
The Press Is Actively Changing the Language to Push Its Abortion Agenda

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"Riffed from the Headlines" is Townhall's daily VIP feature with coverage of the deeply flawed aspects of journalism in the nation. We'll look to bring accountability to the mishaps, malaprops, misdeeds, manipulations, malpractice, and manufactured narratives in mainstream media.


Glossary Over Things – VARIOUS OUTLETS

  • The arrangement has been made…

It was a bit of a curiosity as news came out of Madison, Wisconsin, earlier in the month when a molotov cocktail was used to target the offices of Wisconsin Family Action. A number of news outlets described the organization not as a pro-life organization but as "an anti-abortion group."  

Since the abortion debate has raged anew with the leaked SCOTUS draft opinion showing Justices are poised to overturn Roe v. Wade, news outlets have been leaning on this new designation in their coverage of the matter, indicating a stark change from the years of going with pro-life/pro-choice to label either side. It is a clear indicator of where the journalism complex is coming to rest on this issue. 

Presentation Paradox – POLITICO

The latest bombshell/trap/walls-are-closing-in announcement from the to-this-point impotent January 6 Commission has been released. THIS TIME there is ironclad proof of inside intelligence from the GOP to assist the rioters of the Capitol! 

Maybe…? Possibly? 

The latest leak comes from Kyle Cheney of Politico, and it sure sounds like they have the Republicans dead to rights. Finally. 

And then, Kyle promptly starts hedging. They may have been given a tour, and there was no indication of any connection to Jan.6 at all. Then Kyle shows us details that are far less dramatic and would not warrant the use of BREAKING or BOMBSHELL in reports. 


As the baby formula crisis continues, the press continues to go out of their way to clear the administration of responsibility despite – you know – being the ones in charge. 

The latest to put up the defense shields is Kaitlan Collins and Edward Isaac-Dovere, who try to explain that Biden simply has no influence over government agencies like the FDA, so when a formula factory was forced to close by the agency in February, and no action was taken until recently, IT WAS NOT JOE'S FAULT! 

Low Octane Gas Lighting – THE BULWARK

Over at the leaky ship the S.S. Bulwark, Brent Orrell writes a lengthy missive where he relies on pure fantasy to draw up the possibility of the demise of the GOP entire. Orrell claims the GOP is alienating itself from the political center, as every poll shows Independents sliding away from Biden and the Democrats. He claims governorships are going to Dems, despite statewide gains last election and a midterm showing either a red wave or a red tidal wave. 

He also tries to fabricate a rift within the party as he says that "non-Trump candidates are non-starters." It's as if Brent is oblivious to Glenn Younkin winning without Trump and Brian Kemp excelling in spite of his rift with the man. Even The Atlantic sees this is not the case, and CNN notes Trump is stepping back from endorsements after a mixed result so far in primaries. 

His wishcasting that the GOP will fade on a national level is countered by the fact that people are flooding into red states like Texas and Florida as California and New York shrink. But sure, you go cling to your blue blanket, Brent. 

Gilded Reframe – NETFLIX

Following its eyebrow-raising employment letter, which essentially told employees to get over themselves over woke petty complaints or look for work elsewhere, Netflix is showing more of a tendency to distance itself from woke content. 

Announcements recently went out about a number of projects the company has decided to cancel or refuse to go forward with productions. Two are the product of CRT racial activist Dr. Ibram X. Kendi, and one is from Eva DuVernay. This follows another recent announcement that a project involving Meghan Markle, a feminist journey told through the experiences of a 12-year-old girl, was canceled.