Results for: they are all going to jail

A Young Millennial Woman For Trump
– “They’re not going to make me quit.”I watched the Washington Post tape many times. … “She hasn’t tried to talk to any of us women. … We are women, aren’t we?” added Jones.“A rape is not infidelity. … Plus, Hillary’s socialist and pro-choice policies will make it very hard for women and men to make a livable wage—if they are fortunate…
The 2016 Presidential Debates are Now Over. Here Are Key Takeaways.
– In the middle of Kaine’s rant, Pence pointed out that no one is going to pay more taxes than they have to.  … “She wants to give amnesty, which is a disaster and very unfair to all of the people that are waiting on line for many, many years, … in the 2030s, and at that time, recipients are going to take huge cuts in their benefits.…
A Trumped-Up Campaign
– As for all those women who have stepped forward with stories about his groping them, The Donald claims those revelations are "100 percent … While he seems to be doing his worst to rig it. … "Athletes, they make them take a drug test," he says. "I think we should take a drug test prior to the debate. ...…
Dark Election: Video Shows Possible Illegal Coordination Between Clinton Super PACs, Operatives Instigating Violence At Trump Events…acs-operatives-instigating-violence-at-trump-events-n2233490
to be a fear that they know this will be a huge story and a major embarrassment if the dots are connected between the DNC, Democracy … But if I’m in there coordinating with all the groups on the ground and sort of playing field general but they are the ones talking … ’s not going to happen,” declared Foval.…
Barack Obama’s Orwellian Farewell
– But any casual observer can see that their toughest follow-ups and admonitions that “we have to move on to our next topic” are invariably … going to have to agree to disagree.” (?)    … Obama—as the hourglass runs out on his time in the White House—added these chilling suggestions: "We are going to have to rebuild within…
Why America Is No Longer Great
– You can tell that these people are smart because of how they talk and the schools they went to, not because they actually get anything … Then to add insult to injury, it’s those same elites who blame the people they ignored for all of America’s problems. … It’s a cultural get out of jail card combined with a shot of Novocain to your conscience all rolled up into one.  …
FBI Director Comey - Playing Hardball with the DOJ
– Announcing that you are continuing with an investigation without first having access to your potential evidence makes no sense. … In the letter to his staff, referring to the emails on Weiner's laptop, he made it clear that they needed more investigation and review … As a result of the Watergate scandal, Attorney General John Mitchell and several of President Nixon's top aides went to jail on obstruction…
Perjury? Huma Abedin Swore To Turn Over All Devices Containing State Department Emails…to-give-up-all-devices-with-state-department-emails-n2238478
– for them to review for all relevant documents. … She can deny all she wants; emails to Clinton were found on that laptop. … “Discussions are under way [between the FBI and the Justice Department] as to the best way to move forward.”…
Project Veritas and WikiLeaks: Doing the Job the FBI and DOJ Won’t…as-and-wikileaks-doing-the-job-the-fbi-and-doj-wont-n2238255
– If you want real news about this election, if you want to know what Hillary and her minions are up to and what this woman is really … They have weakened it so bad in these states that you could f--- your mother in front of the governor and not go to jail if you had … They will turn their dark, illegal scumbaggery to nasty Hillary’s agenda.…
NYT Publisher: We’re Going To Report Honestly Now
– They’re now saying they’re going to be rededicated to reporting honestly on America and the world. … That is to report America and the world honestly, without fear or favor, striving always to understand and reflect all political perspectives … But let’s get back to this reporting honestly bit. Are you kidding me?…
Exclusive: What If the Convicted "Serial Rapist Cop" Is Innocent?…what-if-the-convicted-serial-rapist-cop-is-innocent-n2253490
– "I want everything" done, Holtzclaw told detectives -- even when they falsely claimed to have incriminating video that "doesn't look … These are hardly the place and manner in which a serial predator would try to conceal his conduct from prying eyes. … --A.G., a 17-year-old girl who excitedly told her mother that Holtzclaw was a "hot cop" with whom she was going to go on "dates."…
Trollmaster Trump Is Driving Liberals to New Heights of Fussy Fury…mp-is-driving-liberals-to-new-heights-of-fussy-fury-n2252852
– The leftists aren’t upset because he doesn’t know how to be a great AG; they are terrified because he does. … They know it’s a damn lie, but they think people are still stupid enough to believe it. … So Betsy De Vos is supposed to be awful because she’s going to insist that public schools actually teach all our kids, not just the…
Gov. Faubus Would be Proud of Becerra’s Stand in “Sanctuary” California…be-proud-of-becerras-stand-in-sanctuary-california-n2439369
– In California we’ve become accustomed to our “leaders” going out of their way to give things to illegal aliens, from college tuition … They put everyone at risk, especially communities with large numbers of immigrants, since local jails are forced to release criminals … are all vehemently opposed to people who did it illegally being rewarded for it.…
