Results for: Barack Obama Website

Obama Education Secretary For Gay High School
– Head of Chicago Schools Arne Duncan recommended the creation of gay high school in October 2008.President-elect Barack Obama's nominee … critical vote on it in November, over conflicts between Chicago clergy members and school planners.Information from the school's website … such as truth and transparency, collective community power, struggle and sacrifice, and ownership and agency.No reporters asked Obama
Drill, Baby - No, Don't - Yes, Drill,_baby_-_no,_dont_-_yes,_drill
– President Barak Obama, who has switched to All-Campaign-All-The-Time mode, according to the NY Times' John Broder: In his weekly … Back to Obama. … On December 1 CNN reported that Interior Secretary Ken Salazar announced: "Barack Obama will not be allowing new drilling in the…
With Obama Vulnerable, Republicans Jockey in the Starting Gates…h_obama_vulnerable,_republicans_jockey_in_the_starting_gates
– With Barack Obama gaining only a minimal boost from the slaying of Osama Bin Laden, it is now obvious to Republicans considering a … Also this week, the new website went online. … On the website Governor Huckabee sounds more like a candidate saying, "When I look across America, I see a country looking for answers…
Collusion, Corruption, And Barney Frank’s Boyfriend,_corruption,_and_barney_frank’s_boyfriend
– searches” with the words “Barney Frank” and “boyfriend” and you thought you discovered a homophobic jackpot on a “conservative” website … They also bought the lie that, as long as we willingly handed-over more control of our lives and our wealth to Barack Obama, then justice … Jeff Immelt is a big Obama donor and supporter.…
Obama Skirts Rule of Law to Reward Pals, Punish Enemies,_punish_enemies
– On its website, HHS pledges that the waiver process will be transparent. … Two other recent Obama administration actions appear to violate the second. … In a Univision radio interview during the 2010 election cycle, Barack Obama urged Latinos not "to sit out the election instead of saying…
No One May Lecture Obama
– When Barack Obama replaced George Bush, there was unbridled joy among the elites. The days of "cowboy diplomacy" were over! … But that's not what Obama delivered with Israel last week, is it? … And if you look at that picture that you have up there right now, it was a stone-faced Barack Obama and Netanyahu basically treating…
Huntsman Walks Back Assault Weapons Ban Flub
– The former Utah governor and ambassador to China under President Barack Obama said without hesitation during an extensive interview … Hewitt posted a transcript of the interview and Huntsman's subsequent email on his website,…
The Stupidest Immigration Reform Idea You Haven't Heard About
– As Barack Obama inches toward reforming the immigration mess in America -- whenever that might be -- here's a stunning example of political … Her website can be found at…
The Real Egyptian Revolution
– And according to the New York Times, it is also making it impossible for the Obama administration to help the Egyptian economy. … The Times’ reported this week that the US tied President Barack Obama’s pledge of $1 billion in debt forgiveness and $1b. in loan guarantees … Brotherhood Chairman Mohammed Badie gave an interview to Egyptian television that was posted on the Muslim Brotherhood’s English website
Mr. Obama, Stop Your Holy War Against Christian and Jews,_stop_your_holy_war_against_christian_and_jews
– President Barack Hussein Obama is instructing our only staunch allies in the Middle East to risk destruction at the hands of one of … All you need do to make your voices heard is to go to our website at and add your signature to our petition…
Our World:Where Obama is Leading Israel
Obama reportedly was unconvinced. … That is, Mitchell recommended that Obama adopt as US policy at the Security Council past Palestinian demands that Congress forced Obama … From AIPAC, Obama moved on to Europe.…
'No Blood for Oil' Is for Sale!!
– Now, there are some smart questions to be asking the Obama administration: Who are the Libyan rebels? … But the Obama administration isn't going to answer every question. What's the endgame? … His name, as you've no doubt surmised, is Barack Obama.    …
Obama's 'Bloodbath': Can We Believe the Hype?
