Bidengeddon and the Age of Confusion

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When Joe Biden casually mentioned on October 6th that the world was facing “the prospect of Armageddon,” and that Putin is ”not joking when he talks about potential use of tactical nuclear weapons or biological or chemical weapons because his military is, you might say, significantly underperforming,” we Americans hit the ceiling. It’s one thing to put up with a President, so clearly lacking in mental capacity, who makes social gaffes or runs from reporters. But now he speaks gleefully about nuclear war? Even the hard left AOC activists accused her during a town hall of “voting to start a nuclear war.” They shouted, “you ran as an outsider, yet you’ve been voting to start this war in Ukraine. You’re voting to start a nuclear war with Russia and China. Why are you playing with the lives of American citizens?” 

We live in the “Age of Confusion” where the left seems intent on destroying everything they touch. They encourage violence, like the 2020 “summer of love,” where innocent businesses were burned down, vandalized, and looted, at a cost to innocent Americans coming in at a whopping 2 billion dollars. They must think that confusion and division sells; foolish policies do the opposite of their supposed intentions, like the George Floyd Injustice Act which my opponent Zoe Lofgren supported, supposedly curtailing police brutality, but resulted in encouraging criminal activity with an overly simplistic attitude of holding police accountable. The police now are under heavy scrutiny and countless public safety agencies like police and sheriff departments are extremely understaffed with some estimates at 40% below necessary levels to protect the general public. The riots of 2020 have made the innocent the criminal and the criminal the hero. 

It's clear that Biden’s policies, as well as my opponent Zoe Lofgren’s policies, are sacrificing the poorest, and most vulnerable in our nation. Energy independence and food security are officially a national security isse. The Brookings Institute has made it clear: nuclear, hydroelectric, and combined cycle natural gas offer both financial feasibility and net environmental benefits all of which hit the chopping block in favor of crony Green New Deal interests. Heavy regulatory policies that weaken food security are creating a food shortage disaster. I've been talking to farmers up and down my district and they are very worried. The simple fact that skyrocketing energy makes producing fertilizers, necessary to grow crops, is crushing the farming industry. In the last twenty years these policies have seen a net 200 million dollar decrease in exports from the farm and cattle industry. The negative America First policies have made us weaker from within and emboldened our enemies. An America that cannot build anything or feed its people leaves us wide open for attack.

Who benefits from chaos you ask? A simple example is the BLM organization which enjoyed an over 90 million dollar slush fund as a reward for festering divisive rhetoric intent on shaming people into compliance and support. BLM should stand for “Buy Large Mansions.” They gamed the very people they was supposed to support. Nothing says “addressing police brutality” like buying yourself a large mansion and throwing large lavish parties. 

We are in turbulent times, and with the current Congress wants to fly the plane before even building it. How many of us, and especially the poor, elderly, and minorities are suffering from the very turbulent policies of the left? As a County Supervisor I have fought for transparency, accountability, and solutions. America First policies are “let’s take care of our home first” policies. Those from the left seem to not understand the value of preserving what is nearest and dearest to us. Even with the intent to serve other people and other countries we need to show good stewardship of our home, to show we have a path to help others. I love God, my country, my Latino culture, and the Constitution. There is a path forward, and that means when we win back Congress, we show the American people we know how to build the plane, and how to land it. 

Peter Hernandez is a first generation Mexican-American, born and raised in San Benito County, California, by parents who worked the fields, and he grew up in the agricultural community. His parents instilled in him a strong work ethic, a love for God, and a deep respect for the American Dream and American Exceptionalism. As a small business owner today, Peter understands firsthand how inflation, over-regulation and burdensome taxes are killing the middle class economy. As a Latino man, Peter is dedicated to encouraging Hispanic families in the civic and electoral process, and looks forward to serving as their voice and representative in US Congress. Peter currently holds of ice as a County Supervisor for San Benito County. During the oppressive California pandemic shutdowns, Peter stood against the overreaches of the Administrative State, and fought to keep businesses open, believing the local communities should decide for themselves how to best care for and protect their constituents. Peter is an America First candidate who stands against the harmful progressive policies of the Biden administration and the current Democrat Congress. He will fight to: RENEW the rule of law; RESTORE strong families and parental rights; REVIVE the middle class and small businesses. www.hernandezforcongress.com