The Bidens Are a Horrible Bunch of People

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History is full of horrible, evil people – Charles Manson, Adolf Hitler, Hillary Clinton – but only one of them comes from a family completely devoid of any members with any redeeming qualities. While that may seem a bit harsh on Chelsea, the truth is often harsh. With that in mind, we must acknowledge the unvarnished truth that the Biden family is atop that list. 

Is there anyone in that family who isn’t repugnant? The only people associated with the family who run the risk of not being total sleaze and, therefore, run the risk of having any redeeming qualities are the two women who are disconnected, maybe even excommunicated from it: Hunter’s ex-wife and his youngest illegitimate child.

Those two just so happen to be the ones the rest of the family seeming hold in contempt. 

First is Hunter’s ex-wife, Kathleen. She ditched the Biden name soon after her divorce from the junkie hooker-loving scumbag after he’d not only been cheating on her with prostitutes but also her own sister-in-law. Gross. 

Speaking of the gross sister-in-law, Beau’s widow Hallie, who got a surprise witness-tampering visit from President Biden a week before testifying about how big of a sleazeball the man who got her hooked on crack was, just got remarried last weekend. I bet having the testify about stealing your dead husband’s brother from your sister-in-law while smoking drugs while he’s screwing every hooker human trafficked from Eastern Europe while still picking the wedding rice from your hair is a healthy way to start a marriage. 

The whole Biden family should enter an endorsement deal with penicillin. 

Joe broke up with Jill’s first marriage; Jill was a willing participant. Then, they both lied about it, which is an acknowledgment of their awareness of how gross they are.

Joe showered with their daughter well past whatever very young age might have been considered appropriate, which screwed her up to the point that she had her own addiction issues, not to mention how disgusting that is 

Hunter used his young cousin to try to procure women as much as 25 years younger than he is to “get over” losing his sister-in-law, the one he got hooked on crack and cheated on constantly, including impregnating a stripper and denying paternity for as long as it was humanly possible. 

Then Hunter fought to prevent that child from getting his last name, which is probably the best thing to happen to her in her short life so far.

This family is sick; this family is perverted. 

This family not only shunned that little 6-year-old daughter of Hunter’s, only ever acknowledging her once – in a written statement – then never so much as saying hello, they shunned Hunter’s ex-wife too. 

Kathleen made the mistake of thinking she was part of a family, only to see her and her kids abandoned when Hunter went whoring and sister-in-lawing. According to Axios, once details of Hunter’s piggish behavior during their marriage became public, the “family privately blamed Buhle (Kathleen) for the details becoming public.”

More than that, “friends thought the Bidens were enabling Hunter's behavior by appearing more angry at the revelations becoming public than at Hunter for what he'd done.” 

I give you my word as a Biden, the family is scum. 

Curiously, Joe (who is magically filthy rich after a lifetime in “public service”) doesn’t appear to have helped Hunter pay the millions in child support he owes Kathleen, but he did dish him a lot of cash for things like a $50,000 “loan” for the truck when he already owned 2 other vehicles. That $50,000 cash “loan” is alleged to have happened when Hunter was a full-blown junkie because everyone knows good parents give their strung-out kids sweaty wads of cash all the time since getting them help is for suckers.

You’d think they wanted Hunter dead, but for that, you’d have to believe there was a loan. There’s only the claim of a loan made after the discovery of a $50,000 check from Hunter to Joe the same day he received a half-million-dollar payment from a Chinese “investor.” It’s just a coincidence, I’m sure, that it works out to “10% for the Big Guy.”

The whole family is disgusting, beyond disgusting. But what do you expect from a kid-sniffing, credibly accused rapist who has the exclusive means to exonerate himself by releasing his Senate personnel records now sealed under his orders but won’t? People with nothing to hide would not hide things long after death. At least, no one with a Tara Reade in their past would.

History will not be kind to Joe Biden, as he has supplanted Jimmy Carter as the worst President in history.  But it should also be unkind because he’s a horrible person and the head of a horrible family. For that, history needs to accurately describe them as people and the things they did while alive.

Derek Hunter is the host of a free daily podcast (subscribe!) and author of the book, Outrage, INC., which exposes how liberals use fear and hatred to manipulate the masses, and host of the weekly “Week in F*cking Review” podcast where the news is spoken about the way it deserves to beFollow him on Twitter at @DerekAHunter.