Liberals Condemn Trump For Mentioning MS-13 in State of the Union…mn-trump-for-mentioning-ms-13-in-state-of-the-union-n2442563
– Harris in misrepresenting Trump's statements as an attempt to cast all immigrants as violent criminals: Trump is wrong to criminalize … Fact: Immigrants are less likely to be criminals and to end in jail than those born in the U.S. — JORGE RAMOS (@jorgeramosnews) January … extremist agenda.And if you're going to sleep terrified by that president, do everything you can to elect a different one in 2020.…
Climate Alarmism Is Still Bizarre, Dogmatic, Intolerant
– The Winter Olympics were going to take “a huge hit from our warming planet,” the pressure group Protect Our Winters warned us (yes, … It’s reminiscent of dire predictions that the Arctic would be ice-free by 2010 (or 2015 or 2025), and “children just aren’t going to … the place to migrate to when all the grass is finally gone, as the desertification moves south” because of climate change.…
Success Academy
– "We are No. 1 in student achievement in the state," says founder Eva Moskowitz, "outperforming all the wealthy suburbs." … "China and India are not worrying about the length of the school day," she replied. "We have to toughen up." … Many told me they "look forward" to going to Success Academy in the morning. One called school "rockin' awesome!"…
Trump Pledges to Ban Bump Stocks If Congress Does Not Act
– has been done to give police the legal tools they need to protect the public from mass shooters. … Two months go by, all of a sudden everybody’s off to the next subject. … They were listening to what was going on, the one in particular. He was then -- he was earlier.…
Sen. Ted Cruz Calls Out Media, Democrats for Using Tragedy to Advance Gun Agenda…a-democrats-for-using-tragedy-to-advance-gun-agenda-n2453284
– On the flip side, if you actually want to stop crimes what does work is targeting violent criminals, going after them like a ton of … bricks, putting felons and criminals in jail, that’s what we need to be doing and that’s what I’m leading the fight to do.” … : “let me say to all of the young people, speak the truth, speak, spread the fire of liberty.…
Former Trump Aide’s Rampage Continues, Calls Sarah Huckabee Sanders A ‘Fat Slob’…e-continues-calls-sarah-huckabee-sanders-a-fat-slob-n2457859
– UPDATE: So, after all that—Nunberg has decided to comply with the subpoena, but not after also going after Jared Kushner, whom he … Herman (@W7VOA) March 5, 2018"I'm not going to jail. … You think I'm going to jail?"…
Make Libby Schaaf’s Dream Come True: Lock Her Up!
– Students needed to know the code of conduct going in, and they also needed to know the consequences which would follow if they did … Last month, Schaaf declared that she had no problem with going to jail to protect her city’s “immigrant” community. … They need to lock her up.…
Hillary Clinton: The Biggest, Sorest, Nastiest Loser
– ) March 12, 2018 'Democrats going back to my husband and even before but just in recent times going back to bill and our candidates … letter on Oct. the 28th and my numbers just went down… All of a sudden white women who were going to vote for me, and frankly standing … up to the men in their lives and the men in their work places were being told, “She’s going to jail, you don’t want to vote for her…
Think They’ll Never ‘Come and Take’ Your Guns Without an Armed Revolt? Think Again…take-your-guns-without-an-armed-revolt-think-again-n2459868
– Consider: If rational minds on the Left know all this, to what end are they still pushing for such laws, especially when it’s obvious … If liberals are able to pass any sort of “assault weapons” ban, buyback or no buyback, they know they will make criminals out of several … And they aren’t going to conduct door-to-door house searches, arresting gun owners and confiscating their firearms, either.…
Here’s How A Liberal Father Whose Son Was Killed By An Illegal Alien Is Fighting CA’s Sanctuary Law…hose-son-was-killed-by-an-illegal-alien-is-fighting-n2466161
– “The illegal aliens are not victims; they are the perpetrators,” Rosenberg said. … They all said that unlicensed drivers were 5x’s more likely to cause a fatal collision. … You knew you were going to run for governor.…
They Take the Second Amendment First and the First Amendment Second…mendment-first-then-take-the-first-amendment-second-n2467312
– What they want is not only for us to be disarmed, but to be silenced. They are not going to stop with the Second Amendment. … Next, they are going to move to finish off the First Amendment. They don’t want you to speak freely. … They don’t want you to have access to a free press. They don’t want you to practice your religion as you see fit.…
Pardon Me, President Trump, But Don’t Forget Dinesh D’Souza…on-me-president-trump-but-dont-forget-dinesh-dsouza-n2471525
– Is President Trump going too far with his pardons? Should the presidency still retain the power to pardon? … Judicial tyranny is a threat to our Republic, and presidential pardons are essential to chipping away at the dictatorship of the bench … People are going to jail for breaking laws they know nothing about! …
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