
'Diversity Hires' and Progressive Hatred Highlight Everything Wrong With Democrats

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I really hate racism and reject it in all its forms. It’s a big part of why I’m not a Democrat – I judge people as individuals and am disgusted by those who don’t do the same. The Democratic Party insists people be judged and treated differently based on characteristics that have nothing to do with who they are as people. They treat people differently based on their sexuality, their income, their “gender” declaration, and most importantly, their skin color. They are the heart and soul of hatred, the personification of bigotry, and everything wrong with our culture today.

Some white liberals love to self-flagellate about their skin color and what people who look like them did centuries before they were born. They’re free to do it. It’s wildly stupid, but you can’t teach dumb people to be smart any more than you can teach a fish to appreciate the desert. They are what they are. That doesn’t mean you have to play along. If someone wants to martyr themselves on the altar of grievances of the Christmas past, let them. Do not join in.

The concept of “reverse racism” is another thing that’s always been annoying to me. It would technically mean NOT discriminating against someone based on race, but it’s been bastardized into meaning discrimination against white people. This isn’t by accident – the left needs division to ascribe victimhood to control people, and for there to be victims, there must be perpetrators, too. Every dynamic set up by the left involves a victim and an oppressor, whether they exist or not. And white people can’t be victims for this tactic to work.

For this, Democrats created the asinine idea that “minorities can’t be racist” because they lack the “power” to do anything about it. Conversely, white people always have the power, so even a white, homeless, unemployed high school dropout with a heroin problem has more “privilege” than Oprah Winfree, and Oprah can’t be racist, but that junkie definitely is, though he may not know it. It’s wildly stupid and “progressive.”

This idiotic dynamic is how you end up with someone like Claudia Gay as the President of Harvard. Her only qualifications for the job were her political beliefs and skin color. She brought fewer credentials to her current job than Hunter Biden brought to the board of Burisma. If her resume were a person, it would have starved her to death. As Bill Ackman, billionaire former Harvard donor now experiencing the effects of the “red pill,” put it, “I learned from someone with first-person knowledge of the @Harvard  president search that the committee would not consider a candidate who did not meet the DEI office’s criteria.”    

The idea of Harvard firing Gay for her incompetence or bigotry is less likely than Hunter leaving a whore house with cash in his pocket.

It is a little surprising how these obvious truths and the bigotry of the left are only now becoming apparent to so many of the people who’ve funded it against everyone else for decades, but better late than never. 

Ackman is Jewish, and he sees now what the campuses of these schools are. They’ve been it for a long time against white people, minorities who refuse to obey the progressive agenda, straight people who aren’t interested in dating someone “trans,” and anyone who doesn’t buy the climate change hoax. 

Under it was always a hatred of Jews, but it rarely bubbled to the surface. The Hamas terrorist attacks of October 7th changed that. 

The immediate aftermath saw “allies” for every victim group rallying to Hamas under the guise of caring about Palestinians. That anti-Semitism broke the dam, and everyone saw it. 

Normal people recoiled, leftist activists embraced it, and Democrats tried to pretend it wasn’t really happening. They can’t do that anymore. Too many Democrats in Congress spent the last two months justifying Hamas’ terror for any rejection of hatred to sound believable to anyone who hasn’t recently suffered a closed-head injury or is a loyal MSNBC conspiracy theories addict. 

Racism is the oxygen of the left; bigotry is their food, and it’s always been that way. Without both, they can’t live. In both, they thrive. It’s gross, it’s disgusting, it’s harmful to the country, it’s anti-American, and it is the very essence of “progressive.”