Results for: Republican National Committee

In Some GOP Circles, Reform Is Already Underway
– The Republican National Committee chose to hold its recent winter meeting in Charlotte because North Carolina was a rare bright spot … Although it was the high-profile site of the Democratic National Convention, North Carolina became one of just two states won by Barack … "Not enough Republicans talk about Eisenhower," McCrory says, citing that Republican president's highway-building program.…
Boehner's Battle Cry: The Voters Elected Us Too, Deal With It…s-battle-cry-the-voters-elected-us-too-deal-with-it-n1496848
– WASHINGTON - House Republican leaders seized the high ground this week in the furious battle to curb federal spending, forcing Senate … Senate Budget Committee Chairman Patty Murray says one will be adopted this year, the first since 2009. … The national debt will swell by $450 billion by May. Tempers will flare, charges will be hurled.…
Republicans Get Sound Advice on Immigration…From The New York Times…sound-advice-on-immigrationfrom-the-new-york-times-n1507723
– With Obamacare coming online next year, the Republican Senate Budget Committee staff estimates that covering newly legalized aliens … If the Republican Party is defined by any governing principle it is that taxpayers should be allowed to keep more their money and that … Republicans cannot ignore the concerns of Hispanic voters and hope to win national elections.…
Karl Rove Vs. the 'Far Right'
– for president in 1996 because apparently Bob Dole was too fringy, and, as Howard Fineman said at the time, reporters "want a Republican … As executive director of the National Republican Senatorial Committee in 1998 and 2000, Law's work ended up with zero gains in 1998 … Instead, the national media gorged itself on 2012 Senate candidate Todd Akin's comments on abortion and "legitimate rape."…
Yes Virginia, There Is A Constitutional Monetary Unit
– This is a national tragedy. … , former Republican Study Committee chairman Jim Jordan, House Financial Services Committee chairman Jeb Hensarling, and, in the Senate … It follows the directive of what may well prove to have been the most vital and innovative plank in the 2012 national Republican Platform…
GOP Aims to Ease Bloodshed in 2016 Primary Debates
– "While we were playing footsie debating each other 22 times, they were spending $100 million on technology," Republican National Committee … There's no doubt the Republican debates produced many damaging moments for the party. … National party officials can't just dictate changes; state parties will have a lot to say about it, too.…
The Republican Obsession
– Is the Republican Party, as currently constituted, even capable of conducting a foreign policy befitting a world power? … Query: What is behind this Republican preoccupation, bordering on obsession, with Israel and its nemesis Iran, to the near exclusion … In this city, the Israeli lobby is regarded as right up there with the National Rifle Association as a crowd that rewards its friends…
The Wrong Man for Defense Secretary
– Fortunately, the U.S. has never ratified LOST; in December it proved its threat to national sovereignty by overruling the high court … on the Senate Armed Services Committee, Republican Senator Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma, announced he could not vote to confirm Hagel as … Defense Secretary because Hagel is philosophically opposed to vital issues affecting our national security.…
Stupid and the RNC’s Outreach Plan
– Is the Republican National Committee just “stupid” as Gov. … The committee includes: Henry Barbour National Committeeman from Mississippi (nephew of longtime Republican Haley Barbour); Zori Fonalledas … Bositis wrote in “Blacks & the 2012 Republican National Convention, “at least one third of the members of the RNC are women by quota…
Te’o and the Death of a Responsible Press
– plays the scheduled game against Michigan State which consequently puts Notre Dame on the road to an undefeated season and the national … Why did he not attend the funeral of the girl about whom he went on national TV and poured out his heart? … Now if he had said he was a Republican …..…
CULTURE DIGEST: South home to most 'Bible-minded' cities
– The National Right to Life Committee and the U.S. … Driehaus, who described himself as pro-life, lost the 2010 election to Republican Steve Chabot, whom the Democrat had defeated in 2008…
Hagel Nomination: Iranians Giddy
– In a January 29 letter sent to Senators Carl Levin (D-MI) and Jim Inhofe (R-OK), the Chairman and Ranking Republican on the Senate … Hagel to be Secretary of Defense would be contrary to the United States' vital national security interests."  … Gates’ tenure – would be “disastrous for the defense budget” and “very high risk” to national security; Sen.…
