Occupy Bull Streeters Get Worse

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This past week I was in Texas with my family honoring our wounded troops with our 3rd annual Texas Purple Heart Hunt. For the last three years the Giles Tribe has gathered (along with several others) at one of Roy Burnes’ ranches to celebrate America and those who keep her safe by hunting deer and drinking beer while listening to great music as we roast the flesh with the best of the best. It was truly a great time deep in the heart of Texas.

As you can imagine, partying and hunting with our vets for the last few days pulled me away from my job of monitoring the fetid chum slick of the daily news. So, I was itching to see what in the world had happened while we were blissfully tucked away with guns in God’s Country.

Upon arrival back to civilization I opened my email account and started plowing through the gazillion emails my columns spawn. Many of the emails I got told me about how great I am. Of course I hit print and pasted them on my office wall next to the altar sporting the life-sized poster of myself. However, several of the emails I received told me how full of crap I am in regard to the last column I penned about the Occupy crowd and their aberrant and criminal behavior.

When I pointed out last week how the media and the president had insanely ignored the 99% who’re turning our taxpayer funded cities into trash and disease-filled Petri dishes, where rapes and multi-million dollar vandalism goes down, I was told that I am the mean guy and have been skewing the facts—even though I cited several legit sources.

Being one who practices the biblical discipline of self-examination, I took a nanosecond and asked myself, “Self … have you indeed wrongfully judged a reasonable democratic uprising? Do I need to repent?”

Having been out of the loop, I minimized my email page, popped open Google and typed in “Occupy November 5th – 11th” to see if I had grieved the Holy Spirit by fudging the facts. Holy Schnikey. Was I not only right about the things previously reported, but it appears that Occupy matters have gotten worse. For instance …

More Americans Died at 'Occupy' Protests Than in Afghanistan on Thursday

Tea Partier Violently Assaulted at 'Occupy San Diego'

Cops Bust up 'Occupiers' With Nightsticks

'Occupiers' to Block Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony?

Tuberculosis Outbreak at Occupy Atlanta's Base

Is This the Nuttiest 'Occupy' Protester Ever?

'Occupy Wall Street' Kicks Hungry Homeless Out of Park

Help me here, main stream media and Doug critics: I don’t recollect any murders, assaults, rapes, multi-million dollar trashing of environments, nudity, nightsticks, protests of Christmas, or any homeless people snubbed by tea partiers … and yet it is the tea partiers who are demonized—as in, ridiculously demonized.

However, facts be damned, it is the occupiers who are spawning the mayhem throughout our land, and I for one hope sane voters are seriously paying attention to the fruit of the progressive movement.

BTW Occupusses: Here’s a shot of your chunky buddy Michael Moore’s vacation house. Breitbart Exclusive Pics: Michael Moore's Massive Michigan Vacation Mansion...

Oh, and one more BTW: From a global perspective, all you Ninety-Nine Percenters are the lucky one percent. Yes, if you eat three meals a day, have a cell phone and a laptop you are one of the world’s lucky ones.