By the time you read this, Time magazine will have announced whoever their editors chose as “Person of the Year.” That’s just the nature of things – deadlines exist and time does not care. That being said, as I am still awaiting that announcement as of this writing, I look at the list of “finalists” and there really is only one choice: Donald Trump.
They may well pick someone else, but any other choice would only be made out of spite; a desire to NOT name Trump.
Who were the other “options”?
Kamala Harris. Why? Who the hell knows. They claim “Harris centered her campaign on reproductive rights, slamming former President Donald Trump for his role in the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, and suggested that Trump is a threat to democracy. But she lost to Trump, and conceded the race on Nov. 6.”
They don’t mention that the election was on November 5th, and that the Vice President did not concede until the afternoon of the following day. That’s neither here nor there, she lost is all that matters. As you can tell from that write-up, however, and the fact that this non-entity was even on the short-list, Harris won the Time office vote, she just did horribly everywhere else. And people think the media is out of touch…
Next was Kate Middleton. Nothing against her, but I have to ask again, “Who cares?” I don’t wish her ill or anything, quite the opposite – she seems perfectly nice – but in the grand scheme of things, she does not matter to the world in a tangible way. The media love her because Royals mean clicks and sales, but beyond that…
What’s weird about the choice of Middleton is she battled cancer this year, but has not said what kind of cancer she had. She can’t even be an example for people with that type of cancer because she is so secretive about it. She doesn’t have to disclose it, but if she’s going to be nominated as “Person of the Year” because of it, shouldn’t that person be transparent and an example? Just weird that she hasn’t, considering it’s the only reason Time lists for her to be on the list.
Then Elon. Look, aside from Donald Trump, the only person who should be in serious contention for “Person of the Year” is Elon Musk. No advocate for free speech has ever put as much on the line for that very specific reason than he has - $44 billion and, if we’re being honest, every government contract for any of his companies. If Democrats had won the White House and control of Congress, they would have canceled every single contract with all of Musk’s companies because of his embrace of free speech on X. And this was before he became involved with the Trump campaign and took stances on other issues progressive drones demand conformity on. We won, thanks to him, and he won too.
Now Elon is heading into an tangential role in government in the quest for efficiency. Like Trump in his first term, Elon may have difficulty coming to terms with the idea that – unlike in business where everyone will work in their best interest – in politics and government, people will happily hurt themselves and/or others to score points on or hinder their opponents. There are a lot of metaphorical suicide bombers in politics who push the button even when offered even almost all of what they claimed to have wanted. Reality and logic do not apply, Elon. Learn and remember that and you’ll succeed.
The rest were the widow of Alexei Navalny who, while tragic, simply didn’t register 2 weeks after her book came out. Benjamin Netanyahu, for whom a case could be made but Time would never take the hit from their left-wing readers. The head of the Federal Reserve, but all he’s done is what’s been expected and has had nominal impact. Joe Rogan who, while influential and helpful in the election, just doesn’t matter that much yet (he could if he stays on this serious path, but it’s too soon to tell). Mark Zuckerberg is on there for reasons no one can really explain – Facebook is still a thing, but it is not THE thing anymore. And Claudia Sheinbaum, the new leftist President of Mexico who’s about to get an education about what it means to piss off the United States.
There really is no choice this year – love him or hate him, no human being influenced the happenings on planet Earth in 2024 more than Donald Trump.
Derek Hunter is the host of a free daily podcast (subscribe!) and author of the book, Outrage, INC., which exposes how liberals use fear and hatred to manipulate the masses, and host of the weekly “Week in F*cking Review” podcast where the news is spoken about the way it deserves to be. Follow him on Twitter at @DerekAHunter.