Running With Scissors
– If you thought Republican presidential hopefuls were insane to refuse to raise their hands during a 2011 primary debate when asked … Senate Budget Committee Chairwoman Patty Murray wants to change the deal to 50-50 between spending cuts and tax increases. … Defense Secretary Leon Panetta correctly warned that the sequester formula cut too deeply into national security -- doubling defense…
Sam Tanenhaus’s Fevered Historical Imagination About the Racist GOP…fevered-historical-imagination-about-the-racist-gop-n1512773
– Like many other white liberals, he lectures the blacks, women, Latinos, Asians, and gays who vote Republican by presumably giving them … Cruz, especially because he urged a “partial government shutdown” at the recent National Review Institute conference, cannot understand … As chief of state for the Arizona Air National Guard, he had pushed for desegregation of the guard.…
Not a Long, Nor a Long-Lasting Speech
– Here's what the New York Times (not a mouthpiece for the Republican National Committee) scored, just yesterday, "the pressure" the…
CULTURE DIGEST: Methodist men join calls against Boy Scouts change…methodist-men-join-calls-against-boy-scouts-change-n1524071
– The SBC Executive Committee in February adopted a resolution urging BSA leadership to stand on moral ground and reject the change to … The Republican-controlled Senate voted 19-14 along party lines following a 53-28 vote to override by the Republican-controlled state … The Arkansas bill follows a model bill drafted by the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) that is known as the Pain-capable Unborn…
The Free State Speaks
– Last week, I sat through four excruciating hours of legislative hearings before the Ways and Means Committee of Maryland’s … Before the committee, on which he also sits, Del. … In fact, the Delegate informed the committee of a petition forgery scandal that was discovered last year in North Dakota.…
Moving Pictures
– The other day, the President railed against Congressional (read: Republican) inaction on averting the sequester by giving a speech … One of my committee assignments was as chairman of the Police and Fire Committee. … The firemen came to the committee with a budget that showed if we did not increase the amount of money we allocated to fire and rescue…
Will GOP Fumble Away Guaranteed Sequester Victory?
– After all, the president certainly agrees with Boehner that the sequester cuts threaten national security and jobs.  … At the same time, Boehner is contributing to Republican confusion on the question of whether the cuts are in fact “deep” or whether … Reform the biased number-crunching methodology at the Congressional Budget Office and Joint Committee on Taxation.…
GOP Has Trouble Settling on Candidates Who Can Win
– The National Republican Senatorial Committee originally supported Gov. Charlie Crist, now a Democrat, over Rubio. … There's no Republican establishment like that today. … Republican National Chairman Reince Priebus is by definition an insider.…
Leave Liberal Hollywood to the Liberals
– Mitt Romney and the Republican National Committee combined raised just more than $1 billion, and all we got are these lousy T-shirts…
CULTURE DIGEST: Belief there's 'no need for church' concerns Dolan ahead of conclave…no-need-for-church-concerns-dolan-ahead-of-conclave-n1529410
– Greg Jao, InterVarsity's national field director, took the matter to the college's student affairs office. … The National Right to Life Committee and the U.S. … Driehaus, who described himself as pro-life, lost the 2010 election to Republican Steve Chabot, whom the Democrat had defeated in 2008…
Mr. Hugo Chavez, You Were NO Fidel Castro
– The Republican National Committee scolded Democratic Rep. Serrano for his affectionate tweet to the dead Chavez. Good for them.…
If We've Lost Walter ...
– morning, that he is the fairest in the land, didn't think he needed to explain himself to anyone about anything (much less to a Republican … I think Obama felt the tide of public opinion turning and didn't want to make Rand Paul a national hero so he instructed Holder to … Paul Ryan (R-MN) who is chairman of the House Budget Committee and Rep.…
Will Obama Reluctantly Buy Into Base-Broadening Tax Reforms That Also Lower the Rates?…asebroadening-tax-reforms-that-also-lower-the-rates-n1528344
– WASHINGTON - President Obama has been pleading with House Republican leaders lately to raise government revenues by overhauling … In fact, they've been working on a tax reform bill that does just that for the past year in the tax-writing Ways and Means Committee … That goal is embedded in the House Republican Budget Resolution for fiscal years 2012 and 2013.…
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