Results for: center left libertarian

Campus Madness: Censorship at DePaul, Moral Bullying at University of Houston…sion-campus-madness-at-depaul-university-of-houston-n2200794
– As Sophie and Katie wrote yesterday, the on-campus Left has claimed two fresh scalps this week: Up first is DePaul University in Chicago … I'll leave you with a Washington Post column written by a libertarian law professor lamenting how Donald Trump's political ascendancy … Trump’s advocacy of zero-sum identity politics for whites is the mirror image of the identity politics of the PC far left.…
EXCLUSIVE: Gary Johnson Lays Out Immigration Vision, Objects to Term 'Illegal Immigrant,' Defends Executive Amnesty…illegal-immigrant-defends-obamas-executive-amnesty-n2212297
– Public support for Libertarian Party presidential nominee Gary Johnson currently sits at roughly eight percent in national polling … What is his sales pitch to disaffected elements of the center-right? … Plus, why does he, a libertarian, keep saying that he agrees with Bernie Sanders, a socialist, '73 percent' of the time?…
The Man Who Would Be Johnsoned
– since the private, two-party controlled Commission on Presidential Debates decided to deny voters an opportunity to hear from Libertarian … Instead, a study conducted by the Center for Research and Information on Civic Learning and Engagement at Tufts University found that … That poll found the Libertarian Party standard-bearer leading nationally among these young folks, with 35 percent support.…
Memo to GOP 'Never Trumpers': Reagan Isn't Rising From the Dead…gop-never-trumpers-reagan-isnt-rising-from-the-dead-n2221850
– So, like me, he often votes Libertarian. He does not see much about Donald Trump that resembles a traditional Republican." … We live in a center-left country. Not center-right -- center-left. … And it's even more left-wing now. Reagan pushed the income tax top marginal rate down to 28 percent.…
The SUCCEED Act: Another Immigration Reform Failure
– Notice also that the SUCCEED Act sponsors left out immigration enforcement think-tanks. … Jessica Vaughn of the Center for Immigration Studies has criticized the SUCCEED Act: “It is agreeing to an amnesty, without the U.S … libertarian principles.…
Libertarian Speaker Charles Murray Heckled at University of Michigan…er-charles-murray-heckled-at-university-of-michigan-n2394227
– Once again, student protesters, this time at the University of Michigan, tried to prevent a speaker from bringing his right-of-center … Michigan's College Republicans and the American Enterprise Institute Executive Council, had a rocky start as Charles Murray, a libertarian … For those who want to hear a speaker that's not left-of-center, this kind of behavior is expected.…
New York’s Schneiderman Will Not Be Outsleazed In His Campaign to Get ExxonMobil…not-be-outsleazed-in-his-campaign-to-get-exxonmobil-n2239509
– The Earth hasn’t warmed appreciably in 20 years, and the green left has grown tired of waiting. … The man at the center of the investigation, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, says he’s not looking beyond his current … accountable for violating Pennsylvania’s environmental laws,” Shapiro told Think Progress, a website sponsored by the embattled Center
Policy Earthquakes Have Ground Shifting Beneath Our Feet…y-earthquakes-have-ground-shifting-beneath-our-feet-n2443267
– Ronald Reagan used to say he never left the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party left him. … The Democrats were to his left, for the most part, though not far to his left. … Just as the Reagan-era GOP moved the political center to the right, the Obama-era Democrats moved -- lurched, really -- to the left
Rand Paul Reveals the Question Justice Roberts Refused to Read During Impeachment Trial…oberts-refused-to-read-during-the-impeachment-trial-n2560413
– Hill:  A source confirmed that Roberts has indicated he would not read a question from Paul regarding the whistleblower at the center … “It’s still an ongoing process; it may happen tomorrow,” the libertarian-leaning senator told reporters as he headed back to the Senate … Rand Paul left the chamber after Chief Justice John Roberts declined to read his question."…
The Deep State v Roger J. Stone, Jr: A Cautionary Tale
– of his arrest (even though a Federal Magistrate did not unseal the indictment until 9:30 a.m. that same morning) where Weissman left … Christian Josi is a leading communications advisor, author, and a veteran of center-right/libertarian politics and non-profit management…
True Grit v. Woodstock
– But the dark side of Woodstock left its mark. … But those folks lean libertarian, sucking away votes from conservatives and allowing Democrats to continue to build toward a Godless … Visitor center volunteer Rick Gregory, 73, has spoken to several.  …
CNN Whistleblower Says Working at the Network Turned Him from a Democrat to Center-Right…e-network-turned-him-from-a-democrat-to-centerright-n2554758
– Bernie Sanders (I-VT) during the 2016 primary and then voted for libertarian Gary Johnson in the general. … "I mean, I came there as a staunch person on the left for in today’s terms, probably the far-left...I mean, I came here obviously as … , center-right," he said.…
Conservative Students Still Subject to Harassment this Fall…tive-students-still-subject-to-harassment-this-fall-n2613664
