Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Truly, There is Always Hope
– This remains the most frequently asked question I get about the presidential election. … Both presidential candidates attended the dinner, hosted by the Archdiocese of New York. … Kennedy would go on to cast more votes in the Senate, speak at the 2008 Democratic convention, finish a book and throw a pitch at a…
7 Things The GOP Needs To Do To Start Turning It Around
– Eventually, the other candidates and their supporters became tired of Romney's sleazy campaigning and fired back even harder, which … As primary voters, we need to punish candidates that do that in future elections instead of taking an "All's fair in love and war" … We just lost two straight elections against a weak opponent with candidates who fit that mold perfectly.…
A Third Party
– Let's call our national third party the "New Way Party" and, for the sake of argument, say that candidates for the NWP qualified for … That would apply to the Electoral College in Presidential elections, as well. … Looking over the tallies from Tuesday, as of last night 119,267, 255 Americans voted in the Presidential election.…
Time for Introspection, but Not Surrender
– Did intraparty disunity sabotage Mitt Romney's presidential quest? … ' respective positions after the presidential debates. … Minority groups are voting in greater percentages, and the Democratic Party is getting most of their votes.…
Romney's Loss -- It's Not the Asphalt
– Many a pundit, such as yours truly, wrote columns explaining the fact that so many polls in the presidential election were skewed in … But what we missed, as did much of the GOP, was the fact that a new voter turnout model was about to assert itself in presidential … years, particularly one in which an incumbent who is the nation's first minority president is the Democratic nominee.…
Democrats Are the Silent Majority -- For Now
– And yes, the Republicans rolled out some ghastly candidates. … And Barack Obama also promised the most explicitly left-wing agenda in presidential history -- more government, more taxes, more dependency … Candidates from both GOP camps lost all over the map, as well.…
Obama Re-elected -- 9-Year-Old Black Kid Can Breathe Easy
– From whom does a 9-year-old hear that Obama's opponent is a racist who, to quote the Democratic National Committee chairwoman, wants … In addition to extensive questions about the presidential candidates and political attitudes, the AP asked "overt" questions. … In my new book, "Dear Father, Dear Son," I write about my Democratic mother and Republican father.…
Don't Blame Romney
– House to President Obama, a Democratic Senate and a Republican House. … Democratic candidate John Kerry won 8 million more votes than Al Gore did in 2000, and he still couldn't win. … Indeed, Romney is one of the best presidential candidates the Republicans have ever fielded.…
A Few Thoughts
– So was last night's heavy   Democrat turnout a new benchmark for Democratic turnout based on support for Democrat policy, or was it … Republicans simply cannot allow Democratic attacks -- however outlandish -- to go unanswered. … It's time for older, white male Republican candidates to stop exploring the theology of abortion. Please.…
Analysis: Four More Years
– When all is said and done, roughly two percentage points will separate the two candidates, down considerably from Obama's 2008 seven-point …   (2) The presidential outcome is terribly troubling on three levels:   - Policy: Obamacare is Exhibit A.   … If winning matters, the quality of candidates must matter.  …
Obama and Romney Collectively Spent $2 Billion this Election Cycle
– As the headline suggests, it’s worth noting that this has been the most expensive presidential election in American history: … Total spending for the 2012 presidential election has blown away previous cycles with so-called super PACs laying down a staggering … "Just the amount of money is beyond the pale," said Ben Tulchin, a San Francisco-based Democratic strategist and pollster.…
The Polls That Ate the Presidential Contest
– Every four years we complain that the press covers the presidential contest as a horse race. … I can't recall a presidential election that featured so many surveys or so much analysis of polls. … We awake on Election Day to the knowledge that the RealClearPolitics average of national polls has the two candidates in a virtual…
Democracy and Majority Rule
– How many decisions in our day-to-day lives would we like to be made through majority rule or the democratic process? … Were it not for the Electoral College, presidential candidates could safely ignore less populous states.Two houses of Congress pose … It takes two-thirds of both houses of Congress to override a presidential veto.…
Political Parties Need Rebranding
presidential candidate. … That's a dead-end road that translates into more Democratic, not Republican, votes. … The Democratic Party should be rebranded as the party of atheism, amnesty, abortion and debt.…
A New America Or a Mediocre Candidate?
– efforts of some GOP operatives to accentuate the positives of this election, such as the victories of Republican gubernatorial candidates … Party constituencies, and that this heralded an era of Democratic electoral dominance. … Romney is a gentleman who had little stomach for the rough-and-tumble of presidential politics.…
Watch the Governors
– Senate that tends to produce high-end Presidential candidates. … As the Washington Post's Chris Cillizza pointed out over the weekend "Remember that when the Democratic Party found itself in … In a complex system like a major Presidential campaign the ability to allow the department heads to do their jobs without tinkering…
"Not A Moment To Be Lost": Ayotte, Cruz, Kyl and Capito Show The Way
– presumptive nominee for the position of Secretary of State, be held accountable for statements the ambassador made during the presidential … These half dozen senators also have to model for would-be candidates in the incredibly important cycle ahead what it takes to succeed … for the other nine Democratic senate seats that are up for grabs in 22 short months.…
Cuban-American Vote Explains Everything
Democratic presidential nominees went from 25 percent of the Cuban-American vote in 2000, to 29 percent in 2004, to 35 percent in 2008 … Either conservatives -- from presidential candidates to the rest of us -- learn what we stand for and communicate it, or the greatest…
Secretary Kerry?
– Obama has chosen Massachusetts Senator John Kerry to replace Hillary Clinton now that Susan Rice removed herself from the list of candidates … It is widely known that Kerry was interested in the job, and the former presidential nominee emerged as the clear favorite after another … “It would seem that some Democratic strategists are concerned about such an appointment because of the special election that would…
Defeat is an Orphan: A Foot Soldier’s After Action Report…at-is-an-orphan-a-foot-soldiers-after-action-report-n1465089
– And, as an historical researcher, I have studied every presidential election since 1788. … One thing notable about the campaign just mercifully concluded: None of the candidates – Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Mitt Romney or Paul … He said he didn’t leave the Democratic Party; they left him.) Many of those Reagan Democrats were union members.…
The Unlikelihood of President Hillary
– The votes have been cast, the count has been completed, and we all know the winner of the presidential election. … They may as well save their money and candidates for 2024, when Hillary will be ready to leave Washington and become a judge on "The … One is that it's very hard for a party to win three consecutive presidential elections.…
How to Run Ahead of the Ticket
– House candidates a crushing 10.5 percent edge on Election Day. … To understand why, it’s worth returning to a happier era for Republican presidential candidates. … and ’56, when he ran ahead of Republican candidates for the House by an average of more than 7 points.…
What Does 'Right to Work' Really Mean?
– Who would be against someone working as the term itself invokes a pro-freedom sentiment found in the American democratic tradition. … Through intimidation, overreaching demands on management, compulsory membership and dues, and dispersing money to political candidates … Relations Act, or Taft-Harley Act, which passed overwhelmingly in a bipartisan manner in congress in 1947, even overriding a presidential
Happy New Year?
– He is only the latest in a long series of presidential candidates backed by a Republican establishment that seems convinced that ad … Back in 1948, when the Democratic Party splintered into three parties, each one with its own competing presidential candidate, Republican … Does this sound like a more recent Republican presidential candidate?…
Those Endless, Onerous Presidential Campaigns
Presidential candidates weren't always so off-puttingly ravenous in their pursuit of power. … Must presidential politics be so voluble? Must candidates express their views on absolutely everything? … Presidential candidates in our day face enormous pressure to always be "on," ready to voice an opinion or make a promise or provide…
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