Results for: Republican National Committee

Secrets Are No Fun for Unions
– Recently, The Wall Street Journal reported that the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation asked the Department of Justice … political action committee. … This fall when you go to the polls, the choice is clear (and private); the choice is Republican.…
Obama and Pro-Life 'Liars'
– In an interview with David Brody of CBN on Saturday, Barack Obama leveled a startling charge at the National Right to Life Committee … Dale Righter, who was the ranking Republican on Obama's committee. … That full faith and confidence was vindicated last week by records made public by the National Right to Life Committee.…
A Heartbeat Away
– Congressman, he was well known for publicly opposing many of President Reagan's policies relating to national defense and siding instead … This afternoon Fox News is reporting that officials at the Republican National Committee are knocking down the reports of a pro-abortion…
Tom Ridge is Out?
– According to Fox News:"As speculation grows around who John McCain will select as his vice presidential running mate next week, RepublicanNational Committee officials said Tuesday that McCain is no longer considering former Pennsylvania Gov.…
Go Figure
– More wind Republican National Convention organizers in Minneapolis-St. … Paul have jumped on the same green bandwagon that rolled earlier into Denver, site of the Democratic National Convention. … Committee for the first time in four years outraised the Republican National Committee in a one-month period bringing in $28 million…
Obama's Abortion Positon: To the Left of NARAL
– She also has been before Barack Obama when he was Chairing the Committee. … He said that there was no law that was stopping them—and this was a pro-life Republican AG. … Roe v Wade—and so he voted “no” in committee.…
A Pit Bull With Lipstick
– Sarah Palin here to accept the nomination as the Republican Party's nominee for Vice President of the United States. … Due to the generosity of the finance director of the Republican National Committee, Gretchen Purser, I had credentials which allowed…
GOP Speaking Lineup Revealed
Republican Party convention party organizers revealed the names of a high-powered speaking line-up that will end with the formal nomination … “We’re back on track,” said Republican National Committee Chairman Robert “Mike” Duncan, referring his party’s decision to suspend…
The Schnorrer State
– Ted Stevens of Alaska, a fellow Republican, angrily declared, "This is the first time I have seen any attempt by any senator to treat … That works out to about $4,800 per Alaskan, 18 times the national average. … Stevens, who was chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee for a dozen years and until his indictment was the senior Republican
McCain Comes Through
Republican conservatives assembling in St. … The party faithful had feared the worst, in view of McCain's long record as a maverick Republican who enjoyed violating Republican … Joseph Biden, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.…
Convention Speakers Rouse Crowd
– coverage of Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin’s vice presidential candidacy and attacks on Barack Obama earned resounding applause from RepublicanNational Committee convention-goers Tuesday night. … Some of you have never voted for a Republican before and in an ordinary election, you probably wouldn’t.…
The Republcans' Call to Arms
– That's the time-spread between the locking up of the 2008 Republican platform on Wednesday at 8 p.m. and the selection of conservative … The Republican Party platform, hammered out by a grassroots committee with representatives from every state, gives Republicans a basis … The 2008 platform recognizes that energy independence is vital to our national security.…
McCain Campaign Calls Obama Attack 'Sexist'
– “I am appalled by the Obama campaign's attempts to belittle Governor Sarah Palin’s experience,” Republican National Committee Victory…
Palin and Platform Change the Game
– McCain has embraced a solidly conservative Republican Party Platform. … As a platform committee vice chairman, I can attest to the document's conservative foundation. … It is the most pro-life platform in national party history.…
Most Events Suspended, Other Decisions Day-to-Day,_other_decisions_day-to-day
Republican presidential candidate John McCain announced most of first day’s activities at the Republican National Convention would … McCain said,“It’s time to take off our Republican hats and put on our American hats and say ‘American we are with you and America, … Republican National Committee Chairman Robert “Mike” Duncan said “essential” activities such as the election of officers, rules adoption…
Democrats Would Have Been Smart To Skip Convention
– Democrats were scratching their heads and trying to figure how it was that Republican presidential nominee John McCain had inched … further up in the polls during this, of all things, the week of the Democratic National Convention in Denver. … She has no significant political experience, as was evidenced when the steering committee that she chaired steered Sen.…
RNC Still Confident in Get-Out-The-Vote Technology
– I just got off the phone with Mike Duncan, the Chairman of the Republican National Committee, and he had some interesting things to … So, at least in the eyes of the RNC, Republican microtargeting technology has shown an unbroken line of improvement since 2000 and…
TrooperGate Investigator Sued
– lawsuits, one by a group of Alaskan residents who believe his inquiry represents an abuse of their tax dollars and the other by five Republican … Their suit specifically detailed an exchange Branchflower had with Alaskan lawmakers during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing last … The Republican lawmakers’ suit, not only targeted Branchflower, but French and his Democratic colleague Sen. Kim Elton as well.…
Growing gun problems for Obama, Dems,_dems
– He cannot run away from his record, while the McCain campaign, the Republican National Committee and the nearly 4-million-member NationalRepublican campaign broadsides are portraying Obama as "the most anti-gun presidential candidate in American history" a message that…
Very Different Visions
– Heck, Rolling Stone has essentially become the house organ of the Democratic National Committee, and MTV serves as the Democrats' … On national security issues, the winner-loser gap is even more stark. … Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina summed it up well: "Victory! You can say it at this convention.…
Paul Weyrich Honored
– is, perhaps, the movement's "indispensable man" to whom all Americans owe a debt of gratitude.Without Weyrich's arrival on the national … helping to start: Heritage Foundation Free Congress Foundation Free Congress PAC Coalitions for America House Republican … Study Committee Senate Steering Committee Council for National Policy International Policy Forum American Legislative…
Sisterhood of the Protected Female Liberal Journalists
– Last Friday, Howard Gutman, a member of the Obama campaign's National Finance Committee, attacked Sarah Palin's ability to be a good … In a finger-wagging appearance on the Laura Ingraham radio show, Obama's operative scolded the Republican mother of five children for…
Fair to Compare Obama and Lincoln?
– As the Whigs began to collapse over the slavery issue, Lincoln played a leading role in organizing the new Republican Party in Illinois … Senate campaign against a carpet-bagging embarrassment and fringe candidate (Alan Keyes) who took the Republican nomination after the … deliberately vague concept of “racial justice”) can point to no lodestars that guided him in his wanderings and adventures, no national
It Didn't Start With Palin
– Eisenhower to put the thirty-nine year old senator from California on the Republican ticket.  … Republican” – Senator Robert Taft. … In the immediate aftermath of the speech, the Republican National Committee in Washington, D.C. was inundated with 160,000 telegrams…
Liberal Hollywood Sycophants Seek Cash
– Others choose a candidate based on specific areas of concern, like national security or fiscal responsibility. … whose genesis can be traced to nefarious characters like Hanoi Jane Fonda and her now-disbanded 1980’s Hollywood Women’s Political Committee … That is why when you are in the voting booth this fall, the choice is clear, the choice is Republican.…
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