Obama: I want to be known as the Junket President

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Our jet-set president starts another round of leading from behind this week as he leaves for Hawaii, Australia and Bali to see if he can learn from and share with other world leaders how they create jobs, ignore their constitution, arm drug cartels without getting subpoenaed; or at, the very least how they shave a shot or two off their handicap.

Oh, if only Obama could be the president of China. The world would make a lot more sense. He could then invest in as many foreign green companies as he wanted.    

As the Congressional Super Committee crafts a Super Compromise that aims at preventing across-the-board federal budget cuts, Obama has decided to distance himself as far as possible from any deal- or work- literally distance himself by 10, 217 air miles as he attends a summit for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.

His policy of craftily negotiating with Congress by not communicating with them worked so well in the past, why fix what isn’t working? Gee that could be the new motto for this administration: “Why mess around with a bad thing? Obama 2012.” 

Plus, if he really needs to say something that’ll get extra press while out of town, maybe there will be a “hot” mic around that he can take advantage of.

You hate Tim Geithner’s hair? What about me? I have to blow dry it every day!

This is the same great communicator/uniter who hasn’t been able to get a single vote for a budget this year; the same guy who went AWOL during the debt ceiling negotiations; the president whose jobs plan involves making an appeal to fifth-graders; and the Harvard professor whose only fixed economic theory is that raising taxes does…something…something, um, fair.

And you thought Rick Perry struggled with answers?

Obama is a daily, walking gaffe-machine covered up by media acolytes who need a messiah in the same way that Trotsky needed Lenin. And for the same reason: So that someone can tell them which way to shoot.      

Of course, the dividing line for the great communicator where fairness should start has rattled around between the income for Joe the Plumber and income for Warren Buffet and back down to income for Warren Buffet’s secretary.

Just another example of great communication from our communicator-in-chief.

Bin Laden tapes were more gripping than Obama’s latest excuses for taxing the rich.  

No wonder Obama decided to pull up stakes and head for an out-of-town junket as the Super Committee’s deadline started breathing heavier on him.

As you read this, two C-130 transports, stuffed with the president’s luggage, are being guarded by the hot shots of the Indonesian Air Force.

That’s right: According to the head of the airport, Lt Col. Pilot Jumarto, the transports are pre-positioned at Ngurah Rai Aiport, Denpasar, capital city of Bali being guarded by the few, the proud, the Indonesians.

No offense to Jumarto and his pals, but whoever thought up this security arrangement is probably still contemplating cutting checks to Solyndra, thinking the company could turn the corner any day now.

Because that’s the greater issue.

The Obama administration is great at talking at people about lots of things, but they don’t know how to learn anything.

Over and over, they make the same mistakes.

For a guy who claims that his total focus is on jobs and the economy, Obama has a strangely detached view of the president’s role in the economy.

And before my friends pillory me for suggesting that the federal government has anything to do with the economy, get over it. The federal government exercises a lot of authority in the economy. Yes, we should change that, but in the meantime, deal with the fact as it is, not as you want it to be.

Capital markets go up and down based on presidential policies.  

Obama spends a trillion on stimulus, but sets his regulatory army on killing business across the country. He brings in a new chief of staff in Bill Daley as a bridge to the business community, but after a few months on the job, Daley is on the outs because he apparently cares about getting the economy going again.

How Un-Occupy Wall Street is that? We want jobs, but no economic growth or profits, you neocon nit wits.

Ah, the modern economic theories of Paul Krugman coming home to roost.  

In the spring, as the budget and the debt ceiling hung over a country trying to kick start business by reckoning with budget and debt priorities, Obama absconded once again, this time to Brazil.

And it was at this moment that Americans fully understood that it was more important for Obama to gain the perks of the presidency than it was for Obama to occupy his place as president.

“I want to be known as the junket president,” he told us with that trip- and with this one too.

And it doesn’t take a “hot” mic to hear it loud and clear.   

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PS Part 2- The email function at the top of the page working again. Sorry it took so long. Let the Hate Mail begin!

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