Results for: white house debate response

Democrats' 'War' Talk Says Women Are Gullible
– According to the latest data from the Pew Research Center, women are ready to return President Obama to the White House later this … Thus, the hysterical response about birth-control pills to the serious subject of insurance mandates. … voters is actually more embarrassing to conservative women than is the fact that our prospective candidates have been coerced into a debate
Annoying Greenie on Defense
– He concludes: “The report and the response are the latest thrust and parry over White House backing for green-energy projects that … A January 9 report states: “the debate in Washington in changing alternative fuel standards drove down prices so low that the company … House to stop manipulating the tax code as America's de facto energy policy: Thorough federal tax reform should sunset this arbitrary…
World Powers Surrender to Iran
– In response, White House press secretary Jay Carney said not to worry: “It doesn’t matter what they say. … Within Iran, they believe, a great debate is taking place between “hardliners” and “moderates.” … Stewart went on to accuse Democrats and Republicans in Congress — at least 59 senators and a clear majority in the House — of doing…
Obama's Privacy Epiphany
– In its report last December, the Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies, which Obama appointed in response to … did everything it could to prevent such a debate. … As long as Obama is in the White House, there is little risk of that.…
Strategy: GOP Weighs Raising Debt Ceiling In Exchange for Axing Obamacare Bailout…ebt-ceiling-in-exchange-for-axing-obamacare-bailout-n1787825
– That's not a bad strategy as far as these things go; Senate Democrats won't go along with it, and the White House will almost certainly … I suspect that's a debate the GOP would be delighted to have. What might endangered Democrats have to say about the idea? … toward failure and disgrace,” he wrote...Richardson said he called the governor several days later because he had received no response
To an Old Friend . . .
– You were listening to my small talk, pausing before each response, as was always your way, before responding in whole sentences -- … It reflects the process of challenge and response in the real world, not an abstract legal one. … It was a time when everything was going wrong at the White House, and she responded by going off like a pack of Furies in some Greek…
"Rarely has a threat from a U.S. president been dismissed [so] quickly"…eat-from-a-us-president-been-dismissed-this-quickly-n1802957
– The White House defensively insisted that Obama's absence from the meeting was "not unusual." … At the core of his quandary is the question that has arisen in White House debates over the Afghan withdrawal, the intervention in … Marco Rubio suggests eight retaliatory steps the White House could take that fall short of military intervention, several of which…
The IMF Loses (at Least Temporarily) a Bid to Fatten its Bailout Checkbook…t-temporarily-a-bid-to-fatten-its-bailout-checkbook-n1815894
– This is the second time that this White House initiative has been blocked. … Reid acknowledged that while the Ukraine package would likely have passed the Senate, it was “headed to nowhere” in the GOP-led House … In preparation for the next skirmish, Desmond Lachmann at AEI debunks the White House’s empty talking points.…
Alaskans Plead to Leave U.S. and Reunite with Russia
– More than 30,000 Alaskans have signed the petition “Alaska back to Russia,” pleading that the White House allow them to secede and … If the request garners 100,000 signatures by April 20, the White House will make an official response. … The White House demurely responded: Thank you for using the White House's online petitions platform to participate…
NCAA joins other “employers,” horse collared by Big Labor’s NLRB…s-other-employers-horse-collared-by-big-labors-nlrb-n1819852
– long-term impact not only on one of America’s favorite pastimes but on America itself is absent from the coverage and subsequent debate … Their legislative agenda in Washington is increasingly dead on arrival in an overwhelmingly Republican House and a divided Senate. … Whether successfully pressuring the White House into issuing Executive orders raising the minimum wage or shamelessly stacking the…
Analysis: Obama Celebrates Eight Million 'Enrollments,' Again Declares Debate 'Over'…ight-million-enrollments-again-declares-debate-over-n1826023
– President Obama addressed the White House press corps today, announcing that with the final numbers in, Obamacare's exchanges … In response to these gimmes, Obama issued a now-familiar declaration: This! Debate! Is! Over! … The debate is over.…
Hoisting the Left from Its Own Petard
– During a 1984 presidential debate with Walter Mondale, Reagan responded to mounting criticism he was too old to be president by promising … At a press conference during his first term, ABC News’ Chief White House Correspondent Sam Donaldson asked Reagan if all the blame … Furthermore, the other side of the debate has already boiled down their positions to emotion-driven clichés that are easy to embed…
Benghazi. Again. Still.
