Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

With the 2022 Midterms Over, These Old Stories About Biden Are Resurfacing…dterms-over-these-old-biden-stories-are-resurfacing-n2616653
– The Democratic Party survived a shellacking this midterm season, as voters apparently felt it wasn’t worth gambling on the GOP’s slate … of candidates and the possibility of mayhem engulfing Capitol Hill. … Virtually every presidential candidate the Democrats had that cycle was exposed as unqualified.…
A Letter to Christian Voters in Georgia
– Both candidates (Sen. … I think the Republican view is beneficial to the country and the Democratic view is harmful. … I think the Republican view is beneficial to the country and the Democratic view is harmful.…
NH Gov. Chris Sununu Says Trump's Announcement 'Fell Flat' and Shares Why He Will Never Run for Senate…ll-flat-and-shares-why-he-will-never-run-for-senate-n2616471
– Sununu handily defeated Democratic challenger state Sen. Tom Sherman to return to manage the state of under 2 million. … There are no term limits for the office; former Democratic Gov. … I mean, you should never be voting before you've even really seen your candidates in a legitimate way." …
All I Want for Christmas Is Total Partisan Gridlock
– With this Democratic Party, Republican members of Congress mustn’t buckle on anything from the Senate. That’s imperative. … Granted, most voters probably didn’t buy into the Democratic Party talking point that voting for the GOP put our nation at risk, but … Is that something worth gambling on in the next presidential election? …
Burying the Major Democrat Donor Angle in FTX Fiasco…urying-the-major-democrat-donor-angle-in-ftx-fiasco-n2617214
– largest national media outlets are going to bury the point that FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried was the second-largest donor to the Democratic … The former crypto king made one of the largest donations to Joe Biden's presidential campaign in 2020, a cool $5.2 million. … CNN's Randi Kaye noted in passing that "he donated more than $900,000 to candidates and nearly $39 million to outside groups for midterms…
Dems Still in Disarray and Confusion Over South Carolina Primary Status…more-in-disarray-over-south-carolina-primary-status-n2617185
– There's still a preoccupation with the first in the nation state having diversity, as this is the Democratic Party we're talking about … their top perches, Ceraso says there are plenty of reasons to allow the Palmetto State to go first," Trudo writes, referring to Democratic … — Maggie Hassan (@Maggie_Hassan) December 15, 2022New Hampshire first put the presidential nominating process in the hands of the…
Trend Watch: Another Day, Another DeSantis Polling Lead Over Trump…nother-day-another-desantis-polling-lead-over-trump-n2617134
– The GOP electorate's appetite for a DeSantis presidential campaign certainly exists -- and could be described as robust, if not voracious … Ron DeSantis as a potential 2024 presidential nominee and view him more favorably than they do former President Donald Trump, a new … "The former president was able to win his party’s 2016 nomination in part because the large number of candidates fractured support…
A Frustrated Biden Whips Out the F-Word When Discussing His Age, Possible 2024 Run…out-how-fing-old-he-is-amid-questions-over-2024-run-n2617133
candidates: Earlier this month, Sen. … Booker brought Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo, herself a potential presidential hopeful, … By then, there will be a new crop of Democratic stars eyeing the White House.…
Way Too Early 2024 Poll: Guess Who's Leading Both Biden and Trump?…y-2024-poll-guess-whos-leading-both-biden-and-trump-n2617084
– On the Democratic side, I've long believed that the incumbent party will not ultimately re-nominate Joe Biden, but that may be wrong … His preferred candidates underperformed last week, helping Democrats hold the Senate and helping keep the race for House control close … Overall, his preferred primary candidates underperformed other G.O.P. candidates by about five percentage points...A penalty of five…
Hard and Clear Lessons Emerge for Republicans Following 2022 Midterms…irror-hard-and-clear-lessons-emerge-for-republicans-n2616931
– As we mentioned on Wednesday, Democratic Sen. … Overall, his preferred primary candidates underperformed other G.O.P. candidates by about five percentage points...The analysis is … With the benefit of the final results, we can gauge how well the MAGA candidates fared compared with other Republicans.…
The Downward Spiral of Disgraceful Misconduct
– By any fair reading, his words seem at odds with the presidential oath to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United … President Donald Trump was not distracted by baseless charges of collusion advanced by high government officials and leading Democratic … Polls have shown his support leaking away, and Trump-endorsed Senate candidates went down to defeat this November in Arizona, Nevada…
Does Trump Really Want to be President Again?
– The FBI was compromised and acted as an agent of the Democratic Party. Anthony Fauci proved a partisan. … It was engineered by Hillary Clinton, the Democratic National Committee, and the FBI. … He did not plan on hawking his presidential papers for profit.Germany did weaken NATO.…
Does the GOP Enjoy Losing?
