Results for: white house debate response

CBS Anchor to Rubio: What Do You Mean Hillary 'Lied' About Benghazi?…rubio-what-do-you-mean-hillary-lied-about-benghazi-n2072775
– Marco Rubio embarked on something of a post-debate victory tour today, visiting six national morning shows to reflect on last night's … House advisor that finally became public last year.   … One more Benghazi-related note, breaking today: #BREAKING: The Committee has received new documents from the White House related…
Unity: Trump, DNC, Hillary, and Jeb Hitting Rubio on Missed Senate Votes
– This issue briefly took centerstage at last night's debate, having garnered extra attention this week because one of the largest … It's indisputable that Rubio has missed quite a few votes in the upper chamber while campaigning for the White House.   … (@IsMarcoWorking) October 28, 2015 The pre-planned debate attack in primetime...ended badly for Bush.  …
The Friday Filibuster: A Mess at Mizzou
– GOP Debate, Round 4 The fourth Republican debate on Fox Business actually turned out to be a wonky, intellectual debate among the … At the earlier debate, Huckabee and Jindal sparred and Christie tried to keep the focus on Hillary. Later in the evening Sen. … The White House is considering closing Gitmo by executive order, even though they’re not sure that’s constitutional (hint: Obama doesn…
Of Course We Should Let the Big Banks Fail
– At the Republican Presidential debate earlier this week, Texas Senator Ted Cruz did something unusual for a politician -- he gave a … No matter which party controlled the White House, the Treasury Department saw its goal as insuring the financial success of the big … Perhaps the moderator, Neil Cavuto, was startled by the candor of Cruz's response.…
Is Rubio the One?
– It came in response to a question by moderator Maria Bartiromo. … In an opinion piece for, former White House communications adviser Dan Pfeiffer wrote: "There is no question that Rubio is … After Rubio's four debate performances, and especially the one Tuesday night, they should.…
A United Freedom Alliance
– Kelly, the White House Chief of Staff, the president often meets with aides to discuss policy or prepare for a speech. … In response, the 193-member General Assembly voted 128-9, with 35 abstentions, to express “deep regret” over Trump’s new Jerusalem … It also remains the only central forum where the world’s countries can gather to debate, negotiate, and exchange views.…
Former Ampad Worker: Mitt Romney is Not a “Vulture Capitalist”
– Boston Herald: One such example, American Pad & Paper (Ampad), surfaced early in the GOP primary in the very first televised debate … A debate panelist questioned Romney about Ampad, supported by an onscreen graphic of talking points about job losses and adverse impacts … House.…
California Common Sense: Don't Tell Me It Can't Be Done
House, where the 250-strong fundraiser was held Friday night. … Miller's campaign site continues to promote his first debate against Tubbs, "Watch the Debate ... on August 24th in Martinez. ... … In contrast, Tubbs' Website links to the entire debate, including Miller's opening and close.…
Here We Go: Dems Prepping Amnesty Push in Lame Duck Session?
– "The White House is ready and willing, and we may be having another meeting with the White House very soon this week," Menendez said … "We need some clear response from some of our Republican colleagues." … People can debate over whether or not the GOP has a mandate when the new Congress convenes in January. …
An Animated Conversation with Former President George W. Bush
– On the other hand, when you're the president of the United States or the secretary of the Treasury or members of the White House staff … It's the reaction and the response. … I think he's a very deliberate, thoughtful man, and appreciated his service during my time in the White House, as well as his service…
A WikiLeaks Wake-up Call
– Politically, the one advantage for the White House is the sheer volume of the leaks. … The administration's formal response to the revelations was to have State Department attorney Harold Koh pen a tersely worded cease-and-desist … Ever since his bizarre campaign stop in Berlin and his primary debate promise to meet with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad "without…
The Sad Limits of Realism
House. … In response to the recent release of the recording, Kissinger said his words "must be viewed in the context of the time." … That context was a debate over the Jackson-Vanik Amendment of 1974.…
The American Decline Under Obama
– But only one side was even making a token effort to reduce the deficit during the debt ceiling debate. … If the market knew the downgrade was coming, so did the White House, Democrats, and Republicans that voted for the debt ceiling agreement … to the implications of the downgrade, Christine Romer--President Obama's first chair of the White House Council of Economic Advisers…