White House press secretary Jay Carney tried to deflect attention from the newly released email by saying Ben Rhodes' note was not … From the transcript of the White House briefing: KARL: Why did it take a court case for you to release this - (inaudible … I am not a conspiracy guy, but the White House has some explaining to do and all the bluster by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (…
Hillary Clinton and HerStory's Cover-Ups
– There weren’t even military assets within quick response range. … The White House denies any role in manipulating the narrative. … House drove the story away from the embarrassing truth towards a fiction that would give it cover.…
Whatever Happened to Free-Speech Panic?
White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer, goaded by the press to respond to a bigoted comment from a Republican congressman and a … White House officials said they believed it wasn't a terrorist attack but a spontaneous reaction to a video insulting the Muslim prophet … The White House asked Google if it could censor the video from YouTube.…
An October Surprise
– Ambassador Christopher Stevens, along with three other Americans, and President Obama's deceitful, cowardly response. … White House spokesman Jay Carney insisted on Sept. 14 that the attack was all about an anti-Muslim video, saying, "We have no information … Mitt Romney challenged Obama on the Libyan attack in the second presidential debate on Oct. 16.…
Obama on Benghazi: "When Four Americans Are Killed, It's Not Optimal"
– Despite this information, the White House continued to push the false "spontaneous protest over a video spun out of control" story … The much-talked-about Benghazi exchange at Tuesday's debate centered around the question of whether the White House had misled the … He noted again that “the unrest around the region has been in response to this video.”…
Here's How Romney Wins The Monday Night Debate
– I confess a certain fascination with debate prep. What is it, exactly? … He will succeed with the same formula that brought him success in the first debate. … A broad, nebulous concept, to be sure, but a vital factor in any successful run for the White House.…
'Bindergate:' Evidence Obama is Losing?
– The Left's fixation on Mitt Romney's turn of phrase "women full of binders" in the second debate may represent the pettiest and most … The leader of the free world and his campaign have decided to elevate is as an issue, so I suppose my response is four-fold: ( … Nor does he mention that his White House pays female staffers $11,000 less per year than their male counterparts, on average (to say…
Romney's Number-Crunching Values Pessimism
– Abortion and gay marriage should be helping put Romney in the White House. … It's harder to debate when your opponent shows up, of course, but under the stress of Attack Obama, Gov. … What did voters hate the most about the performance of both men in the second debate?…
Romney Prevails over Obama the Angry Man Without a Plan
– assuming the role of the angry, robot would make him the winner in the second debate. … In contrast, Obama’s responses devolved into the same stump speeches, White House talking points and campaign rants we’ve all heard … To which Romney unleashed a blistering response exposing Obama as a liar.…
"Binders Full Of Women": The Dumbest Campaign Controversy Since Big Bird…ull_of_women_the_dumbest_campaign_controversy_since_big_bird
– If you went to some liberal-leaning news outlets to find post-debate analysis from the second presidential debate, you would think … Shear, in his article, “Debate Moves Women to Fore in Race for the White House,” suggests Romney’s answer to the unequal pay question … was the “most memorable exchange of the debate.”…
A Bright and Shining Libyan Lie
– In response, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, National Intelligence Director James Clapper and U.N. … Vice President Joe Biden told a flat-out whopper in last week's debate, saying the administration hadn't been informed that Americans…
CBS News Covered For Obama on Libya
– The White House, the Situation Room, and all of those paying attention to intel channels know that the guys on the ground have determined … Also, remember what he said in the debate and notice the new part -- underlined in bold. … debate, and not release the rest of that interview at the beginning? …
Busting Open Energy's Den of Deception
– Benghazi isn’t the only White House cover up being exposed through leaked emails. … As it has done with Benghazi-gate, the White House, this time through Senior Advisor David Plouffe, while on Meet the Press (October … from the White House talk to you, the Chief of Staff, someone from the White House, talk to you about these respective companies,…
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