Democrats Have a Plan, Republicans Don’t

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If you are going to be successful, it is good to have a plan and work it.  You want to know exactly what you wish to accomplish and set up means and methods to fulfill those goals.  The Democratic Party has a definite strategy to destroy America as it has existed in the past, and they have been working that plan, virtually to perfection.  The Republicans have no plan, they don’t really know what they want to accomplish, except in perhaps the vaguest and most general terms, and as a result, they rarely accomplish anything noteworthy or beneficial to the nation.  

The Democrats plan centers around gaining as much power as possible, totalitarian power, if possible, because that has always been the goal of every Leftist government.  The more freedom people have, the less power Leftists have, so everything is designed to take away freedoms and enhance the power of the Left.  If the Republicans just had a strategy to stop that, it would be a good start.  But they don’t even have THAT plan.

The Democrats’ goal of obtaining, holding, and exercising as much power as possible is, in a sense, the aim of every politician.  But it is especially true of Leftist politicians because it is inherent in their ideology.  Since there is no God, government becomes the highest authority, thus whoever controls the government, controls power.  And there is no reason, except for personal self-control—of which Leftists never demonstrate any—not to use that power in whatever ways they choose.

This has actually been true of the Democratic Party all through their history.  This is the party of slavery, the party of Jim Crow, and now it is the party of elitists like Bill Gates and Barack Obama.  The ideological presuppositions have changed, but not the goal—to control and enslave other human beings.  For example, we see it now in their devotion to the man-made climate change hoax.  They are using that lie as an excuse to attack fossil fuels and farmers, to make you drive electric cars and eat whatever they tell you to eat.  Power over you.

It is also clear in their illegal immigration policy—to bring as many people into the country as possible, submissives whom they will be able to control.  And these people (they hope) will eventually become citizens and ensure a Democratic Party monopoly on power for the indefinite future.  There is no concern here for the well-being of the illegals; they are being used, allowed into the country for one reason, and one reason only:  to eventually enhance the power of the Democratic Party.  Well, and maybe to shine Nancy Pelosi’s shoes and pick her fruit.

Crime is another area through which the Democrats believe they can increase their power.  By creating and allowing as much lawbreaking as possible, they produce fear in the populace.  Who will protect the people?  Well, that IS the major purpose of government, to guard the well-being of its citizenry.  The problem is, of course, the Democrats aren’t doing that.  By generating as much societal chaos as possible, Democrats believe most people will turn to the government for security.  Taking away the guns of law-abiding citizens is also part of this scheme.  People who cannot defend themselves will also look to the government for defense.  And, of course, they can’t shoot back if they prove to be troublesome when the Gestapo or Cheka come around to toss them into the gulag.

Encouraging citizens to be virtuous is the last thing Democrats want to do.  A virtuous, hard-working, self-controlled people don’t need government very much.  It isn’t in the least bit incongruous or surprising that the Americans who most believe in police, law and order, religion, and moral restraints on the populace vote—Republican.  

The Leftists will eventually carry this chaos too far; a civilization can only tolerate so much societal disorder before it either collapses, or the people revolt, often turning to a dictator to set things aright.  When/if this will happen in America—if the Democrats keep getting their way—remains to be seen.  People WILL do desperate things in desperate times.  Americans aren’t immune to that.

But this is Leftist, Democratic Party elitism.  They have a plan to secure power and they are deliberately executing it. They think it is theirs, by right, because they believe they are better and smarter than other people and thus should run other peoples’ lives because they ARE better.  You need to drive an EV and eat bugs because they tell you to.  They know best. You won’t do that voluntarily, of course—there is this nasty thing called “freedom”—so the Democrats have a plan to take as much power into their hands as possible.  To those who know history and understand Leftist ideology, there is absolutely nothing in the least bit surprising about what is happening in America and the Democratic Party today.  The Democrats have a plan.  

Can anybody tell me what the Republican Party’s “plan” is for America?  

Here is the Republican Party:  Interim House Speaker Patrick McHenry, and his RINO cohorts, were incensed over Kevin McCarthy’s ouster from the House Speakership.  These losers aren’t angry at the millions of foreigners illegally entering the country.  They aren’t angry at the US government’s $33 trillion dollar debt.  They aren’t angry at the billions of taxpayer dollars wasted in a useless war 5,000 miles from America’s shores.  They aren’t angry that the Democratic Party “justice” system is trying to take out Joe Biden’s top presidential opponent next year.  They aren’t angry that countless American children are being butchered in the name of a godless, unscientific ideology propagated by sexual perverts and pagans.  

They are angry because some Republicans booted their buddy off his high horse.

That’s some plan, Republicans.   The party is the laughingstock of the country.

Planning.  It’s why Democrats are winning and Republicans are losing.

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