Results for: white house debate response

Our Marxist Wizard of Oz
House, favoring him over Hillary Clinton because she was too moderate for the party. … He then tries to pin the blame for his failures on others, saying, "Now, in the midst of this debate, there are some who seem to be … In response to the rate cuts, business investment spending, which had declined for 9 straight quarters, reversed and increased 6.7%…
Obamacare- The Way of the Dodo
– The current White House occupant recommends another government stimulus package. … During the initial debate over ObamaCare, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) famously said, "We have to pass [it] so you can find out … Naturally, the White House opposes repeal 15.…
There Will Be Straight-Jackets
– It’s official: House Democrats have gone insane.  … And I don’t mean insane like wearing white shoes after Labor Day or thinking of Jimmy Carter as an elder statesman.  … boundaries of reasonable political debate in this country. …
Tony Snow
– When the White House offered Tony the press secretary position, I was among the many friends he called seeking opinions on whether … He knew if he took the White House position, he would lose his momentum and make less money. … He was excellent on television and radio and a gifted writer; but he would be the best-ever White House press secretary and would immeasurably…
The Debate Will Happen
– In response, Americans saw a familiar spectacle in Washington.  … The difference between Barack Obama and John McCain was apparent during the White House meeting yesterday where Barack Obama’s priority … The McCain campaign is resuming all activities and the Senator will travel to the debate this afternoon. …
McCain and Obama Can Learn A Lot From Past Debaters
– the White House.  … performance in debate history. … Moreover, he should avoid the 1988 VP debate at all costs and watch the Bush-Ferraro debate instead.…
In Light of the Crisis
– Then he suspended his campaign to rush to Washington for messy, indecisive negotiations and called for the cancellation of a debateWhite House officials credit him with listening to House Republican concerns -- making them feel more included in the process than … But White House officials report that Obama generally hung back -- providing just enough cover with his vague endorsement for Democrats…
When American Spectator Attacks ...
– Over at AmSpecBlog, Philip Klein takes issue with my post today regarding Rush Limbaugh's response to conservatives who have turned … Speaking personally, I can think of at least two major instances where I opposed the White House:  I vigorously opposed Bush's pick … And what makes me question their motives most is that these folks couldn’t even wait until after tonight's debate to decide whether…
Obama Strikes Out in First Debate
– been marketing Barack Obama as the greatest orator of our times, but the public saw a different picture in the first presidential debate … The markets were melting with a Republican in the White House, and McCain was being bullied by the media. … His response illustrated why Democratic presidential candidates have been criticized as tax-and-spend politicians.…
McCain's Solomon Moment
– Kennedy sipped clam chowder in his suite and decided to return to the White House rather than continue his tour. … Frankly, we can learn more about a potential president by the response to real problems, than we can by the response to a question … in a debate.…
The Certain Loser In This Election
– One of the most arresting moments of the campaign came in the second debate, when he said, "I've been to Waziristan" -- winning the … The response of so many people to his message of unity comes partly from weariness with the administration's nonstop scorched-earth … If McCain loses, it will be largely because he is identified with the obstinacy and errors of the current White House occupant.…
Unreal: AARP to Receive Obamacare Waiver
– Throughout the tumultuous national debate over Obamacare,  the American Association of Retired Persons had the president's back … The White House, of course, denies accusations of favoritism or impropriety: Though the White House and HHS dismiss allegations … Ed Morrissey pens the appropriate response to this outrageous report:  "If the AARP and the labor unions that backed ObamaCare need…
Raising Cain: The Pizza Man Delivers
– (Most of the heavyweights ducked the debate.) … His dismissive response to the emphasis on a substantive political track record (“How’s that workin’ out for you?”) … House.…
Obama's Diversionary Tactics
