Results for: illegal immigrants are bad

Look Who's 'Nativist' Now!!
– Needless to say, America is the only developed nation that allows illegal aliens to gain full citizenship for their children merely … Harris was off and running, babbling: "Do you have to have two parents who are citizens? How about grandparents? … Judges are supposed to be interpreting a constitution and laws written by legislators, not legislating from the bench.…
Gov. Jan Brewer vs. Chuck Norris
– Indeed, when the president calls the BP oil spill "an invasion" and illegal immigrants "undocumented workers," you can bet something … A few of my favorites about the Arizona governor are:--Jan Brewer flosses with barbed wire from the border. … his remedies for our border problems, as well as his solution for illegal immigration within our borders.)…
Religious Leaders Make a Flawed Case for Mass Immigration
– People who have to compete for jobs and wages with immigrants, whose kids attend schools that are strained by meeting the special … By and large, illegal aliens are good people who have made bad decisions for understandable reasons. … Immigrants – regardless of legal status – are human beings who must always be treated with respect and dignity, but also as people…
GOP Flip-Flopping Over Mitt Romney
– Yet now that Romney is the GOP frontrunner, many conservatives are speaking up against him. … Not all of Romney’s positions are defensible from a conservative perspective. … who do not support his bill that granted in-state tuition to the children of illegal immigrants.…
Who's the Most Conservative of Them All?
– And it isn't his position on illegal immigrants with deep roots in America. … Newt Gingrich is a bad bet because he will embarrass the Republican Party. … But his convictions are flexible, and his ideas are half-baked when they're not loopy.…
Iowa Shows Republicans Determined to Beat Obama
– Ron Paul is not electable as president for several reasons, including that he is only a congressman, is bad on illegal immigration, … Rick Perry is not electable as president for three reasons: First, he seems too much like Bush; second, he gave illegal immigrants … Iowa shows that Republicans are still the party of normal people -- normal people who are determined to defeat Obama.…
Obama's Pander on Immigration
– Instead, ICE should concentrate on illegal immigrants with serious criminal records: "That would keep them very, very busy." … But when ICE targeted "immigration fugitives" -- illegal immigrants who had violated deportation orders -- in northern California last … You see, even if agents are looking for the worst offenders, they have no choice but to arrest every illegal immigrant they encounter…
A "Nation Of Whiners?" Well, Are We?,_are_we
– It’s always awkward when presidents and candidates are embarrassed by the words and behavior of their own friends. … In the face of all the gloom about losing jobs to India and China, illegal immigrants taking jobs away from U.S. citizens, housing … If people “think” and “feel” as though times are bad, then they’ll behave, economically and otherwise, as though times are bad.…
Sanctuary Policy Made City Less Safe
– city" policy -- as it was implemented until recently -- put the welfare of juvenile gang-bangers and drug dealers, who also were illegalimmigrants, before the safety of law-abiding residents who are victimized by gangs and thugs. … Yet Ramos wasn't bad enough for them? "What we're being beat up on is not fair in a sense," Ballard said.…
Debate Questions That Schieffer Should Ask
– Immigration:  Should America reassert control of the borders in order to prevent illegal immigration?  … Should illegal immigrants be permitted to receive welfare or unemployment benefits?  … Do you believe America’s preeminence has been good or bad for the rest of the world? …
Debate Questions That Schieffer Should Ask
– Immigration:  Should America reassert control of the borders in order to prevent illegal immigration?  … Should illegal immigrants be permitted to receive welfare or unemployment benefits?  … Do you believe America’s preeminence has been good or bad for the rest of the world? …
Killing Fields
– These make-shift communities serve as safe havens for illegal immigrants, with sometimes tragic results. … Illegal immigrants should not have a right to stay in America illegally. … Not only are San Francisco officials not turning over illegal immigrants as federal law requires, but they are spending tax payer dollars…
700 Billion (and Counting) Good Reasons to Reform Immigration Policy
Immigrants are not to blame for the nation’s economic crisis, but immigration policy as it has been implemented (or ignored) over the … of illegal aliens, but there are still in excess of 11 million living here. … Instead of adding 570,000 new immigrants – on top of the million or so we are already admitting legally – at a time when our economy…
More Trouble Outside the White House Than In
– Do they know that of the so-called 44 million uninsured, millions are illegal immigrants? … immigrants. … and Ruth Bader Ginsburg we can likely look forward to seeing him champion more bad nominees, more illegal immigration, more foolish…
Life on the Border
– “In 2006, we had 1,000-plus people crossing every day.These are not our numbers; these are Border Patrol numbers. … In fact, water sources are a major problem in areas where illegal traffic is heavy. … Pearce also testified that “providing emergency care to illegal immigrants costs the hospital at least $400,000 per month.”…
The State of Our Borders 2008
– It's certainly true illegal crossings from the south are down and that many foreign workers are returning to their native lands as … Some 700,000 illegal alien absconders -- fugitives from deportation like Barack Obama's aunt Zeituni Onyango -- are free. … And the borders are still largely borders in name only.…
Alligators, Moats and Other Such Nonsense,_moats_and_other_such_nonsense
– There are still well over a half-million illegal border crossings per year. … The president also deliberately confused legal and illegal immigration in lamenting the inability of highly skilled immigrants to obtain … These are serious issues that deserve more from a president than re-election pandering at the border and bad jokes about alligators…
Bill Clinton Sweet-Talks Hispanics
– In his El Paso speech, President Obama avoided using the word “amnesty” and referred to illegal immigrants as “undocumented immigrantsillegal immigrants with better-looking documents and ignoring hundreds of miles of fenceless border. … There are approximately 11.2 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. today.…
Email, Hate Mail and Comments from Readers,_hate_mail_and_comments_from_readers
– They are just numbers pulled out of the air.” … Some Republicans are just as willing to give welfare to Wall Street and pharmaceuticals as Democrats are to everyone else. … are plotting to Murder & Maim.…
Concerns Over Illegal Immigration Becoming Mainstream
– One federal prosecutor in Texas refuses to prosecute illegal immigrants until they have been arrested seven times. … Even more egregiously, he does not prosecute coyotes smuggling fewer than six illegal immigrants. … More than 50% of illegal immigrants enter the country through the Tucson sector.…
It's On: Cruz, Rubio Trade Blows in Immigration Slugfest
– Why is he attacking me when he also favors a path to permanent legal status for millions of illegal immigrants?  Wait a minute.  … Okay, then what is Cruz's plan for handling the vast majority of the otherwise law-abiding 11 million illegal immigrants already living … immigrants who are already here.  …
Obama Can't Rewrite Immigration Law, Even For The Better
immigrants living in the United States. … As federal policy, these changes may be good, bad, or indifferent. … Presidents and Congress are often in tension with each other.…
The Upside of the Downside
Illegal immigration is a great example of a rich country's problem. … Some say it has actually stopped entirely, as many illegal immigrants have started going home. … In terms of self-correction, the examples are all over the place.…
7 Topics We Can't Have Adult Conversations About in America
– That's too bad because these are not small matters. … For example, are illegal immigrants putting Americans out of work? Are they driving down salaries that American workers are paid? … already here, there are a lot of important questions that deserve an answer other than, "You hate immigrants."…
Harry Reid's Illegal Alien Student Bailout
– This bad idea is compounded by a companion proposal to recruit more illegal aliens into the military with the lure of citizenship ( … The academic achievement requirements are minimal. … When asked, "Do you think immigration reform should primarily move in the direction of integrating illegal immigrants into American…
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