
Smell The Desperation

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Fundraising emails from the left have always had a false sense of urgency, and with that naturally comes a whiff of desperation. The urgency is to spur action while reading it rather than thinking about it or waiting until later when the thought may not reoccur. While you have someone reading your appeal for money, it’s best to close the deal at that moment because you’ll likely never get that close again. But now, there is not just a whiff of desperation in those words; it has grown into a stench. And it couldn’t happen to nicer people.

Let me say at the top, it’s not that they’ve realized they kicked a hornet’s nest with these indictments against Donald Trump and others; they’re using those to do the actual sales pitch part of fundraising. No, they’re getting desperate because, in spite of all that, they still can’t drag Joe Biden’s semi-conscious body any closer to the finish line. He’s been stuck in the low to middle 40s in every poll, no matter how the question has been phrased on approval rating and no matter who he’s listed against in the general election. 

That there are so many of our fellow Americans willing to look at the state of the country and think it’s not only fine but worthy of continuing down this path is a testament to just how horrible the public education system is and how powerful (still) the media is. Without those, President Weekend at Bernie’s wouldn’t even poll at 10 percent of his family, and that’s why they’re all rich. 

But that is the world we live in, the one we must fight to change. And it’s the one Democrats use to rake in the cash.

Even Adam Schiff, one of the most detestable human beings and shameless liars in all of progressive politics – he’s up there Bill and Hillary Clinton, Jamie Raskin, Barack Obama and even Eric Swalwell (who, in fairness, is in a different category because his lies are based less on malice and more on his being incredibly stupid) – ordinary people would not highlight those people out of fear any scrutiny would cause the people being solicited might realize the obvious. But Democrats are not “normal people.” 

Saturday, I got an email I initially thought was from Schiff’s campaign because the name attached to the email was “ADAM SCHIFF ALERT.” It wasn’t from him; it was from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee – the entity in the Democrat Party that exists to elect leftists to the House of Representatives. 

Adam Schiff is leaving the House; he’s running for the Senate. Whether he finishes in the top two in the California primary (those are the only people who advance to the general, parties don’t nominate people there anymore because “this is what democracy looks like” Democrats wanted to eliminate the possibility they could lose as a party) is dependent upon how desperately “diverse” California leftists want to send another wealthy white guy to the Senate. But win or lose, he’s out of the House. So why would anyone try to fundraise for the House off one of the biggest liars in political history, who is desperately fighting to get the hell out of the House right now? Because they’re desperate. 

“Derek, we’re about to explain why Republicans took their REVENGE on Adam Schiff for holding Donald Trump accountable -- and why it’s absolutely critical we respond with a MASSIVE fundraising surge to reclaim the House and make Republicans REGRET their vile schemes,” the email opens. “Will you chip in $3 to the DCCC to stand with every Democrat who is fighting against Donald Trump and his MAGA allies?”

No, but I would like to hear more about these “vile schemes” the Republicans are engaging in against people like Schiff and would consider donating to them. 

“Derek, this couldn’t be more important,” it continues, re-using my first name throughout. “FIRST: Adam Schiff led Democrats’ efforts to hold Donald Trump ACCOUNTABLE for four long years. THEN: Republicans took their REVENGE -- and voted to censure Adam on the House floor formally. NOW: Republicans are raising MILLIONS to attack Adam simply for investigating a lawless President. We can’t let Republicans continue to hold power, Derek. Can you rush in $3 ASAP to show you support Democrats like Adam, defeat every last MAGA Republican who attacks them for standing up for the truth, and take back the House for our Democrats?”

Someone read a psychology study that suggested repeating a person’s name makes form letters seem personal, didn’t they?

It concludes, “Derek, we need to DEFEND Democrats who STOOD UP to Donald Trump. Because in swing districts across the country, Democrats who protected our country against Trump are at grave risk of losing their seats. So please, we’re imploring you to chip in $3 or whatever you can to help us PROTECT them from Republican attacks and flip the House Majority safely back into Democratic hands. Can we count on you?”

If Democrats, who’ve seen their districts gerrymandered as much as humanly possible, find themselves “at grave risk of losing their seats” for attacking Trump, maybe attacking Trump isn’t as popular in those districts as these morons think? 

It’s hilarious that they try things like this, fundraising pitches that fall apart like sneezed-on house of cards. Still, it’s truly scary to know that for millions upon millions of Americans, this desperation actually works.