– Unfortunately, harassment of those with right-of-center viewpoints on America’s colleges and universities is nothing new. … These are just a sampling of the harassment and censorship conservative and libertarian students will be subject to this year. … speakers have made or will make, but the point is that students have a right to hear them, just as they have a right to hear from left-wing…
Election Integrity Reform Is Key to Preventing A Socialist Takeover of America…s-key-to-preventing-a-socialist-takeover-of-america-n2594161
– A libertarian acted as a spoiler in the race, garnering 2.3 percent. … The American people are a center-right people. … Patriotic Americans must be willing to engage in this fight regardless of the lies of the Left.…
Liberal Voter Heal Thyself--of Voter Fraud
– Not one is a conservative, classical liberal or libertarian thinker.  … Morales, Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, and Venezuela’s Nicolás Maduro Moros are all part of socialist, left-wing … American progressives tout studies from their own base such as the Brennan Center for Justice or the American Civil Liberties Union…
Remembering The Unusual 2016 Ballad Of Governor Gary Johnson…ng-the-unusual-2016-ballad-of-governor-gary-johnson-n2499738
– The former 2016 Libertarian Party nominee, whose party’s defining image in the minds of many voters that year was a crude scene at … its party convention left burned in the minds of the unfortunate attendees, had been invited to speak at the event. … In our brief chat he did not seem too proud of his 2016 Libertarian Party bid, even though he earned the highest vote count for a Libertarian
Vox Op-Ed: Americans Are Not Going To Like Picking Up Democratic Socialism's Tab…going-to-like-picking-up-democratic-socialisms-tab-n2507898
– They say they lost because Hillary wasn’t left wing enough. … The Left is at a crossroads over whether to go full-blown left wing, though they’ve lurched to the left on some issues, like immigration … Spoiler alert: it soars into the trillions: …the Mercatus Center, a libertarian-leaning center at George Mason University, estimated…
The Trump-Era GOP Faces a Test in Ohio Special Election
– Pence left no doubt in the packed event hall in the center of picturesque Newark. … serious-minded biochemistry and theology major at Wittenberg University is also an offensive lineman for the football team and a proud libertarian
Stay Classy: New NYT Editorial Writer Apparently Has A Problem With 'Dumba** F**king White People'…an-introduction-to-the-newest-nyt-editorial-writer-n2506164
– These are their rules, not the rules of libertarian-minded conservatives.  … live in a world where conservative voices are silenced and riots are started on college campuses over the scheduling of right-of-center … Does it add to your score in being a member of the brain dead progressive Left?…
Analysis: Here Are the Stunning Tax Hikes Required to Pay For Single-Payer Healthcare's (Minimum) $32.6 Trillion Price Tag…astonishing-price-tag-byattacking-the-koch-brothers-n2505163
– about Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and the cost of "Medicare for All" -- a.k.a. single-payer, government-run healthcare -- the Mercatus Center … Immediately, figures on the Left began dismissing and distorting its findings, with a popular talking point linking Mercatus to the … Such rote denunciations emanated from the center-Left to the hard-Left: Koch-funded libertarian think tank study trashes @SenSanders…
Shocker: Bernie Sanders Health Care Plan Is A $30+ Trillion Economic Catastrophe…lth-care-plan-is-a-30-trillion-economic-catastrophe-n2505053
– Single-payer is a core tenet of left wing Democrats. It’s sounds great on paper. … policy center. … Koch-funded libertarian think tank study trashes @SenSanders health care plan. This is news?…
Social Media Censorship II
– , is more left-leaning." … Maybe the "content moderators" at tech companies want to narrow your choices to information from the political center and left -- where … Especially libertarian and conservative speech.…
Hey, Media, Why No Trump-Like Scrutiny on Obamacare, 'Stimulus' or the Iraq Bug-Out?…e-scrutiny-on-obamacare-stimulus-or-the-iraq-bugout-n2539164
– In a full-page ad taken out by the libertarian Cato Institute, these economists, joined later by 130 more economists, said: "With all …, a "nonpartisan, nonprofit 'consumer advocate' for voters" run by the University of Pennsylvania's Annenberg Public Policy Center … , examined the claim that Bush tied Obama's hands on Iraq: "We take no position on whether the U.S. should have left some combat troops…
Lost in the Muddled Middle
– was not above expressing a favorable opinion of Fidel Castro or another radical if it would help him seduce a fair damsel of the left-wing … , a libertarian think tank, hosted a conference with the neo-radical title "Beyond Left and Right: Reviving Moderation in an Era of … It does not mean splitting the difference between right and left but looks forward to discussing ideas and ideals rather than hardening…
The Left Wants to Pack the Supreme Court. Law Professor Shares His Plan to Reshape It.
– He's conservative on some issues but leans libertarian on others. … The left will go local. Governors could be threatened. … The left has used the courts to expand its agenda for decades now.…
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