
The March for Life Just Defeated the Leftist Narrative on Abortion

On January 19, thousands of Americans from all across the country descended on the nation's capital to march for life.

The atmosphere was electric as pro-life advocates sang along with Christian music artist Tiffany Arbuckle Lee, known by her stage name Plumb, and cheered on speakers like Pam Tebow, mother of football star Tim Tebow, and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan.

During his address, the Speaker encouraged those in attendance to keep fighting for life and stated that this country is moving in the right direction on abortion.

After the March, he also tweeted, "The #ProLife movement is not going away because the truth is on our side: Life begins at conception. Honored to join thousands of people from all over the country at the 45th annual @March_for_Life."

While Trump could not attend the event in person, he still sent over a powerful message. The marchers cheered with thunderous applause as the President appeared on the big screen and talked to the crowd from the Rose Garden. Trump's comments were historical, as they marked the first time a sitting president has ever delivered an address to the pro-life rally.

When scanning the marchers and looking at the sea of faces, regardless of their gender, age, race, past, or organization, they were all united for one cause: the rights of the unborn.

As Townhall's Guy Benson has noted before, public opinion on abortion is far different than what the Left would have the American people believe. In a recent Marist poll, a majority of Americans said they support abortion restrictions and are opposed to taxpayer funding of abortion.

To quote Guy for a more in-depth analysis of the numbers:

On the specific question of when abortion should and should not be illegal, 51 percent of women choose one of the three post pro-life options, compared to 22 percent who choose the two most pro-choice options; those numbers among men are 51 and 25 percent, respectively. In total, 78 percent of American women favor significant new restrictions on abortion.  Among Millennial voters, 68 percent say abortion should be limited to the first trimester or restricted even further. Among Latinos, that number is 77 percent.

The march didn't need the Marist poll to tell the American people what they already knew. By looking at the crowd alone, the narrative that pro-lifers are anti-women and merely white men attempting to tell women what they can or cannot do with their bodies was defeated in an instant.

Children marching along with their parents held signs with Bible verses on them, showing the importance Scripture puts on life in the womb and sharing the lesson that God designed every individual. Even women who had worked in abortion clinics held up signs encouraging women to leave and have their lives changed too.

Pro-life chants rang out as protestors made their way to the Supreme Court and Capitol Hill. As people marched along, some spotted Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) who was greeting demonstrators and thanking them for advocating for the pro-life cause. Townhall's Lauretta Brown was able to ask the Senator a few questions:

Sasse stood in his red Nebraska jacket shaking the hands of the people trying to effect cultural change and win hearts and minds by marching to the Supreme court on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade.

“I just wanted to thank all of these people for being here,” he explained. “I mean this is a movement that is about love, it’s about trying to persuade our neighbors about the universal dignity of all babies and it’s just a pretty special weekend.”

March for Life 2018 was undoubtedly a success. The pro-life movement is growing, and it will not be stopped. As seen at the march, it is the older generations' responsibility to pass on the pro-life message to their children. The next generation must carry the torch and fight for the little lives that are so precious.