Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Flashback: Even RBG Opposed Court Packing
– Watch:  WATCH: Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg tells NPR she disagrees with Democratic presidential candidates who have floated…
The Destruction of American Exceptionalism
– Citizens can vote for candidates that promise to pursue the ideas those citizens think will reflect their local values and priorities … with within that category is elections, having served both as a top state election official and a human rights ambassador and presidential … The fact that this federal system plays out in elections – the machinery of our democratic republic itself – should cause us all to…
The Worst Argument for a National Popular Vote
– The Electoral College works as a two-step democratic process. … This is why Democratic strategists usually believe higher turnout will help their candidates, as was the case in Barack Obama’s two … presidential elections.…
Glenn Youngkin Is Hopeful with His Run for Governor: Seeing 'Virginians Come Together Like Never Before'…run-for-governor-seeing-virginians-come-together-l-n2588487
– a governor for all Virginia,” which includes all demographics and all areas of the commonwealth, including the overwhelmingly Democratic … Ben Carson, former presidential candidate and HUD Secretary under President Trump. Dr. … I am not endorsing anyone in the primary, and I wish him and the many qualified candidates Godspeed as they try to get Virginia back…
For the Good of the Country, Donald Trump Should Pass the Torch…d-of-the-country-donald-trump-should-pass-the-torch-n2589185
– At this point, every indication is that former President Donald Trump will announce his third presidential bid as soon as it makes … In truth, Democratic strategists would like nothing better than for Trump to run again. … Fairly or unfairly, Donald Trump would bring far more negatives than positives to a 2024 presidential campaign.…
Go, Jenner, Go
– Jenner points out the hypocrisy, venality and elitism of the Democratic politicians who control the state. … Senate in Michigan in 2020 and narrowly lost to Democratic Sen. Gary Peters. … When you listen to the mouthpieces for the Democratic Party, it's clear why.…
Mass Murderer for President
– In Iran's dictatorship, presidential elections are far from free or fair; they are a farce, a sham. … Other candidates in the regime's presidential election are simply thugs, murderers, corrupt thieves, and barefaced terrorists or terrorist … It is time for the world to finally stand with the Iranian people as they strive for a democratic, non-nuclear and secular republic…
The Mayorkas Border Testimony Was an Insult to Every American…as-border-testimony-was-an-insult-to-every-american-n2589695
– Johnson pointed out that any surge in 2020 was likely attributable to the fact that Democratic presidential candidates at the time…
Employers Beg for Workers: 'It's the Economy, Stupid'
– During his presidential campaign he told America stories in which he was the hero, all about his leg hairs turning blond in the sun … And, like Biden, Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker doesn't seem to want to open his eyes to behold his wonders. … candidates -- have pushed for the shutdowns of schools and that Democrats have accommodated them?…
H.R. 1’s Federal Takeover of Elections
– York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, and other large metro areas an overwhelming advantage in determining the outcome of future presidential … elections and also push presidential candidates to ignore the needs and interests of all but the largest voting blocs.  … Instead, they should look for reforms that bolster our democratic republic by respecting its federal structure and recognizing the…
Dealing with Trump
– If you think Joe Biden, who is 78 now, is too old to begin a presidential term that will not end until he is 82 -- then the same will … Republican leaders are pouring their energy into opposing the Democratic president. … They'll focus their attention on midterm elections in 2022 and then choosing a new presidential nominee in 2024.…
New Book Gives Inside Look at How Obama Reportedly Felt About Biden Running for President
– The book, which is out Tuesday, details the 2020 Democratic presidential race and “how the embattled Democratic Party, seeking a direction … Dovere writes: 'Obama never built a Democratic bench and never cared to, aside from a few scattered candidates who interested him. … Even when Biden was chosen as the Democrat's Presidential candidate Obama was still anxious and 'wasn't sure' about the decision the…
Why the American People Have Turned Against Biden
– Americans are finally seriously questioning the results of the 2020 presidential election. The lightbulb has gone off. … That is why the latest Washington Examiner poll reports enthusiasm for Republican candidates in the 2022 midterm elections is ahead … No judges were willing to risk assassination or a crazy Democratic mob.…
Destroying Democracy the Democratic Way
– Somewhat akin to the Nazi Gestapo or Soviet secret police, one presidential candidate was spied on.   … If, for example, the Russians had been able to block or silence some candidates in U.S. elections, there would have been an enormous … Democratic calls to defund the police amidst riots and rising crime are mystifying.  …
Democracy, as Defined by Khamenei
– There are democratic or parliamentary governments in which the president or prime minister is determined by parliamentary elections … Ali Khamenei, who has been the undisputed ruler of Iran for the past 32 years, claims that Iran is one of the freest and most democratic … The twelfth presidential election is scheduled for June 18 in Iran.…
Kevin McCarthy Wants to Arm His Caucus for the 2022 Battle…ccarthy-wants-to-arm-his-caucus-for-the-2022-battle-n2590213
– For Republicans to win back the majority in the House, Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said GOP candidates, whether they are incumbents … Last week, the Democratic-led House voted to create an independent commission on the Jan. 6 riots at the U.S. Capitol. … The base of the party had found themselves attracted to the new candidates running, who were often small businessmen and women who…
Iran Regime's Sham 'Elections' and the Alternative
– The Iranian regime's upcoming presidential election has essentially become a one-man show. … Truly democratic elections in Iran, by Western democratic standards, are a unicorn. … The Guardian Council that vets the candidates is a 12-member body.…
What Is the Right Policy Against Khamenei?
