Five Factors That Make This Election The Most Important Ever

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Last week, I wrote about the factors that make some elections more important than others. This week, I’d like to make the case that the upcoming election is the most important of our lifetimes, perhaps even in the history of this Republic. 

I ended the previous column by bringing up the strong case for 2016, especially because Donald Trump could turn the Supreme Court completely in a conservative direction. However, the more we consider the structural changes Democrats have proposed of late, the more critical future elections become. These people are playing for keeps, so we are forced to do the same or lose everything.

Here are the factors that make 2024 so critical:

Supreme Court: Sure, Trump turned the tables during his one term, but two of our best, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, are well past retirement age and well into the age where, especially for males, anything can happen. The ability to hold serve and appoint younger justices would solidify our majority and keep Democrats from turning the tables on us should something unfortunate happen to either or both of these two legends over the next four years.

Unfortunately, the number of justices is just the beginning of the potential for disaster here. Democrats have stated their intention to "pack" the Supreme Court should they gain the power necessary to do so. In other words, they want to see a Democratic president appoint as many justices as needed to get a leftist majority. It would be difficult and involve having a majority in both legislatures and successfully doing away with the Senate filibuster (we’ll talk about that later). Still, it’s completely doable and definitely on their bucket list.

Immigration: There are only so many years of unlimited Third World immigration that a First World country can take without becoming Third World itself. By failing to stop the incoming hordes, we risk not just Democrats successfully building the "permanent Democratic majority" they've been dreaming about but also the standard of living that has made America great throughout its history. 

Turns out, they DO want to ‘replace’ us, and they’ve wanted that for a long time. If we lose the immigration battle, all is lost. The next four years with the immigration spigot turned off or even down would be far better than having it wide open as it has been throughout the Biden administration. A Trump administration would also be far less likely to sign a disastrous citizenship bill that would almost certainly pass with a Democratic president and the help of squishy, treasonous Republican legislators.

Statehood for places that vote Democratic: Democrats know the Senate map ultimately doesn't favor them, especially as voters in Red states like West Virginia and Montana get wise to politicians who pretend to be ‘moderate’ yet vote with their party on critical issues. So what better way to turn the tables than to make ‘states’ out of many places with no business being states? They'll pretend it's about "justice" or "equality," but it's really about power. Letting them have that power would be disastrous.

Election integrity: Democrats want to rig the game so cheating can't be detected or audited, and anyone with or without a pulse or identification of any kind can vote. They’ve already made significant headway in places like Michigan, but if we let them do it in every swing state, we'll never win another election.

Senate Filibuster: To enact the changes they want to make, Democrats need to be able to ride roughshod over GOP objection in the Senate, a body expressly constructed to move slowly, deliberately, and with some degree of consensus. Consequently, they have repeatedly stated their intention, should they gain the power to do so, to do away with the Senate filibuster and pass legislation on a simple majority vote. This cycle, Republicans have a shot at winning the Senate and keeping that from happening for at least two years. If this happens, they should threaten to preemptively nuke the filibuster themselves if Democrats don't help strengthen the rule, so they can’t do the same when they get power back.

The structural changes Democrats have been proposing of late would seal them in power forever. Essentially, they want to rig the game to gain and wield power over their political enemies. We know how this playbook goes, and we also know that people who run it are evil to the core and shouldn't be trusted with the title of 'dog catcher,' much less actual elected office. 

Whatever you think of Donald Trump, right now, he's the man standing between freedom and these ghouls holding unlimited power over you. And even if we win this one, 2028 will be even more important, and so on, until Republicans can neutralize the ability of Democrats to impose the structural changes they desire, if that’s even possible.

So yeah, this election is definitely the most important election of our lifetimes. Please vote accordingly