Everything is falling apart for the Democrats, and there's nothing they can do to save themselves. The only cure is to reject the progressive pseudo-religion they have adopted – the climate cult, the idea that the cause of crime is you being mad about crime, the certainty that you heretics blaspheme by adopting all manner of phobias and -isms. But they can't do that. They are trapped in a vicious circle of pain, and we should point and laugh.
What the hell is it with these freaks? I am not going to link to it, but social media was ablaze with tweets about some bizarre Dallas drag bar that had a bunch of drag queens twerking and grinding in front of little kids under a neon sign that read, "It's Not Going To Lick Itself." Along with inflation, this is more evidence that our garbage elite is taking us full Weimar, and that ended super-poorly the last time.
Dumb Dems Doomed
Democrats caused this mess with their weird obsessions. They shut down the American energy industry because Gaia commanded it. They decided that they could repeal the basic laws of economics based on the representations of a fake Indian and other hacks, sparking unstoppable inflation. And they decided that crime needed to pay, apparently because you normals are racist. Then, as we predicted, everything went to hell. Now, President Gumby is walking around the Oval Office, which he should not inhabit, complaining that he is polling lower than Donald Trump and jock itch.
Of course, his answer is to let Biden be Biden, which is exactly why they are in this mess. He's a lying idiot, and it's no shock that he's taken the country to the edge of ruin. But, on the upside, there are fewer mean tweets.
The thing is that the very policies that drove us into the dirt are the entire reason the current Democratic Party has for existing. Gone are the days when the Democrats were all about helping the workin' man get his fair share of the pie. Instead, as the ruling caste lost its religion, it had to find something to fill the void. And that became politics. Politics was how frigid, liberal wine women would find meaning to fill their empty, barren souls. So, this is not about politics per se. It's about fulfilling a spiritual need through political posturing.
All that workin' man stuff – that was purely transactional. The question there was, "How do we get our cut?" But now, that transactional stuff is largely (not entirely, but largely) sidelined in favor of personal fulfillment via adopting the proper pose. And that means adopting positions that will not only crash America into a pylon – which, to these creatures, is actually a feature and not a bug – but that will alienate the majority of Americans who do not consider politics a vehicle to personal self-actualization.
It's a trap. An Old School Dem could have turned on a dime – policy was nothing personal, and if it went bad, it was a simple matter to modify it. But now, if you want to modify it, you are a heretic. You are a climate denialist, a racist, whatever. That kind of limits your options, and in this case, the Democrats are limited to the option of accelerating into a brick wall.
The smart Democrats see it. November will be a bloodbath. But you have not seen them wholesale abandon ship because their crew has ensured there are no life rafts. They created this disaster, and they cannot change course to avoid the iceberg right ahead, not without an epic wipeout that forces them to reconsider. And that's not going to happen until they get smashed a few times.
Maybe they will get lucky and the GOP will sell us out on guns and hand them a life jacket. Maybe those January 6th hearings will change everything. And maybe Grandpa Badfinger will win the Nobel prize for particle physics.
Courting the Backlash
Not entirely unrelated is the current tendency of the most horrific groomers on the left to twerk their perversions in our faces by doing it to kids. So much of the sexual/gender creepiness is a performance designed to get our attention through transgression, and it does not get much more transgressive than trying to seduce our children. But these people have experienced tolerance for so long that they forget human nature. Transgress enough, and you will be brought to heel.
The weirdos on TikTok bragging about how they groom little kids in their classroom – who the hell hires these mutants to teach kids? – are just one example. Another is the disgusting drag queen kiddie show at a gay bar that recently exploded all over Twitter. I will save you the visuals – you're welcome – but they want you to see them. They want your attention. Or at least they think they do. They are the truly privileged in society, a preference minority that has been entirely free to express itself, so they do not get that this is not the natural state of things in human history. In any other age – and in most other countries even now – they would do this and be locked up.
But the deep-seated need to transgress blinds them to the fact that normal people have limits. They are going to draw a backlash because when you get to hassling kids, you get to something primeval, something lizard brain. They are going too far and should stop.
If they don't, they will one day wish they did. This is not advocating it or threatening it, but simply an observation about human nature. You can push and push and push only so far before people push back. And targeting kids is pushing way too far.
Go pre-order my next non-fiction bestseller, "We'll Be Back: The Fall and Rise of America," which talks about all sorts of terrible scenarios that America might well face. National divorce. Civil war. Barren wine women. It's pretty amusing even as it is scary as hell – particularly because it is non-fiction. Pre-order it now.
And don't forget my Kelly Turnbull series of conservative action novels. The latest is The Split, but get all these action-packed bestsellers, including People's Republic, Indian Country, Wildfire, Collapse, and Crisis!
My super-secret email address is kurt.schlichter@townhall.com.