Results for: Republican National Committee

Rooting for Failure: Democrats Walk Away from Super Committee
National Review's Rich Lowry has the goods on the spurned GOP delegation's proposal   According to multiple sources familiar … If Congress' special committee on the debt blows up, that sends a terrible signal to the markets about American leaders' seriousness … What a golden moment: They can destroy any immediate prospects of getting a handle on an unwieldy national debt that led to our first…
GOP debate puts spotlight on hard-hit Michigan
– The snail-like pace of the national economic recovery is a running theme in this campaign. … The Democratic National Committee has been jabbing at Mitt Romney for his opposition to the taxpayer financing, replaying his comment … While Romney is confident he could win the state where he was born, no Republican has carried Michigan in a presidential election since…
Dems target Romney ahead of tonight's GOP debate
– Eight Republican candidates may be rolling into metro Detroit for tonight’s presidential debate at Oakland University, but the Democratic … National Committee picked one – Mitt Romney – to target in full-page advertisements in today’s Free Press and Detroit News. … Several groups are expected to protest Republican policies outside the debate hall in Rochester tonight, UAW members among them.…
The Super Committee's Great Goat Rodeo
– As early as tomorrow, and certainly in the next fortnight, the Republican-led House and the Democratic-led Senate is delivering an … We, the Tea Party, will (again) court martial and purge these from our national legislature. … The Christian Science Monitor’s Gail Russell Chaddock shrewdly observes: If the super committee fails, will there be any real…
Debbie Downgrade and the 2012 Elections
– The new head of the Democratic National Committee--Florida Rep. … neighboring South Florida congressional district and led a demonstration outside the Deerfield Beach, Fla., campaign headquarters of Republican
Incriminating Timeline: Democrats Punt on Fiscal Responsibility…criminating_timeline_democrats_punt_on_fiscal_responsibility
– The Senate Republican Budget press office sent out this rather incriminating timeline of the Democrats' complete lack of leadership … Here's the timeline sent out by the GOP Budget Committee press office:   January 25 – In his State of the Union address … November 18– In search of common ground, Republican Sen.…
Townhall Exclusive: The Invisible President
– In my post-mortem of the "Super Committee," I opined that Congressional Democrats bear most of the responsibility for the colossal … Now Townhall has been granted an exclusive first look at a new web video from the Republican National Committee, which exposes Obama's…
A Supreme Opportunity to Right a Wrong
– Supreme Court will hear the challenge by 26 states and the National Federation of Independent Business to the constitutionality of … Mike Rogers, Michigan Republican, sponsored the Health Care Waiver Fairness Act (HR 984), which would basically exempt every American … from ObamaCare, but it hasn’t made it out of committee.…
Obama's Dishonest 'Super Fail' Spin
– Last evening, President Obama made a brief statement on the failure of the so-called "Super Committee" to agree to reduce the national … As we suspected, the president seemed almost gleeful that the committee had failed to achieve their task.  … This approach was also rejected by committee Democrats.…
Democrats say new Romney ad distorts Obama's words
– Mitt Romney's first television commercial of his second bid for the Republican presidential nomination hits the airwaves Tuesday, … President Barack Obama's re-election campaign and the Democratic National Committee are both slamming the 60-second spot, saying it … ET Tuesday, November 22, in the CNN Republican National Security Debate in Washington, D.C.…
Wanted: Incentives For Growth And Jobs
– But all of them at once by a single, joint committee? It was not going to happen, and, of course, it didn't. … Passing a fixed annual budget that finances and guides our national government is now the rare exception instead of the rule. … They were up to their eyeballs in spending, all of it on a charge card that added some three trillion to our national debt.…
What Is a Progressive
– For example, General Hugh "Iron Pants" Johnson, who ran Roosevelt’s National Recovery Administration (NRA) kept a picture of Mussolini … Joe McCarthy started his political life as a Democrat (and later switched to be a Republican) in Wisconsin — the most pro-progressive … Civilian surveillance under American presidents in the modern era (for example under Republican Richard Nixon and under Democrats John…
N.H. Democrats Treating Romney as if He Were Already the GOP Nominee…ocrats_treating_romney_as_if_he_were_already_the_gop_nominee