– While the showy presidential election campaign in Iran is underway among the seven candidates who have passed the Guardian Council … filter, and so far there have been two public debates between these candidates, due to the widespread boycott of this election, these … As a result, his appointed Guardian Council disqualified major candidates, such as former parliament speaker, Ali Larijani, and former…
In Pursuit of Wisdom
– He writes the Democratic Party "has no leaders more appealing than a 78-year-old Joe Biden. Who will replace him? … The field is currently frozen as potential GOP candidates await Trump's decision. … An even larger question is can Republican candidates not only keep the Trump coalition intact, but also win suburban women who largely…
Toyota Feels the Heat for Donating to Lawmakers Who Objected to Election Results…heat-for-donating-to-electionobjecting-congressmen-n2591710
– on Monday, after Axios reported that it had donated $55,000 to 37 members of Congress who objected to the results of the 2020 presidential … In a statement emailed to Axios, a Toyota spokesperson defended the company’s donations: “Toyota supports candidates based on their … The company props up anti-Democratic politicians. — Tim Hannan (@TimHannan) June 28, 2021Toyota is actively undermining democracy in…
With the 2021 Presidential Election Over, What's Next for Iran?…2021-presidential-election-over-whats-next-for-iran-n2591696
– The high volume of invalid votes also demonstrates that not everyone who did turn out even favored the regime’s candidates. … If the Islamic Republic’s 2021 presidential elections demonstrated anything it signaled that a new wave of protests is imminent, and … lawmakers, former government officials, and prominent individuals from around the world gather to express support for a free and democratic
Why a Black NYC Mayoral Candidate Is Giving the Left Anxiety…k-democrat-might-be-the-next-mayor-of-new-york-city-n2591477
– Adams has no plausible presidential aspirations. For his supporters and backers, this is a plus. … This speaks to the authoritarian ethos that’s ingrained in Democratic politics today. You must obey. … Adams could be better on charter schools, but the two other candidates behind this guy have disaster written all over them.…
2016 RACE ROUNDUP: Are We Headed to a Contested Convention?…ace-roundup-are-we-headed-to-a-contested-convention-n2135872
– Even House Speaker Paul Ryan acknowledges the increasing likelihood that none of the three remaining candidates will amass the needed … Meanwhile, former presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) called Cruz the “only true conservative” left in the race. … Democratic Primary Sen. Bernie Sanders said it is “absurd” for anyone to think he’s going to drop out of the race.…
Donald Trump Breathes New Life into Left’s War on Women
– king's horses and all the think tanks in the world will not be able to inject a serious debate about ideas into the upcoming presidential … Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is Todd Akin on steroids. The disastrous Mr. … We don't know enough about Trump's policies to know if they would be as economically hurtful as traditional Democratic policies.…
Throwback Thursday: That Moment The NYT Said Democrats ‘Have Every Right to Resist’ Bork Nomination…emocrats-have-every-right-to-resist-bork-nomination-n2135576
– Scalia’s vacancy given that both parties are just months away from their respective conventions, where they will nominate their candidates … Should a Justice resign this summer and the President move to name a successor, actions that will occur just days before the DemocraticPresidential Convention and weeks before the Republican Convention meets, a process that is already in doubt in the minds of many…
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