– But it's also Barack Obama in 2011, attacking Libya.   For weeks, President Obama had been wary of military action. … In his March 26 radio address, Obama said the United States acted because Gadhafi threatened "a bloodbath." … But Obama has only one good excuse for the attack on Libya -- averting mass murder.…
Ryan v. Obama
– The main combatants are President Barack Obama and a thoughtful member of Congress from the nation's heartland, Rep. … For his part, President Obama sees government regulation of almost all facets of the economy as a vital tool, appointing so-called … Ryan's website describes key points of the roadmap: .…
A Conservative Defense of ObamaCare
– Opponents of President Barack Obama's health care program lost the legislative battle, but they have high hopes of stopping it yet. … That could be accomplished by defeating Obama in 2012 and electing a Republican Congress. … Fried, who made an unexpected endorsement of Obama in 2008, disagrees -- and says he is the norm among his ideological kindred in the…
New Media Catches Obama Bribing the Fourth Estate
– Fast-forward three months to April 6, when reporter Matthew Boyle of The Daily Caller published a report outlining the details of Barack … According to Hot Air, a search for ERRP on The Post website last week revealed nothing. … only one entry, a link to the Obama administration’s health care reform website.…
Obama and Mexican Trucks
Barack Obama's deal with the president of Mexico to allow Mexican trucks to carry their loads onto U.S. highways and roads is new evidence … Built into the Obama deal is the sneaky imposition of costs on both U.S. truck drivers and U.S. taxpayers. … Bush using a website called Security and Prosperity Partnership (since deactivated).…
Cooling on Global Warming
– Both John McCain and Obama had promised to push for capping carbon emissions. Corporations had gotten on board. … (Don't tell Michelle Obama.) Even Madison Avenue has noticed. … Obama and the greens are in an exquisite bind.…
Liberals Are Lamenting 'Cronyism'?
– Yet the reality of the matter is more serious: Left-Wing America is still looking to Barack Obama to be their savior despite his repeated … Barack Obama, on the other hand, is still expected to “pass” the test one of these days soon. … "Power corrupts," Lord Acton once said, "...and absolute power corrupts absolutely" - even if you're Barack Obama.…
Liberals' Response to Dissent: 'Shut Up'
– The website of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education sets out the speech codes at 400 of the nation's largest and most … So did former Chicago adjunct law instructor Barack Obama. … FEC, which Barack Obama denounced a few weeks later in his 2010 State of the Union message and which Hillary Clinton has been denouncing…
Third Term
– Let's start with this: A few weeks ago President Barack Obama said that if he were permitted to run again, he thought he could win … Barack Obama took office as President. … Barack Obama may be the best friend the GOP has ever had.…
Our World: Showdown at the OK Corral
– Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s meeting with US President Barack Obama next week is likely to look less like a rapprochement than … Recent statements by Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry have convinced Israel that during his last 15 months in office, Obama … As far as Obama and his allies see things, the nuclear accord with Iran is a done deal.…
Republicans vs. The Media
– A few months later, CNN's in-house Barack Obama serviceperson Candy Crowley won the second presidential debate by wrongly telling Romney … that Obama had labeled Benghazi a terrorist attack. … out more about Ben Shapiro and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website
Thank You, CNBC, for a Wonderful Evening
– Can you imagine the statement that could be made if the GOP establishment would quit throwing in the towel before our battles with Obama … begin and the rest of the feckless Republican majorities would unify to stop Obama? … Follow him on Twitter @davidlimbaugh and his website at…
Ben Carson's Resume is Fair Game -- But What of Democrats' Resumes?…resume-is-fair-game--but-what-of-democrats-resumes-n2079303
Obama said Selma inspired his parents to have him: "This young man named Barack Obama ... came over to this country. … And so they got together and Barack Obama Jr. was born. So don't tell me I don't have a claim on Selma, Alabama." … Alan Lockwood, author of "Barack O'Liberal: The Education of President Obama," writes: "During his 1987 campaign for the Democratic…
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