
NBC News Vindicates ‘Sound Of Freedom’ and Axios Admits the Media Are Distracted by Trump

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Prose & Contradictions – NBC NEWS

● That sure is a lot of people in trouble for what is supposedly a made-up fantasy!

Early last month, we listed out just a few of the outlets that were coming out with the identical charge that the film “Sound Of Freedom” was QAnon conspiracy film filled with fantasies of child trafficking. They said this despite the film being based on a true story and those events predating the rise of what was then QAnon. 

Well, all those outlets who parroted that make-believe talking point are now exposed as the hacks they were accused of being. NBC News has a report on how the FBI has been involved in an operation that led to the arrest of over a hundred predators and rescued 200 from the sex trade. This effort also happened to take place during the release of the film last month. 

Legalized Press-titution – ASSOCIATED PRESS

● Her attitude is deeply impressive! (Her accuracy, not so much…)

Much like PolitiFact did last week, The AP has chosen to enter the fray of the Florida slavery curriculum debate and take a defensive stance for Kamala Harris. It is no less embarrassing.

Her newfound aggressive posture is a natural one, Harris allies say, considering her background as a prosecutor who thrives on zeroing in on an opponent and hammering their faults.

The trio of AP writers were not so concerned with the fact that Harris has been lying about this curriculum, and when the VP was invited for a discussion on the matter with Ron DeSantis and a black history professor, she blatantly refused to do so, opting instead to continue the falsehood in a second speech given in Florida.

Then, as if they wanted to completely discredit their piece, the writers included quotes from the resident political joke in Florida, the head of the state Democratic Party, Nikki Fried.

Nikki Fried, chairwoman of the Florida Democratic Party, said of DeSantis: “He took the bait. The fact that he doubled down and brought another week of attention to a losing issue for him gives opportunity for the vice president to reinforce the message from the White House, and to reinforce what Americans understand slavery to have been,” Fried said.


● Don’t blame the press, this sort of thing could not be helped!

More than a few people noted the curious timing of the announcement of the Trump indictment over January 6, giving the press a reason to now ignore that emerging evidence making President Biden appear more culpable of the questionable actions involving his son Hunter.

At Axios, they also noticed this timing. However, they did not look at it too critically. Their approach to it was more of a, “Hey, what’re gonna do about that?” Writer Steph Kight was also sure to note that Biden’s economy is supposedly “chugging along,” something else that's being overlooked by the Trump news – which the press is far more obsessively covering, you see.

Low Octane Gas Lighting – NATIONAL PUBLIC RADIO

● Aldean’s success means that the press is so bothered they do not need evidence of racism.

On the NPR show “It’s Been A Minute,” hostess Brittany Luse had on a professor to go over the problematics of the Billboard Hot-100 national music chart sporting three country songs in the top positions.

Brittany sits down with historian Amanda Martinez to talk about country music's history of marketing itself in opposition of Blackness for financial gain. 

Jason Aldean’s allegedly controversial “Try That In A Small Town” is the #1 song in the nation, despite all the efforts in the press to have it canceled. The racial aspects are always alluded to and never shown. In the second position is Morgan Wallen (who was supposed to have been canceled years ago for using the N-word towards one of his white friends). And at number three is Luke Combs with his remake of "Fast Car," something the press attempted to make into a racial issue weeks earlier, since it was originally written by a black artist.

The best part of this is the obliviousness of these deep thinkers is that it's this very mentality that launched these names to the level of success they are currently enjoying.

Reporting on the Mirror – CNN

● There is a sinking ship analogy that could be made, but do we want to refer to these journalists as “rats”?

Dylan Byers reports at Puck that he is seeing a growing list of names from CNN who are soon leaving the news channel, mostly for what is perceived to be a more fertile environment at NBC News.

Christine Romans and Chloe Melas will join a small diaspora of CNN talent and executives who have recently left Hudson Yards for 30 Rock, including Laura Jarrett, now NBC’s senior legal correspondent, and Ana Cabrera, now an MSNBC anchor.

Beyers also listed one programming executive and a producer who has also left for the competition in recent days.

For many in Hudson Yards, it seems, the grass is greener over at 30 Rock. “It always helps when your competition sets themselves on fire,” said one MSNBC source.