– Forcing Israel into indefensible boundaries, (which as Netanyahu explained to Obama at the White House on Friday, “were not the boundaries … If he paid attention to it, he would have been forced to disavow his policy of blaming his predecessors in the White House and Israel … When we realize what Obama is up to, we recognize as well what Netanyahu must do in response.…
Congress' Bipartisan Vice Is Cowardice
– Washington is suddenly embroiled in one of its most time-honored traditions, a debate about the constitutionality of the War Powers … Balanced budget amendments and similar mechanisms might ultimately be necessary to get our fiscal house in order, but they're only … necessary because Congress and the White House are institutionally incapable of fulfilling their obligations to spend within their…
Email, Hate Mail and Comments from Readers,_hate_mail_and_comments_from_readers
– –in response to my column Obama Goes Doh!-for-97, 98, 99, 100! … I’m talking about pointing out that in the national debate he is irrelevant. … –in response to my column Obama Goes Doh!-for-97, 98, 99, 100!…
Only One Party Can Solve Debt Problem, and It Too Is Running out of Time…ty_can_solve_debt_problem,_and_it_too_is_running_out_of_time
– And it looks as if the Republicans might just be serious this time.Not surprisingly, the administration's response is not to compete … The White House and congressional Democrats simply sit the game out. They offer nothing. … House counsel Bob Bauer is resigning to work on Obama's re-election campaign.Besides, they have no tricks in their brown bag other…
Artificial Panic Behind the Rush to Extend the Patriot Act
– Just before midnight last Thursday, a White House autopen signed legislation extending controversial provisions of the Patriot Act … But it was oddly appropriate, given the facsimile of congressional debate that preceded the bill's passage. … As Paul noted in response, this charge was much like saying that someone who thinks police should obtain a warrant before searching…
Dictating is Easy; Leading is Hard;_leading_is_hard
– President Barack Obama and his Democrats held strong majorities in both the House and Senate. … "I just miss -- I miss being anonymous," he told Hearst Magazine executives in the White House State Dining Room. … Obama's woe is shared by former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.…
Email, Hate Mail and Comments from Readers,_hate_mail_and_comments_from_readers
– Lon wrote: “What is funny is that Ransom seems to take the claim that the US was founded by white people for white people as if it … Here’s what the Daily Worker, er, Kos had to say: “[C]ommentators normally broadly supportive of the White House have noted the terrible … Imagine if I walked into a White House state dinner, went up to Obama and took a big fork full of food right off his plate, saying…
Dreamland, USA,_usa
– Apparently the White House has not much concern about where we are going to get the cash, or how others are going to recover oil offshore … The first premise proved wrong; the second could be true but is still subject to debate. … Otherwise, why would the White House keep the demonized Guantanamo Bay facility open?…
Gun Owners' Guide to the 2012 Election
– First, the Obama White House decided to leap headfirst into the gun control debate. … The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform has issued a subpoena for the documents it is seeking. … Decidedly de-emphasized by the White House, this moment nonetheless marks a turning point in the administration.…
Watch: Relatives of Three Benghazi Victims Contradict Hillary Campaign Claim…i-victims-say-hillary-blamed-attack-on-online-video-n2075389
– When Washington Post fact-checker Glen Kessler awarded Marco Rubio 'Two Pinocchios' for his CNBC debate assessment that the recent … As Mark Hemingway writes in his detailed response to Kessler's analysis, the gap between the relatives' public comments and the campaign's … Yet on September 14, a top White House aide circulated a messaging memo underscoring the political importance of casting the violent…
Ted Cruz: Solving Problems Left and Right
– Cruz unveiled a dignified contempt for liberal propaganda and the absurd questioning that plagued the debate. … Congressional Republicans, Democrats, and the White House have made the problem worse -- not solved it. … Cruz’s clear and concise response is not something liberals and establishment types have been able to process.…
Gun Bias Degrades Presidential Debate
– Australia is 92% white, 7% Asian, with no hint of a black-lives-matter multiculturalism diversity problem. … The simple fact remains that the other Clinton—the one who already controlled the White House—attributed guns to the wholesale turnover … of the House of Representatives (while his gun-banning wife was only First Lady).…
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