
The Special Olympics Were Shocked By Shaun White's Halloween Costume

Three-time gold medal winning snowboarder Shaun White is in some trouble with the Special Olympics team after wearing what they call an insensitive Halloween costume this weekend. White showed up at a party dressed as "Special Jack," a mentally challenged character from the 2008 movie Tropic Thunder, portrayed by Ben Stiller.

The Special Olympics called the outfit disappointing.

“We are truly disappointed that Shaun White, an acclaimed Olympian, would choose this costume, which is so offensive and causes so much pain,” Soeren Palumbo, co-founder of the Special Olympics, told the Huffington Post. “Disability is not a joke, nor should it be a punchline. We hope that Shaun White and others learn that this just continues stigma, stereotypes and discrimination.”

The snowboarder understood the backlash and regretted his wardrobe choice.

Reactions to his apology were mixed. Some say the costume was not offensive and White had no need to apologize, including well known Parkland student Cameron Kasky. 

Other commenters insisted it's just a movie character.

"People really need to grow a thicker skin and get a sense of humor," one commenter wrote.

But, a good number of other social media users believe White's costume was in terrible taste.

"I have a developmentally delayed kid and not only did i not find the character in the movie funny I also found the costume repulsive," one woman shared. "Your comment is also way off base. It’s not just a costume!"

The Special Olympics accepted the Olympian's apology.

This isn't the first controversy White has fielded since his most recent gold medal winning halfpipe run. Shortly after he earned the hardware, reports revealed that he had been accused of inappropriate behavior with a female member of his band, making him the latest target in the "Me Too" movement.

The woman, Lena Zawaideh, accused White of sexual harassment in 2016, claiming he sent her “sexually explicit and graphic images.” He reached a settlement with her outside of court and did not appear to lose any endorsements over it.