American Families Are Paying the Price of Kamala Harris’ Failures

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This week, after rebooting her campaign yet another time, Kamala Harris admitted there's not a thing she would have done differently than Joe Biden-including their historic inflation crisis. As November approaches, Thursday’s Consumer Price Index (CPI) report sends another red flag to hard working Americans--confirming what they are already feeling every time they go to the grocery store--inflation worsened, yet again. 

Under Kamala Harris, inflation has wreaked havoc on families' bottom lines and made everyday life unaffordable. Year-over-year prices increased by 2.4% in September, marking the 43rd straight month that inflation has exceeded the Federal Reserve's target rate. When President Trump left office, inflation was non-existent, sitting at 1.4%. Since Harris took office, inflation has averaged 5.2%—almost three times higher than during Trump's presidency.

Meanwhile, wages are down while the cost of living remains sky-high. Real average weekly earnings have declined by 3.4% since Harris entered the White House, in stark contrast to the Trump administration, when Americans saw their real wages increase by 8.2%. Most Americans' paychecks simply don't stretch as far as they used to. And the consequences of this prolonged inflation are devastating for American families that have had to max out their credit cards just to keep the lights on. As wages lag and inflation worsens, families struggle to make ends meet.

Inflation is a hidden tax on every American that diminishes your purchasing power and erodes the value of your money. Since Harris took office, the cost of living has skyrocketed, forcing Americans to pay significantly more for everyday necessities. Gas prices are up by 38%, electricity by 31%, and groceries by 22%. The price of eggs has skyrocketed by a staggering 69%, baby food is up 31%, and rent has increased by 23%. Transportation costs are up by 31%, and car insurance costs have risen by 57%.

These are not just numbers and statistics—they reflect the daily reality for millions of Americans who have had to take on part-time work to make ends meet and many who cannot afford to purchase everyday necessities like gas and groceries.

For those living paycheck to paycheck, inflation means making difficult choices between food, fuel, and other essentials. But for nearly four years, the Biden-Harris administration brushed off inflation, calling it "transitory" and "high-class problems," signaling to the American people that they were not only out of touch but also that they had no plan to offer relief. 

Instead, Kamala's 'economic plan' doubles down on the failed policies we've seen under this Administration and kisses the American Dream goodbye. Instead of tackling inflation, she plans to light fuel on the fire that triggered this inflation crisis. Harris is pushing for the largest tax hike in U.S. history, Soviet-style price controls, and a housing plan that threatens to drive home prices even higher. Rather than relieving the financial pressure on Americans, these policies will only make matters worse.

Her agenda demonstrates her sheer incompetence and fundamental misunderstanding of how to achieve economic growth. It doesn't take an economics degree to understand that tax hikes, price controls, and increased regulations do not stimulate the economy—they stifle it. 

With inflation at multi-year highs and wages failing to keep pace, families are being squeezed harder than ever before. If Harris continues down this path, we can expect more of the same: higher prices, stagnant wages, and fewer opportunities.

Fortunately, there is a way out of this crisis. It's time to return to those principles and once again unleash prosperity for hard-working Americans. After nearly four years of Harris-induced price hikes and economic stagnation, Americans can change course by electing President Donald J. Trump. Under Trump's leadership, the U.S. saw historic economic growth, job creation, and wage increases. His policies were centered on cutting taxes, reducing regulations, and promoting free-market principles. Trump created an environment that spurred investments and prosperity.

President Trump prioritized Main Street over Wall Street by encouraging innovation and business expansion. He laid the groundwork for sustained economic success that Biden-Harris could have ridden on the coattails of, but their complete lack of economics and incompetence torpedoed any shot of maintaining the Trump economy. 

President Trump offers a proven path to economic recovery. His policies lifted millions of Americans from financial hardship and put the U.S. on a trajectory of success. Most importantly, his number one priority was undeniable: providing the American people the financial freedom to go out there and pursue their version of the American dream, a dream that Kamala herself has admitted is now out of reach. Enough is enough. It's time to bring back MAGANOMICS and put American workers and families first once again.