
A Resurrected Outlet Dies Anew

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Reporting on the Mirror – POLITICO

To shed some light on Florida politics, the team at Politico went indirectly to the source – it chose to interview Politico. The Politico Nightly team claims to have gone "inside" the DeSantis circle, except they do no such thing – instead, it conducted an interview with its Florida correspondent Matt Dixon, who is based in the state capital. (Dixon landed on our Townhall 50 list of worst journos of 2022.) Dixon was called on to discuss details regarding the upcoming presidential election, then was asked to comment on the DeSantis comms office, which has a combative history with the press.

- "DeSantis' communications team has openly boasted about how it's not their job to help members of the media, and are well known for taking screenshots of reporter questions and posting them on Twitter, a habit that only makes the relationship worse. Stories that they disagree with often end up as standalone headlines on right-wing websites or Fox News."

What Dixon leaves out regarding the emails posted is this is often done as a response to show the slanted work of the press. What he is essentially complaining about is the DeSantis office displaying instances of the press framing stories incorrectly, as they then show the proof – something Dixon has experienced firsthand.


  • Disputing a politician whose own words are actually on the record.

At WaPo, Nick Miroff is their reporter covering the Department of Homeland Security. Nick became rather incensed when he was watching a House committee hearing on border security, regarding comments he attributed to Rep. Chip Roy.

Pretty stern words he delivers about Roy's claim, but there is a bit of a problem; can we call it an "insidious falsehood" when the reporter misquotes what Roy said, which was on the record? Miroff's claim is that most fentanyl is confiscated at ports of entry and that border agents account for "relatively small amounts" of fentanyl seizures. Except what Rep. Roy actually stated was that border agents were so consumed with other duties and understaffed that they were not capable of effectively capturing fentanyl crossing our border.

Note, too, in the video clip, that the comments Miroff takes issue with were confirmed as accurate by the government official who was being questioned.

Hoax & Change – PUNCHBOWL NEWS

  • Turns out the GOP cruelty demands ARE a laughing matter.

Heather Caygle reported for Punchbowl how Rep. Jamie Raskin was giving a floor speech and referenced the fact that he was wearing a hat, as a result of recent chemotherapy hair loss, and he joked about removing it only when others in Congress remove their toupes. 

Even though Raskin confirmed he was joking around, Caygle took his comments to heart, going so far as to actually badger Leader Kevin McCarthy over the non-existent demands made by members of his party.

Anti-Social Media – GAWKER

Word has come out that more media layoffs are taking place, and this time it is enough to see the shuttering of an outlet. The firebrand Gossip site Gawker was shut down years ago when the site lost a defamation suit to professional wrestler Hulk Hogan. A year and a half ago, Bustle Digital Group purchased the rights and library of the site to regenerate it for the non-existent market demand.

The announcement is that Bustle is going through a constriction process, and one of the decisions is to shut down Gawker entirely. It would seem that the site has not been profitable, as the reason behind the decision was, "In this new reality, we have to prioritize our better-monetized sites."

This darkly means there is a new interpretation of the site's tagline: "Today's news is yesterday's gossip."

Pathological Media Amnesia – VARIOUS OUTLETS

In what has become one of the dumber ongoing news items already this year, propane gas stoves are again in the news cycle. As a quick refresher, the Consumer Product Safety Commission mentioned the danger of these stoves, the press eagerly reported the news, then after mockery ensued, the same press claimed that conservatives made it into a culture war conspiracy. 

Now we get another announcement – from Bloomberg, which delivered the initial news item – that another agency is in on the hype. Now it is the US Energy Department groaning about ovens that have been in use for centuries. Stay tuned, as by this weekend, we should hear back about how those nutty Republicans are creating a hysteria out of nothing. Yes, again. 

Gas Stoves Back Under Scrutiny With New US Limits Proposed – Bloomberg