radio address, Obama is the first to be on … They quickly reversed course," Cooper reminds us.…
Bringing Bibi Down
– So on the one hand, the chief Palestinian negotiator declared eternal war. … As for Livni, she eschewed every semblance of propriety during her stay in the US capital. … They were playing to the US administration and the Israeli media. Barak is an old hand at this game.…
Barney Frank's Mob Violence
– It’s about time that someone stood up with a bludgeon and beat back against Obama progressives who are pushing the rest of us around … Frank, who has committed the worst kind violence on America through his flawed view of himself and the place he occupies in the world … as a means of preventing the revival of market practices that led to the 2007-08 crisis," said Stephen Lewis, the chief economist…
Kathleen Parker's 9/11 Hysteria
– Now the crisis is upon us, and Barack Obama is the hapless schmuck who will sink under this weight. … She declares, “Putting it bluntly, 9/11 caused us to go temporarily insane.” … Your humble TH correspondent personally knows two people who worked at the World Trade Center.…
Perry Draws Big Crowd, Hammers Obama at Virginia Luncheon,_hammers_obama_at_virginia_luncheon
– Perry said he’s confident Americans are “getting the message” that President Obama’s “job-killing, tax-raising” policies are failing … “Reaching 1,100 people in 14 days is pretty incredible for us,” he said.  “The interest was insane.”  … Former US Senator George Allen, who is running for the Commonwealth’s open Senate seat in 2012, did not attend today’s event. …
Land legacy: Courage, leadership, racial justice, SBC leaders say
– "He is no more perfect than any of the rest of us, but this is a man who incredibly led the Southern Baptist Convention to reverse … The committee also reprimanded him for failing to give attribution on the program but said those instances of plagiarism occurred " … "Absolutely not, and if they do it's the greatest injustice in the world," Patterson said.…
Winning Issue
– Tuesday's rematch of Barack Obama and Mitt Romney is likely to be their first of two in which the incumbent's record as Commander-in-Chief … But it will not be enough to castigate the administration for failing to protect our diplomatic personnel and facilities in a very … dangerous part of the world.…
SOTU Surrender
– Our chief executive was less than two minutes into his oration when he reminded us that "for the first time in two decades, Osama bin … Yet he is failing in his most important duty: commander in chief. … changing nature of conflict" and the "innovative partnerships" and "key alliances" that we supposedly have forged "elsewhere in the world
Economics 101: Change Happens
– In 1997, a chief executive like Steve Jobs could easily have been depicted as a real-life Mr. … Over the next decade, Apple and the world were transformed. … He needs to tell us who he is, what he believes, and why his goals should be America's. And he needs to do so soon.…
Why "Progressives" and not "Liberals"?
– Then conservatives showed the world what liberals really were, and no one wanted to call themselves that anymore. … They don’t have time to follow politics the way those of us who make our living doing it can. Nor should they. … In 2008, John McCain couldn’t tell the world enough that he was a progressive. His idiot daughter likes to do the same thing.…
Mohamed Merah - Man of the West
US Army Maj. … Time after time, Merah and his ilk throughout the Western world show us who they are and what they want. … US President Barack Obama engaged in similarly outrageous libels when during his speech to the Muslim world in June 2009 he compared…
Stop! Don’t Cut that Wire! That’s a Chevy Volt!
– Well that scene, minus the explosion, is just another of the unintended benefits brought to us by the award-winning designers of the … Yeah, well that’s all fine and good in the real world, but the Chevy Volt is a government program. … That’s quite a safe cut point for extrication if you’re a CEO of a failing company.…
A Few Words For Newt Gingrich
– Calhoun -- not to mention ol' Strom Thurmond, the Dixiecrat-in-chief back in that Trumanesque year 1948. … Let us count the ways. First, as has been noted before, he's not so much a man with an ego as an ego with a man. … Why do we force parents to keep sending their kids to failing schools?…
Topics that are Off-Limits For the Iran Nuclear Talks: Nuclear Weaponry…flimits-for-the-iran-nuclear-talks-nuclear-weaponry-n1793582
– He said Iran will not discuss its ballistic missile program during negotiations with world powers. … and heading for the maritime border of the US. … That solution was not adopted by the US.…
Remember When the White House Was Just 'Vulgar and Abusive'?
– And here’s something else that you have wrong: it’s not our military might that makes us the most powerful country in the world. … It’s our economic might that allows us to be the most powerful country in the world. … For the rest of us, we don’t actually get to act that way towards our clients. They get mad at us.…
Obama Administration Misfires with Foreign and Fiscal Policies, Former Sen. Gregg Says…h-foreign-and-fiscal-policies-former-sen-gregg-says-n1813168
– “Now, we have breathing room because we’re the currency of the world and the world looks at us and says, ‘You know, the United States … We do solve our problems and they should have that confidence in us.” … The “best example” of that failing approach was the debt ceiling fight, Sen. Gregg said. Sen. Gregg quoted former Sen.…
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