
Adorable: Little Girl Makes Police Officer's Day With This Simple Gesture

Police Sergeant Steven Dearth was eating dinner alone one night, when four-year-old Lillian decided to go over and say hello. 

The young girl was at the restaurant with her parents and younger brother but thought the lone officer could use some company. 

A video of the two happily chatting away was posted to Facebook by the Hingham Police Department in Massachusetts. They’re calling it “the best dinner date ever.”

The department also posted a picture of Dearth with his new best friend:

After their “dinner date,” Dearth showed Lilly and her father his police car. 

Lilly’s mother commented on the video, letting the department know that the Sergeant Dearth “made her [daughter’s] night” and that “she's been talking about it ever since!”

The department said they’re looking forward to seeing Lilly again soon.