– But complaining will not get candidates over the finish line. … Not having lunatic candidates whose views scare potential voters is always a good idea. … But even in cases where there were appealing candidates, the Republicans sometimes lost.…
Another Key Voting Bloc Is Fleeing the Democratic Party
– be overemphasized over what appears to be gross incompetence and recalcitrance among the Republican leadership to assist their candidates … Affluent, liberal, and overwhelmingly white Democratic voters would instead double down on nonwhite voters in the cities. … The 2020 Presidential election and 2022 gubernatorial election were both extremely close.…
Here's the Election Law Tweak the Dems Rolled Into the Omnibus Bill…ed-an-new-election-law-into-the-17-trillion-omnibus-n2617506
– law to close loopholes that then-President Donald Trump and his team sought to exploit on Jan. 6, 2021, to make it harder for presidentialcandidates to steal elections. … laws involving state certification of elections, in an attempt to avoid future competing slates of electors, and smooth the presidential
Democrats Continue to Be in Disarray Over 2024 Primary Schedule…be-desperately-hiding-disarray-over-primary-status-n2617391
– New Hampshire seethes at Biden's planned changes to the 2024 Democratic presidential primaries," her headline read.  … of states in a presidential calendar. … "In case you missed it, Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party Chair Ken Martin and Maryland Democratic Party Chair Yvette Lewis,…
Trump: I'm Not to Blame for the GOP's 2022 Underperformance...But Here's Who Is…s-2022-underperformance-pro-lifers-and-abortion-are-n2617784
– And all the Senate candidates who won were super pro-life too. Oops! … A number of these candidates had not shied away from the issue at all.   … Overall, his preferred primary candidates underperformed other G.O.P. candidates by about five percentage points...A penalty of five…
It's Looking Increasingly Likely That the 2024 Senate Map Favors Republicans…likely-that-2024-senate-map-will-favor-republicans-n2618347
– Sherrod Brown, a Democratic incumbent out of Ohio. … That doesn't mean that 2022 needs to be a repeat of 2024, though, whether Democratic Sen. … And when it comes to Democratic targets?…
Will These Potential Candidates Actually Run in 2024? And If So, Why?
– Regardless of what one thinks of him, he is likely to remain the most memorable contender even when other candidates jump into the … It's natural that other candidates would want to run, especially if one wants to argue that appeal to Trump isn't what it was in 2016 … If the current GOP presidential candidates don't repudiate Trump, I'm prepared to get in the race. — John…
Poll: Do GOP Voters Want House Republicans to Work With Democrats, or Focus on Opposition?…icans-to-work-with-democrats-or-focus-on-opposition-n2618086
– That someone is newly-minted House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, who can kill Democratic schemes and excesses dead in their tracks.   … This was especially true at the federal level, as many voters couldn't bring themselves to support candidates perceived as too crazy … To predicate another presidential nomination on such favorable conditions falling into place once more is to invite defeat. …
White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain Looks for an Exit Amid Biden's Document Scandal…in-looks-for-the-exit-amid-growing-document-scandal-n2618581
– Klain has, at more than two years in the gig, "lasted longer than any other Democratic president’s first chief of staff in more than … half a century," according to the Times, despite weathering a staggering amount of presidential missteps, crises, and scandals. … What the White House officials did give the Times was a list of potential candidates to take over as chief of staff: Labor Secretary…
Do the Rich Really Rule America?
– Clinton and her allies, including her joint committees with the Democratic Party and the super PACs that supported her, raised more … Republican candidates outspent their Democratic opponents in 13 of those elections. … unable to outspend their Democratic opponents. …
Democrats: Hey, Let's Hold Our 2024 Convention in That Racist 'Jim Crow 2.0' State…ur-2024-convention-in-that-racist-jim-crow-20-state-n2618960
– The location of the corresponding Democratic National Convention has not yet been determined. … Democratic senators, congressmen, governors, mayors and legislators from a dozen Southern states.  … presidential primaries, behind South Carolina, New Hampshire, and Nevada, and ahead of Iowa.…
Democrats Have No Good Option for 2024
– The same is simply not true for the Democratic Party. … Of the three leading alternative candidates for the Democrats' 2024 presidential nomination, there are no appealing options. … Harris famously secured not a single Democratic National Convention delegate during her ill-fated 2020 presidential run.…
Now There Are Two
– Seventeen candidates entered the 2016 Republican presidential primary. All of them declared in 2015. … In the 2020 Democratic presidential primary, 29 candidates announced they were running or forming exploratory committees. … Today, for the 2024 Republican presidential primary, there are just two candidates declared.…
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