Results for: Republican National Committee

Republicans Better Learn To Defend Ryan Plan
– Though I warned two weeks ago about the possibility of a Republican loss in NY 26, I'm not sorry that Democrat Kathy Hochul's deceptive … After May 24, no Republican can fail to anticipate the contours of the 2012 election. … Steve Israel, chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, crowed, "Today, the Republican plan to end Medicare cost…
Newt and Paul Ryan
– It was composed of student hustlers who became national political hustlers. … Possibly even our years of national security will be gone. … President Barack Obama has made him the most popular Republican in the country. The boob Gingrich has seconded the notion.…
Where's the Budget to Stop Dems' Runaway Spending?
– That’s locked away in Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad’s safe at a time when President Obama’s administration is running … the third in a string a trillion dollar deficits that will add more than $10 trillion to an already monstrous $14.3 trillion national … Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, a key Republican budget-cutter who has earned the knickname, “Dr.…
New MSNBC Talking Head: Michael Steele
– (Newser) – The unemployment rate just went down a bit: Michael Steele, the former chair of the Republican National Committee who stepped…
Today's 'Draft Perry' Update
– Now that Mitch Daniels is awaiting his all-but-certain appointment to whatever blue-ribbon committee gets named to sort out our eventual … national bankruptcy, who's your favorite fiscally sober Republican governor from the South/West? … He is chairman of the Republican Governors Association.…
Several high-profile Republicans insist they will not run
Republican Rep. … Paul Ryan, chairman of the House Budget committee, has also received attention since he gained more national recognition for championing…
Text: All 47 Senate Republicans Rip Democrats' Budget Cowardice
– (Republican leader Mitch McConnell is prepared to force feed Democrats a bitter pill of his own if Reid follows through on his ploy … Meanwhile, all 47 Republican Senators have signed a letter to Reid, calling Democrats out for their irresponsible budget machinations … As one GOP aide told me, corralling every member of the Republican caucus is "no small accomplishment." …
Follow Up: What Prompted Wasserman Schultz's "Jim Crow" Statement?
– On Tuesday, I posted a condemnation of Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz's (DWS) preposterous and … I was, however, interested to learn more about a law passed by the Republican-held Florida legislature and signed by Republican Governor…
Libya Rebels Eye Oil Restart, Win Aid Pledges,_win_aid_pledges
– Both Libya's rebel Transitional National Council (TNC) and its Western allies have rejected Libyan government ceasefire offers that … ongoing violence in Libya has ... left far too many innocent Libyan citizens struggling to simply put food on the table," Banking Committee … Chairman Tim Johnson said in a joint statement with the committee senior Republican, Richard Shelby.…
DNC releases another video attacking Romney on bailout position…_releases_another_video_attacking_romney_on_bailout_position
– The Democratic National Committee has a game plan and it’s sticking to it: run over Mitt Romney, reverse, and do it again. … In yet another video, the DNC attacks the 2012 Republican frontrunner for his statements objecting to the government bailouts of the…
Let Weiner Be Weiner
– He only played one on TV.)Former Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine began the tumble of big-name Democrats urging Weiner … In 2010, the committee slapped Rep. … An arrogant politician -- be it Weiner or Republican Newt Gingrich -- might survive lying to the public and humiliating his wife, but…
Republicans lay out 2012 electoral map
– As President Obama prepares to visit Northern Virginia on Wednesday, the Republican National Committee is making the case that…
They know where you work: 'gay marriage' supporters target employers, employees…you_work_gay_marriage_supporters_target_employers,_employees
– Olympic Committee (USOC) announced that it had selected Vidmar as Chief of Mission. … When University of Michigan law students opposed Republican Sen. … Maggie Gallagher, president of the National Organization for Marriage, says this kind of professional intimidation is the same-sex…
Off to the Races
– The e-mail release from the Republican National Committee simply said, “They Own It.”…
EZELL INTERVIEW: Goal is to make NAMB 'first choice of church planters everywhere'…l_is_to_make_namb_first_choice_of_church_planters_everywhere
– While that may seem illogical for staff who are charged with working with peers on a national basis, he defended the cuts by saying … why the emphasis was placed at the top of the agency's proposed mission statement, which is being evaluated by the SBC Executive Committee … "We don't ask church planters if they are Republican or Democrat or restrict groups they can be a part of or conferences they can or…
Reince Preibus Blasts DNC's Wasserman Shultz
– A claim by Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz that Republicans want to return the country to Jim Crow … segregation laws is “outrageous,” Reince Preibus, chairman of the Republican National Committee, tells Newsmax. … Referring to Republican efforts to require photo identification to register to vote, the Democratic congresswoman from Florida said…
Day 768: Democratic Senators Continue Historic Budget Evasion
Republican critics argue that one of the signatories to the letter, Sen. … National Republican Senatorial Committee Communications Director Brian Walsh highlights McCaskill's about face: I would … debt crisis, which President Obama calls "unsustainable" and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs regards as the biggest threat to US national
For The Sake Of The Republic, It’s Time To Hold The Mainstream Media Accountable…republic,_it’s_time_to_hold_the_mainstream_media_accountable
– If you are a Republican, a conservative or an American who does believe in traditional values, you have met the enemy, and it's the … subjects which, if reported truthfully, would reflect poorly on their masters in the White House, the unions and the Democrat NationalCommittee.…
HuffPo: Democrats Starting to Take Herman Cain Seriously
– Some Republican campaign operatives may still be inclined to treat Herman Cain as little more than a novelty candidate, but Democrats … are reportedly mobilizing to avoid underestimating the Atlanta-based businessman:   Yet another poll suggests Republican … The data points are good enough that Democrats have noticed: The Democratic National Committee began the process of conducting rapid…
Do We Deserve Our Fate?
– That is about seven times the size of the U.S. economy and 10 times the size of the national debt. … About half of discretionary spending is for national defense. … A courageous member of Congress, Paul Ryan, R-Wis., chairman of the House Budget Committee, has put forth a budget plan that would…
'Buy American' Is Un-American
– Part Deux," the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee says that buying homemade cars is a matter of national importance. … "If it were up to the candidates for president on the Republican side, we would be driving foreign cars," Rep.…
Enough with Liberal Name Calling
– Yet just days after the liberal icon Schultz calls Ingraham a slut, it was the head of the Democratic National Committee, Congresswoman … The Republican push to defund Planned Parenthood and cut other spending. … Republican women shouldn't just offer evidence against the offensive charge, they should be demanding an apology.…
Dems: Greed is Good as a Tax Credit
– Now a former Saturn auto dealer and an associate with the National Legal Policy Center (NLPC) is charging that the $7500 tax credits … Hatch of Utah, the top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, according to the Washington Times.…
Ryan Steals March on Obama as Fiscal Crisis Looms
– "My worst experience was the financial crisis of September 2008," responded House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan yesterday to … Ryan's budget attempts to prevent that by restructuring taxes and spending programs so that the national debt as a percentage of GDP … But it's also likely to shape the economic platform for the Republican presidential nominee in 2012.…
What's Worse Than 'Ruinous'?
– This week, Ryan, who now chairs the House Budget Committee, did partial penance for that budget-busting blunder with a plan that includes … As the Cato Institute's Chris Edwards notes, spending continues to rise during the next decade under the Republican plan, albeit at … It does euphemistically note that the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform (on which Ryan served) suggested "a more…
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