Endless: The Left Ratchets Up 'Tea Party Terrorists' Narrative
– Would Meet the Press debate whether this raises “troubling questions” about the White House’s sensitivity? … UPDATE - White House spokesman Jay Carney has apparently dismissed the "terrorist" slur from Democrats as merely an element of the … Duly noted, White House.  Thanks for establishing the new standard.  We'll keep it in mind.…
Rick Perry's Bad Medicine
– Since Day One, President Obama has short-circuited transparency, public debate and congressional oversight. … How can Perry effectively challenge the White House's czar fetish, stealth recess appointments, selective waiver-mania and backdoor … When both the House and Senate repealed the law six weeks later, Perry did not -- as he now claims -- listen humbly or "agree with…
Corn, Scorn and Forlorn in Iowa,_scorn_and_forlorn_in_iowa
– Insiders point to Pawlenty's failure in a June CNN debate to attack former Massachusetts Gov. … before the Republican primary is held.During a Minnesota bus tour stop Monday -- the White House denies it was a campaign event -- … President Obama referred to the debate and the 8-zip response to a 10-1 cuts-to-taxes debt reduction deal.…
Liberty's Resilience, Even After 9/11,_even_after_911
– Former Vice President Al Gore slammed the White House for using the war on terrorism "to consolidate its power and escape any accountability … To Ohio Representative Dennis Kucinich, debating the law on the House floor, it was "crystal clear" that the administration was determined … To be sure, obnoxious security measures are more common, especially in airports and other public spaces, but political debate, dissent…
Video: Woman Begs Christie to Run for President
– When he strode onstage before a packed house, one overpowering question hung in the air:  Is he going to run after all?  … The result is a debt ceiling limitation debate that made our democracy appear as if we could no longer effectively govern ourselves … There is not a Black America and a White America and Latino America and Asian America — there’s the United States of America.”…
Paul Ryan's Old-Fashioned American Vision
– In a White House meeting this year, Ryan’s superior knowledge of health care baffled Obama and left him speechless. … How did the White House react? It went rhetorically ballistic, although it couldn’t put together a serious response. … No, Ryan’s reforms didn’t quite resonate in the White House.…
It Begins: Democrats Repeat 'Lie of the Year' on Medicare
– The Ryan plan explicitly, in black and white, protects current and soon-to-be seniors.  No changes. … The most recent House-passed budget increases spending from $3.53 Trillion to $4.88 Trillion within the next ten years.  … The best response is to tell the truth, early and often -- and to push back hard. …
Ryan vs. Biden
–   There’s one television event in the coming months that Republicans are anxiously awaiting: The VP debate between Paul Ryan … His response to the State of the Union address and takedown of Obamacare and Obama are just a couple examples. … House senior staff one day after the Inauguration snafu, Washington, D.C., Jan. 21, 2009 "Jill and I had the great honor of…
The 2012 election: Why abortion trumps other issues when voting
– Twice as many white evangelicals age 18 through 44 voted for Barack Obama in 2008 than voted for John Kerry in 2004. … First and foremost, the abortion debate turns on the question of human equality. … Consider the House of Representatives.…
Chaos in Middle East, US Ambassador Murdered, Media Fixated on Romney "Gaffe"…le_east_us_ambassador_murdered_media_fixated_on_romney_gaffe
– An evacuation plane with U.S. commandos units then arrived from Tripoli to evacuate them from the house. … The Libyan minister quoted in the story above wonders how "the armed groups knew about" the location of the US safe house.  … House eventually did the same). …
Now They Tell Us
– From the White House press secretary to our ambassador at the United Nations, that was the official line and the whole administration … Now, weeks later, after the funerals have been held and the bodies buried, and investigations have begun, the same White House press … In the immediate aftermath of the attacks in Cairo and Benghazi, the White House press secretary had explained that all this violence…
Democrats Used Fairness Doctrine to ‘Challenge and Harass’ Conservative Opposition…ess_doctrine_to_challenge_and_harass_conservative_opposition
House approval.” … Of great significance, Exhibit A in the report was the testimony of CBS anchorman Dan Rather, the guy some White House officials wanted … to protect Reagan from, whose prominence added significant gravitas to the debate, moving out of the ideological realm.…
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