10 Reasons Not to Vote for Kamala Harris

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As the presidential campaign between former President Donald Trump and incumbent Vice President Kamala Harris draws to a close, voters are finalizing their decisions. Here are 10 reasons not to vote for Kamala Harris.

First, her administration’s reckless borrowing and spending brought us the worst inflation of the last 40 years, and added $7.9 trillion to the national debt. That inflation has wreaked havoc over everyday Americans and their attitudes toward the economy – so much so that a survey released earlier this summer reveals that two-thirds of Americans say they are “falling behind due to the high cost of living,” and a more recent survey shows that almost two-thirds of the registered voters surveyed believe the country is on the wrong track. 

Second, and worse, Harris refuses to acknowledge that it was her administration’s actions that caused inflation, and instead chooses to blame "corporate greed". Her failure to acknowledge responsibility is troubling on two fronts – first, because it indicates she will not or cannot accept criticism, and, second, because if the diagnosis of the problem is wrong, the proposed solution is virtually guaranteed to be wrong.

Third, and even worse than that, Harris’s solution to inflation is Soviet-style price controls. They won’t work (see above – an incorrect diagnosis of the problem leads to an incorrect proposed solution); even liberal economists agree on that fundamental point.  

Fourth, her administration made a conscious policy decision to throw open the doors to the country, reversing the previous administration’s successful border security policies on the first day of the Biden-Harris administration and initiating instead the worst illegal immigration we’ve ever seen. This is a fundamental point – the chaos we’ve seen at our southern border for the last four years is not a bug, but a feature, of her administration’s policy; it was made by choice; and, despite mounting evidence of its ill effects, it was steadfastly held to, even to the point of having a cabinet secretary repeatedly deny to the Congress that the surge of illegal immigration at the southern border was a “crisis.” The House responded by voting to impeach a cabinet secretary for the first time since 1876.

Fifth, when the realities of electoral politics forced her to acknowledge that for the vast majority of the country, the worst-ever illegal immigration in our nation’s history was a negative, not a positive, she and her campaign didn’t spend their time and effort devising a new policy that would right the wrong; instead, they spent enormous time and effort to deny she had ever been given the responsibility to deal with the problem in the first place, fighting a battle to refute the fact that she had ever been appointed “border czar,” even though mainstream media outlets used that phrase to describe her duties when she was given them in April 2021.

Sixth, as a result of her administration’s open-borders policy, crime committed by criminal noncitizens skyrocketed – according to records kept by U.S. Customs and Border protection, arrests of noncitizens with criminal convictions went from 2,438 in FY 20 to 10,763 in FY 21, 12,028 in FY 22, 15,267 in FY 23, and 17,048 in FY YTD. In other words, under her administration, the number of arrests of criminal noncitizens has increased by seven times. Consequently, the number of victims has also surged. (Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund, the SuperPAC affiliated with Tea Party Patriots Action, has compiled background information on several of the most egregious cases and posted them at Will Your Daughter Be Next?)

Seventh, despite being given the opportunity in multiple softball interviews to explain how her administration would differ from the one in which she currently serves, she has failed to do so. Sitting with the women of ABC’s “The View,” for instance, she said “there is not a thing that comes to mind" when asked what she would have done differently over the previous four years. 

Eighth, she believes a lot of things that some would call “outside the mainstream.” I would call them what they are – radical. For instance, in 2019, answering a candidate questionnaire from the American Civil Liberties Union, she said she supports “taxes being used to fund gender transition surgeries for federal prisoners and detained [illegal] immigrants.” On that same questionnaire, she also indicated that she supported funding cuts to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and federally decriminalizing drug possession for personal use. 

Ninth, Harris declared war on the Supreme Court – and the Constitution – when she asserted her support for Joe Biden’s unconstitutional Supreme Court “reform” package. That “package” – which includes term limits for Supreme Court justices and a guarantee that each four-year presidential term would carry with it two new Court nominations, thereby politicizing the Court and making those appointments into spoils of political victory – would gut the Court’s independence from the legislative and executive branches, in violation of the Framers’ intent and more than two centuries of precedent.

Tenth, as a consequence of her support for Biden’s attack on the Supreme Court’s independence, her constant attack on former President Trump as a “threat to democracy” is particularly odious. It is projection. It is hypocritical. It is wrong.

Kamala Harris is the wrong choice for America.

Jenny Beth Martin is Honorary Chairman of Tea Party Patriots Citizens Action