
Repeat of History: Trump Serves Football Players Fast Food

Mirroring a similar dinner in January of this year, President Trump welcomed a football team to his table with Big Macs and chicken sandwiches.

The Bison, a football team representing North Dakota State University, were invited to the White House to celebrate their victory in the NCAA Football Championship Subdivision. The president, like with the Clemson Tigers in January, laid out a fast food buffet for the players, which included options from Chick-fil-A. However, whereas then Trump said it was necessitated because the government was shut down at the time, this time the president seems to have forgone the services of the White House chef just because.

"We like American companies, OK?" Trump said about his choice of food.

In a repeat of January, some were not happy about Trump's choice of edibles, but there were not as many racism accusations this time.

However, the players of Bison seemed to enjoy themselves.

"We addressed [politics]," Coach Matt Entz told the Grand Forks Herald. "This isn't a political trip, this is a Bison trip and, personally, I sold it as two things: It's one more opportunity for the 2018 team to be together, but also in my mind the start of the 2019 season and the things we're going to do together."

The team gave the president a Bison-colors jersey, adorned with his name and the number 45.