– would beat President Obama in New Hampshire by 10 points, New Hampshire Democrats are treating Romney as if he already won the Republican … She noted that Obama’s campaign press secretary referenced Romney 110 times in one month on Twitter, and the Democratic National Committee
RNC Strategy: Hey, Let's Not Attack Obama Personally
National Committee conference call with allies warned Tuesday that party surrogates should refrain from personal attacks against President … National Committee--Ari Fleischer, the former press secretary for George W. … Take special note of Ari Fleischer's "own it" badassness:   Update : Republican National Committee communications director…
Alert: Left-wing Obama Judicial Appointee Faces Crucial Vote Today
– Halligan’s confirmation has been vigorously opposed by the National Rifle Association, Gun Owners of America, and Committee for Justice … Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee unanimously rejected her confirmation earlier this year. … Halligan also served on a committee that issued a report castigating Bush-era counter-terrorism policies (many of which The One has…
National Popular Vote Is a Bad Idea
– Moving quietly under the cover of the presidential debates and the enormous publicity given to the Republican nomination race is a … It's a mystery how any Republican could support NPV, and it's no surprise that the Republican National Committee voted unanimously … Mexico uses a national popular vote system, and it's a good illustration of why we don't want it here.…
Immigration: An Artificial Stimulus For Homeownership
– Olympic Committee. … Second, the program would pose real national security issues. … She recently sold a home for $1.67 million, about 8 percent above asking price, to a Chinese national.…
Newt: I Will be the Nominee
– If there were a national primary and it was scheduled for this Saturday, Newt would probably be correct. … Signed, The National Debate Scheduling Association That would certainly help make Gingrich's case, but keep in mind that … under Republican National Committee rules any caucus or primary held before April: "… shall provide for the allocation of…
Barney Frank: Good Riddance
– nation -- especially in the housing scandal, where his meddling with the industry brought the United States to the brink of a national … As ranking minority member of the House Financial Services Committee starting in 2003, Frank strenuously opposed tighter regulation … He accused his opponents of exaggerating the facts, the Republican reforms lost steam, and the result was the great recession we are…
5 Ways the 2012 Election Has Changed Since the Super Committee's Failure…2012_election_has_changed_since_the_super_committees_failure
– The 2012 political year is right around the corner and the recent failure by the so-called "Super Committee" to reach agreement on … The Super Committee was designed to fail and the White House knew it. … Our national debt just crossed $15 trillion, or 100 percent of our gross domestic product.…
How to Break the Partisan Fever
– A Republican, Richard McIntyre, won in a recount by 418 votes, according to the Indiana Republican secretary of state. … "If the committee leans partisan, either Republican or Democratic, then it will always be viewed as a partisan result." … Each of those historic epochs was brought on by decisive and sustained shifts in national majority opinion.…
Obama's 2012 'Slash and Burn' Strategy: Chapter One
– As Katie reported yesterday, the Wasserman-Schultz led, Obama campaign-directed Democratic National Committee is test driving one … President Obama’s reelection campaign is going to be based on fear and loathing: fear of what a Republican takeover would mean, and … loathing of whomever the Republican nominee turns out to be.…
Was it Really a Super Failure?
– the curious “lead from behind” strategy often preferred by Barack Obama, an apt description of his efforts to steer the Super Committee … had bothered to talk with even one of the twelve Democrats and Republicans on the committee in the closing weeks of their effort.  … We’re not so sure, though, that the lack of a deal from the committee was all that bad.   …
Victory: Democrats to Abandon Stupid "Millionaire" Tax
– a $662 billion defense bill setting policy for military personnel, weapons systems and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, plus national … The first features Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell blasting hapless Harry Reid on the Senate floor for coordinating an endless … Congress's Joint Committee on Taxation estimates that taxpayers will declare about $1.2 trillion of business income in 2013.…
Republicans: Racist, Sexist, Homophobic -- and Elitist
– This, of course, makes him another born-on-third-base-and-thought-he-hit-a-triple Republican. … The Democratic National Committee pounced and immediately put out a video: "Mitt Romney: Simply Out of Touch -- Ten Thousand Times … The 2005-2009 median income in Zanesville: $28,854, almost $13,000 less than the national median.…
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